06-01-2009, 01:36 AM
Charles Drago Wrote:Yes and no.
Those who wished to implicate Johnson as a FALSE SPONSOR benefit from the timing and all it implies. But LBJ did not call this or any other major shot.
What on earth did that corrupt murderous bastard LBJ do to earn your confidence that he wasn't amongst the corrupt murderous bastards that set up the hit on JFK?
Charles Drago Wrote:Depends on your definition of "got things going."
Did [the military] sponsor/give the "go" order? No.
Ok who gave the go order?
Hey, BTW Charlie I just now saw the thread:
http://www.deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/...ural+Model/The JFK Plot: A Structural Model
Which makes this thread redundant. Sorry about that. Shall I combine them, or lock this one and link to the Structural Model thread?
I'm glad we're working on a model. I think it's important to define that.