01-11-2010, 08:03 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:James H. Fetzer Wrote:Critics note that Oswald had no driver's license and was unable to drive, but Warren Commission interviews mention Oswald borrowing a cousin's vehicle; a report of finding Oswald's Texas driver's license was made, but the license disappeared. Marina Oswald said Oswald took driving lessons from Ruth Paine and "did well" a month later. Baker stated that Oswald learned to drive in the Marines, but pretended to be unable to drive to keep his wife at home.
I often wonder if Oswald pretended not to be able to shoot well on advice from those who suggested it would prevent him from being considered for combat and make him more amenable to Military Intelligence? Maybe not because those in the Soviet Union said he was a rotten shot while hunting there.
If an Oliver Stone-level movie were made of Oswald's real life and background I think it would be very effective in showing the public the truth behind the Assassination and what the Warren Commission went to lengths to cover-up. This movie really needs to be made.
Lee could drive. Harvey could not drive.