04-11-2010, 06:21 PM
John Kowalski Wrote:Matewan massacre, May 19,1920.
Ludlow massacre, April 20, 1914.
I posted a thread on similar events in which statist power was brought to bear against the people (or labor) and there may be more candidates in that list. Certainly if you are going to include the Matewan massacre, you must also note the Battle of Blair Mountain, recently the focus of an attempt to note that site/event historically but which remains something that some would wish forgotten. It is memorable to me if only because early forms of US military air power under Billy Mitchell were brought to bear (flying out of the same airfield which sent the combat air patrol for DC out into the Atlantic on 9/11), and it is the origin of the term "redneck".
This is a lovely idea which I hope gets well fleshed out to become our very own calendar (including graphics, videos, DPF and other links, and perhaps more), complete with automatic e-mail distribution to all members (and others?) for printing and posting in their favorite extensions and educational venues.
Kudos to the ideators and executrices ...
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"