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When capitalism and communism will become anachronism: A Newest Form of Democracy.
[Image: 60x60.png]

When capitalism and communism will become anachronism, "the messiahs" of new political religions will continue to proselytize "lost sheep" and set them at loggerheads for the purpose of the own crowning. But the chronic error freedom fighters provoking lovers of royal honors and arbitrary rule, will remain former.

Lenin's errors (and not only his):

1. Monopoly of one political idea leads to the inevitable formation of a caste which serves it, to the cult of "The Supreme priest' and to the alienation from the rest of society. The caste pursues the interests of the caste exclusively. It is a monarchy again instead of a republic. "The Dragon is dead, long live the Dragon!"

2. The monopoly idea creates an imbalance in the society, and retention of its domination demands regular disinformation (the lie) and physical violence in Soviet Russia, such as the Kronstadt rebellion, the Gulags, Novocherkassk - June 1962', Prague-68, the Iron Curtain, among other flagrant examples of rebellions dealt with in a horrendously repressive way.

3. Self-preservation of a monopoly and social privileges of the 'high priests' require the suppression of new ideas. The lack of renewal and of healthy competition leads to degeneration.

4. The unipolarity which controls autocracies leaves the possibility for shadow protectionism; corruption destroys the state from within. /The corruption can be minimized by means of cross-checking of several independent and competing parties in power. /

5. The traditional pyramid of power is too dependent on the personal qualities and political orientation of the leader and his "cheerleading group": in Soviet Russia, from authoritarian Stalin, who built a socialist super state based on criminal rules, to shortsighted , idle talker Gorbachev, who betrayed the fates of millions by one weak-willed phrase to the kulak werewolf and drunkard Yeltsin. That this pyramid is unstable and vulnerable was thus proved!

6. A new society begins with a reform of the means of power. Lenin was to have bequeathed not a successor, but an innovation in management: 'the development spiral' returns to an obsolete level without a new system of management. So Russia returned to the monarchic National Emblem, a two-headed clownish mockery of modern Russian 'democracy'.
/ Incidentally, and two-party political ‘football’ is a fascinating show for the common people, which distracts from the Sedition ("bread and circuses!"), but with the winning score is invariably in favour of the sponsors' top. /

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The new management idea resolves contradictions between different ideologies by means of the constructive rivalry within a united team and directs energy of their leaders to the benefit of the entire society, and also frees healthy the potential of the society itself. It is the power of Collective Wisdom and Common Sense.

“Know-how” against Wars and Crises: a New Formula for Democracy. The new meaning of a 5-pointed star!

“Equals with equals are most easily flocked together”

The stalemates primarily indicate a crisis of governance.

Single-party leadership of any political form and colour through inevitable caste egoism foists and accumulates misbalance in the whole society and economy, provokes crises and dangerous regime changes (revolutions, dictatorship) and through the paranoia of “the fuhrers” it causes wars. Caste egoism inhibits the potential of other, larger part of society.

Does the phrase “Winner take all” mean that the rest are “the losing party”? On which side will YOU find yourself? Is it wise to give initiatives and decisions concerning the whole society to the one-sided point of view? Objectivity and justice cannot be unilateral!

The self-balancing power of five Independent parties with a movable centre of joint decisions would be more broad-minded, enterprising, protected by Collective Wisdom and would fit into society more adequately. The five [view angles] make up the minimum for self-balance. 5-pointed star is a symbol of objectivity (of wisdom) in power. The morning of a new, energetic and harmonious civilization will begin with the Rise of a refreshed star!

[Image: uji.jpg]

Attention: the mechanism that is spelled out below, is built on feedback!

Collective interests of the whole society are presented in the governance of five Independent political parties simultaneously. In every party there is a team of experts in different fields.

The favourite of most voters will have initial 2 votes out of 6, but the 2-votes advantage will be “floating”. The accepted decisions are the result of a balance of contradictions and compromises among the leaders within power.

Any party of five has the right of initiatives.
The realization of suggestions impels seeking allies and go to compromises. The decision can be taken at the half of the votes. If the solution is blocked by another half, the right of the new edition and the 2-votes advantage go to the leader of the second (regarding the number of voters) party.

In case of repeated lock, either:
1. The 2-votes advantage on the current theme goes to the communicator with a new alternative, which is supported by at least one participant from each block, or by mutual agreement. The conflict can be resolved using the Edgeworth Method with the participation of thematic experts of 5 sides only. Any of the leaders has the right to abandon the decision.
2. Final lock. The one provoking regular locks loses the right for initiatives, the three least (for the number of voters) parties can be updated from a reserve.

The three least parties are not enough in order to take separate initiatives’. Control of “taken decision” is implemented by participants outside the resolution.
Two- or three party alliance, that exceeded half of all decisions and locks, may claim only for one place in the future team. At least one vacancy in it belongs to 6 new contenders from the non-ruling parties.
Only one of them is “the entrance ticket” to the Elections for the ruling party, a protege may declare himself off the Elections along with the curator only. It is possible for a trainee to participate as an advisor. The team going to Power for the first time can not be reorganized from functionaries of the ruling parties.

Advertising of the ruling parties’ is prohibited, their campaign can be supported with the work done only, opposition may publish an unaccepted version through the mass media. The advertising campaign of new parties can not be financed from private sources and state funds are distributed equally among the contenders.

A ballot paper has 2 columns: Ruling Parties in descending order by the realized solutions rate only (an initiator earns two points, partners receive one, lock withdraws one and two respectively) and new ones, each presents its three basic purposes. If the voter trusts a former “mon ami”, he puts “YES”; if not, then he selects the new one with the most needfull priorities. He also has the right to say “NO” to the most negative of the ruling parties. The negative evaluation may take away up to half of the positive votes.

The final grade of the “Old Fighters” in the elections is different between “FOR” and “AGAINST” votes, multiplied by the efficiency index (the ratio between implemented decisions and all the decisions taken) and the average objectivity index (the ratio of the parties who made the decision to their total number of 5). The parties not involved into decision making will have the objectivity index 1. For the party of lowest participation, its protege and a free candidate, the results will be increased by the reverse usefulness index (that is a ratio of a difference “FOR” votes “AGAINST” votes to “FOR” votes) of the leading four. If the usefulness index of the outsider is higher than the average index of the four, the outsider gets two vacancies in the new team for the outsider itself and its educatee, if the index is lower he gives off his vacancy to the leading alliance.

The voter is free to include one own candidate!

The Elections are supervised by 3 parties: the party of the lowest participation in the decision making, the party of compromises and any of the new ones. When leveling the voters’ number “the 2-vote advantage” must not be associated with the leaders of the two largest parties only.

The five Independent in power means: freedom of initiatives and rivalry’s energy; shrewdness; extended field of variants and balance of the decisions; mutual control; continuity in the policy and the openness to renewal!
A minimum of participants and stages makes the decision-making process dynamic and manageable.

… Stalin had not been allowed to “miss the boat” of Hitler’s invasion, there would not have been “conditions for” and fatal consequences of “the Messiah syndrome”, Brezhnev stagnation, Cold and Hot Wars and “Khrushchev’s Shoe” …

And let the Kremlin’s stars light up!

Сделано в России Nicholas Popov 2009


Messages In This Thread
When capitalism and communism will become anachronism: A Newest Form of Democracy. - by Nicholas Popov - 12-11-2010, 09:27 AM

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