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US forces deny knowledge of mystery missile
Some interesting and informed commentary on this at 12th Bough
Starts with a Wayne Madsen report claiming it was a Chinese sub-launched missile as a sort of "look what we can do" as a follow up to the Downgrading of US paper to AA prior to the G20. - hmm. Not persuaded but who knows?

Some good links from the piece too.

China flexed its military muscle Monday evening in the skies west of Los Angeles when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast. WMR’s intelligence sources in Asia, including Japan, say the belief by the military commands in Asia and the intelligence services is that the Chinese decided to demonstrate to the United States its capabilities on the eve of the G-20 Summit in Seoul and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Tokyo, where President Obama is scheduled to attend during his ten-day trip to Asia.

The reported Chinese missile test off Los Angeles came as a double blow to Obama. The day after the missile firing, China’s leading credit rating agency, Dagong Global Credit Rating, downgraded sovereign debt rating of the United States to A-plus from AA. The missile demonstration coupled with the downgrading of the United States financial grade represents a military and financial show of force by Beijing to Washington.

The Pentagon spin machine, backed by the media reporters who regularly cover the Defense Department, as well as officials of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and the U.S. Northern Command, is now spinning various conspiracy theories, including describing the missile plume videotaped by KCBS news helicopter cameraman Gil Leyvas at around 5:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, during the height of evening rush hour, as the condensation trail from a jet aircraft. Other Pentagon-inspired cover stories are that the missile was actually an amateur rocket or an optical illusion.

There are no records of a plane in the area having taken off from Los Angeles International Airport or from other airports in the region. The Navy and Air Force have said that they were not conducting any missile tests from submarines, ships, or Vandenberg Air Force Base. The Navy has also ruled out an accidental firing from one of its own submarines.

Missile experts, including those from Jane’s in London, say the plume was definitely from a missile, possibly launched from a submarine. WMR has learned that the missile was likely a JL-2 ICBM, which has a range of 7,000 miles, and was fired in a northwesterly direction over the Pacific and away from U.S. territory from a Jin class submarine. The Jin class can carry up to twelve such missiles.

Navy sources have revealed that the missile may have impacted on Chinese territory and that the National Security Agency (NSA) likely posseses intercepts of Chinese telemtry signals during the missile firing and subsequent testing operations.

Asian intelligence sources believe the submarine transited from its base on Hainan through South Pacific waters, where U.S. anti-submarine warfare detection capabilities are not as effective as they are in the northern and mid-Pacific, and then transited north to waters off of Los Angeles. The Pentagon, which has spent billions on ballistic missile defense systems, a pet project of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is clearly embarrassed over the Chinese show of strength.

The White House also wants to donwplay the missile story before Presidnet Obama meets with his Chinese counterpart in Seoul and Tokyo. According to Japanese intelligence sources, Beijing has been angry over United States and allied naval exercises in the South China and Yellow Seas, in what China considers its sphere of influence, and the missile firing within the view of people in Southern California was a demonstration that China’s navy can also play in waters off the American coast.

For the U.S. Navy, the Chinese show of force is a huge embarassment, especially for the Navy’s Pacific Command in Pearl Harbor, where Japan’s December 7, 1941 attack on the fleet at Pearl Harbor remains a sore subject.

In 2002, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice reportedly scolded visiting Chinese General Xiong Guankai, the deputy chief of staff for intelligence of the People’s Liberation Army, for remarks he allegedly made in 1995 that China would use nuclear weapons on Los Angeles. Xiong denied he made any such comments but the “spin” on the story helped convince Congress to sink billions of additional dollars into ballistic missile defense, sometimes referred to at “Star Wars II.”
All caution is advised here. Is it a show of force by the Chinese or a false flag? We do not know. The records indicate that US naval activity was also going on in the area (page 55).

Do the Chinese have an incentive to send a message, a show of force, to the US, given the economic warfare presently underway? Yes.

Do the Chinese want to play into the role of villain being thrust on them by the controlled US media? We would think the answer to that is NO.

Therefore, we are not convinced the Chinese would take this step.

All we can say for sure is that SOMEONE fired a missile from a submarine off the California coast. So that narrows it down to nations who might have submarines off the California coast.

KCBS News is part of the CBS network. Who is that lucky cameraman?
Cameraman Gil Leyvas shot video οf a luminous point hurtling through thе sky followed bу a long vapor trail. Hе ѕаіd hе wаѕ aboard thе television station’s helicopter shooting footage οf thе sunset over thе ocean аbουt 5:15 p.m whеn hе noticed thе spiral-shaped vapor trail аnd zoomed іn tο gеt a better look.
He also said:
‘The video speaks for itself. It’s definitely some object. It’s not a flock of birds or a jetliner. There was a large plume at the horizon and it kind of grew and got thinner, and it was spiraling in nature and as I zoomed into the point of it, you could see what appeared to be whatever it was, spinning in a trajectory like maybe a bullet or football.’
News report from KCBS:
Back to the eyewitness who filmed the ‘missile’, KCBS news photographer Gil Leyvas who stated he believed the object wasn’t a flock of birds or a jet. Leyvas stated when he zoomed in on the tip of object it was ‘spinning in a trajectory like maybe a bullet or football’. Leyvas’ bio at LinkedIn states Leyvas has been an aerial news photographer filming from news helicopters in the LA area since 1999. Based on Leyvas’ type of work and the area he covers, the skies over LA and the LA International Airport, Leyvas has seen countless jets departing and arriving at LAX, and, their contrails.
We do not intend to cast any aspersions on this man. This is due diligence, as Penny just pointed out the long-standing connections between the CIA and the media. Maybe he was lucky to be in the right place at the right time, or maybe it was "luck." We don't know. All we can say is that the footage is driving the story. It is forcing the US military to wriggle on the hook. That is interesting.

This Death by 1000 Papercuts blog has some good links.

This one talks about some other incidents, including the one in Canada that we referenced the other day in comments.

Here are eyewitness reports of B2 stealth bombers and F22 fighter jets circling over LA the morning after the incident.
Over the site Zero Hedge some interesting comments related to the California ‘missile’ video:
I served and qualified fully as a junior officer aboard a 688i class sub from 2000 to 2003 out of San Diego. We completed various missions, including ops in areas that sound like “mellow flea.”
The list of possibilities for this event is rather short based on the facts. Let’s just say the USN *may* know where every PRC sub is every instant in time based on ALL kinds of intel. And when they don’t, let’s just say that may be a priority. Beyond that, for a PRC sub to transit the pacific and launch only miles away from US territory would be like trying to drive a dump truck inside the lobby of a public library without anyone noticing. There’s only one set of non-US subs that would have a prayer to pull this off, and they’ve been rusting for 15+ years now.
So, this has to be an accident (basically impossible given the USN’s procedures), or a US launch where the DOD for some reason is playing dumb. When I was in, the USN tended to conduct a full FLBM (fleet-launch ballistic missile) test only every 1-2 years and it’s a BIG deal when it happens. The third possibility is that this isn’t a FLBM and something even more unlikley or unusual.
So take your pick.
by tahoebumsmith
on Tue, 11/09/2010 – 13:06
As I said on the other string, My son reported seeing 2 stealth bombers flying over head in Nor Cal just before dusk. I questioned him on what he saw and he informed me they were the black triangles we saw at the air show and were hovering for a moment and then shot towards the coast??? Happened about the same time?? I’m wondering if it was related?
And furthermore, talk of a possible EMP event. And was that what disabled the cruise ship...?

Aye carumba. We don't have time to sort it all out at the moment but your thoughts are welcome.
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn


Messages In This Thread
US forces deny knowledge of mystery missile - by Peter Presland - 12-11-2010, 02:35 PM

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