17-11-2010, 01:56 PM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Quote:Well it sounds like they are hard core Coincidence Theorists. And that's a pretty silly thing to be.Funny thing. The most skeptical person of the bunch was convinced that of the conspiracy before he got to the second chapter. Douglass does such a great job of laying out his case in the first chapter. The most convincing thing he does is how he quickly tells us who Oswald was in large brushstrokes and simple prose. The hook is set. My friend admitted he was a big skeptic before but not anymore.
Lauren: I cannot get friends to read it either as they are afraid of the truth. My non CT friends I mean. You cannot remain a believer in the fairy tale after reading this book.
Peter: I sent both you and Tosh and email re the Reb Bird stuff when I was reading the book. I started re-reading it but an super busy so need to just take a weekend, take notes this time. I need to contact Tosh anyway as Cris Carroll asked me to pass on her regards. It was Tim's birthday yesterday. RIP - he was my first friend at the Swamp.