28-11-2010, 07:59 PM
See http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/world...crets.html
The NY Times has started to publish some wikileaks stuff, mostly based on cables from the embassies to Washington. The things I read first circle around Iran and its nuclear program.
On wikileaks itself I see nothing yet, the German Spiegel also has nothing up yet.
But interestingly this new leak was mentioned in yesterday's TV prime time news (Tagesschau) on second position, with the information that Clinton has tried to prepare other nations for the release.
So, is there still room on the couch and popcorn available? :dancing2:
The NY Times has started to publish some wikileaks stuff, mostly based on cables from the embassies to Washington. The things I read first circle around Iran and its nuclear program.
On wikileaks itself I see nothing yet, the German Spiegel also has nothing up yet.
But interestingly this new leak was mentioned in yesterday's TV prime time news (Tagesschau) on second position, with the information that Clinton has tried to prepare other nations for the release.
So, is there still room on the couch and popcorn available? :dancing2:
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".