10-12-2010, 04:37 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Jack, I guess [without knowing] that Assange/Wikileaks is not your gambit....no need to belabor that further, can fully understand.
I think Harvey and Lee is the best book on LHO [or whoever he/they were] bar none! No one can ignore this book and its scholarship. Taking exception to any or most parts of the book and its thesis is NO problem. Fire away. I think NO such work can be 100% correct, but having read most everything on Oswald[s] and the JFK assassination, I find this book a treasure trove of information and never-before-public information. My only complaint with the author is that he left out [was it 2/3rds?] that didn't have MULTIPLE sources as confirmation. I'll let it 'slide'....
Great book. If you haven't read it, IMO, you have no reason to even talk about LHO [and his possible/probable/ almost-certain double. [that does NOT mean that everything in his book is correct, but I think the majority will be borne out by history and fact.] More than essential reading. If you have a 'JFK-Assassination library' and do not have this book, IMHO, you do not have a library on the JFK Assassination nor on LHO.
Jack, I guess [without knowing] that Assange/Wikileaks is not your gambit....no need to belabor that further, can fully understand.
Peter...that is a side issue not related to JFK. But from the few
facts which have emerged (very strange), it appears to be a
STRAWMAN set up by the government to be knocked down, with
the aim being censorship of the internet. Seems very transparent
to me...a "limited hangout" of a few "not-very secrets" by an
intelligence agency. What I do not understand is how an Australian
can be prosecuted by the US for a "crime" not under American
jurisdiction. Any country which extradites this man for prosecution
is part of a criminal conspiracy.