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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:If the archive
search had turned up Oswald having an affair with an
unknown woman in New Orleans, John emphasizes to
me it would have been among the papers. But it would
not stop with "unknown woman"...she would be tracked
down to a minute extent, and her Florida classmates
would have been interviewed, her trips to Ferrie's
apartment noted, her address found, her neighbors
interviewed, her connections to Dutz Murret discovered,
her cancer experiments with Oschner investigated, her
employment at Reily questioned, her family traced, etc.
etc. etc. Investigators who checked into Jack Ruby's
sister's false teeth or Oswald's pubic hairs would leave
no stone unturned if they found LHO had a mistress.

On this basis alone, John never took seriously any claims
by JVB.


Maybe not. If JVB were part of a deep biowarfare project which violated international conventions she might be enough of an unknown figure that she could be made invisible. There are probably many such research persons who overlapped into such programs who never made it onto any files. JVB is probably one of many. She just happened to overlap into a government assassination. She's just like Rose Cheramie - right in the middle of it with all the prime evidence, but not being taken seriously.

You seem to be assuming JVB had to have a file record if she were legitimate. Well, what if she was legitimate and just didn't have any paper trail?

Hoaxter's don't get persecuted and chased from the country IMO.

This is an odd argument. Every tiny aspect of LHO's life
was examined in fine detail. Every associate was questioned
and investigated. It would have been IMPOSSIBLE for him
to have an affair with JVB without it being discovered by
investigators. Further, his CIA handlers would not have
allowed such a diversion from his assigned work. Arguing
that JVB's covert assignment was even more sensitive than
LHO's is pure speculation.


Messages In This Thread
Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE? - by Jack White - 10-12-2010, 05:56 PM

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