11-12-2010, 10:57 PM
Jack White Wrote:JVB denies that anything in H&L is true. She knew only Harvey.
Harvey is the one who was employed briefly at Reily Coffee.
She believes that he is the ONE AND ONLY LHO who ever existed.
If she were to read H&L, she will dispute parts of it which do not
fit her story as she has done for years.
It is very hard to take Judyth seriously on this one. She has not read the darn book. Yes she only knew Harvey, the patsy blamed for shooting JFK.
Jack are you close at all with Walt Brown? As you know for these pages Walt inherited all Jay's work. When J wauld say LHO killed Tippit I just ignored him to avoid an arguement as I thought he was talking about the LHO we know. Who killed noone. I would love to know what Jay knew about Lee.
Did John leave his work on Norton at Baylor too? Next time I go to Dallas I will have to stop there.