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US Intell planned to destroy Wikileaks
Magda Hassan Wrote:Below is a note from Tim Anderson a local political activist whom I have great trust and confidence in. He has been, for many years, associated with support for Cuba at both a local and international level.

Judging from her activities in Cuba Ms Ardin is no leftist. She is unlikely to be a feminist either and quite possibly not a victim of anything but a player in a political set up. Something she is used to by the looks of it.
Quote:Cuban news agencies Granma and Prensa Latina says that Julian Assange's 'rape' accuser, Anna Ardin, is a Cuban CIA collaborator who has been working with Miami-based, US Government paid agencies. They say Ardin is linked to the anti-Cuban terrorist Carlos Aberto Montaner.

After leaving Cuba, Ardin worked with web sites financed by USAID and controlled by the CIA. One of these sites was 'Miscelánea de Cuba', run by the Cuban Alexis Gainza. Through Gainza she became linked to Swediish agencies, including Dagens Nyheter and SVT, and entered the Swedish social democrat party.

Gainza is linked to the German Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (International Human Rights Society), a group linked to German and US intelligence and has some former nazis (such as Ludwig Martin) and ex military figures (Dieter von Glahn) in its ranks.

The current president of the IGFM, Martin Lessenthin, works closely with the Venezuelan oppsoition party Primero Justicia, led by the anti-Chavez terrorist Alejandro Peña.

Primero Justicia, in turn is the main partner of the International republican Institute, and extreme right wing group funded by the US Government's National Endowment for Democracy.

Prensa Latina article is below
La Habana, 7 dic (PL) Detrás de las acusaciones de presunta violación sexual en contra del fundador de Wikileaks, Julian Assange, aparece la colaboradora cubana de la CIA Anna Ardin, vinculada con el terrorista Carlos Alberto Montaner.
Ardin participa en la campaña contra el fundador del sitio web Wikileaks, cuyas revelaciones mantienen despavorido al Departamento estadounidense de Estado, señala el diario Granma.

Tras su salida de Cuba, comenzó a colaborar con los sitios web financiados por la Agencia para del Desarrollo Internacional (USAID por su siglas en inglés) y controlados por la Agencia Central de Inteligencia de Estados Unidos (CIA), revela Granma.

Esta persona sería la demandante oficial de fundador de Wikileaks con su amiga Sofía Wilden, quien fue supuestamente la primera en quejarse del abuso sexual ante la policía de Suecia.

Una de esas páginas web, financiadas por la USAID, con la cual cooperó es Miscelánea de Cuba, propiedad del cubano Alexis Gainza, indica el artículo.

De colaboradora de Gainza y de la inteligencia estadounidense Ardin se metamorfoseó en experta en medios de comunicaciones suecos tales como Dagens Nyheter y SVT, para luego convertirse en figura del gobernante partido Social-Demócrata del país nórdico.

Gainza se vincula también con la alemana Sociedad Internacional para los Derechos Humanos, más conocida por sus siglas en alemán IGFM (Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte).

Con conocidos lazos con la inteligencia alemana y norteamericana, la IGFM mantuvo en sus filas a ex nazis, como Ludwig Martin, o ex militares, Dieter von Glahn.

El actual portavoz y presidente de la IGFM, Martin Lessenthin, colabora estrechamente con el partido golpista venezolano Primero Justicia, del terrorista Alejandro Peña.

Primero Justicia -subraya Granma- es el socio principal en Venezuela del Instituto Republicano Internacional, organización de extrema derecha subsidiada por la National Endowment for Democracy.

La demanda contra Assange, algo extraña, pero aparentemente conforme a la legislación sueca, consiste en el delito de haber practicado sexo sin condón, y haber tenido dos encuentros amorosos en una misma semana con cada una de las presuntas víctimas.

Someone could do a great newspaper, magazine or internet article comparing how Pinochet was treated [and his heinous crimes!] and how Assange is being [and will be] treated and his howwwibbble leak on his wiki..... The whole thing would be a joke if the poor man's life were not at stake, along with ALL OF OUR internet rights! Why am I not surprised a CIA connected/friendly and very attractive young woman was going after Assange; inviting him to HER flat and then [along with another woman who we know less about] telling the police she/they was 'waped' [the other apparently for being made love to while asleep AFTER mutually pleasant awake consensual sex ?! Monty Python, where are you when we need you?! It fills me with revolution to know that such sexual monsters such as Assange are even allowed to be interviewed or tried - people like him should be killed by stoning immediately upon accusation. Men like Pinochet, who killed and tortured, and ran an illegal police state should be let to die of old age....go figure....I think the world is mad and tilted toward fascism and away from freedom. Its clear to me.
I also would like to know how either women intends to PROVE any of these allegations - it will be their word[s] against Assange, unless they used hidden cameras and hidden microphones...which really would give away their game!
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Messages In This Thread
US Intell planned to destroy Wikileaks - by Myra Bronstein - 22-08-2010, 08:38 AM
US Intell planned to destroy Wikileaks - by Peter Lemkin - 13-12-2010, 07:20 AM

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