13-12-2010, 10:45 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I would like to see Armstrong critique Ed Haslam's details on JVB and her 'Lee'; as well as Ed Haslam comment on Harvey and Lee in the context of his work...or someone else try to find the areas of overlap [if any]; dissonance; areas that need fleshing out. Armstrong had done a more scholarly work, but no work is ever complete or without flaws or could be ammended with new information. I know J.A. is pretty much out of the JFK loop now, feeling [rightly] he did 'his part'. Haslam is more active now. I suggest he and others try to compare and contrast times, incidents, dates, personages that agree, disagree, clash or need further investigation.:girl:
Armstrong feels any time spent on JVB is a waste of time.
Haslam ought to read it and comment, as you suggest.