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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Jack White Wrote:
Brian Anderson Wrote:Hello Again Friends

Here is another question that pops up again as I re-read Harvey and Lee. Harvey joins the Marines in October of 1956, for a three year stint. (p.146), He begins work at Pfisterer's Dental Laboratory, in October of 1957 (p.173) and then quits Pfisterer's in May of 1958 (p.192) and returns to Ft. Worth. My question is, how can Harvey be in the Marines and yet, at the same time, be working at Pfisterer's Lab for about eight months? Does Armstrong provide an answer for this? Perhaps I have missed it.


You have answered your own question. As shown by H&L,
LHO cannot be in two places at once. Armstrong provides
the evidence. You supply the answer the evidence poses to
a reasonable person.

As I read your question, you may have misinterpreted the
evidence. Reread the portion in question and get back to



I have re-read those passages and I don't think I have misinterpreted them. I certainly am not calling into question John Armstrong's timeline of places and events. On page 165, Armstrong writes; "A thorough investigation, however, would have disclosed the names of dozens of Marines who remembered Harvey Oswald and Felde in California (thru April 1957), Jacksonville (May), Biloxi (June), and Memphis (August/Sept). Now, after attending the Aviation Electronics school in Memphis, Harvey may have attempted to enter the Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio (pp.166-167) Armstrong, then says that Harvey left for New Orleans. If Lee [B]Harvey[]Oswald was in Yellow Springs, Ohio for a few weeks in the fall of 1957, he soon left and moved to New Orleans. (p.167) In New Orleans, of course, [B]Harvey begins working at Pfisterer's in October of 1957 (p.173) and quits in May of 1958 (p.192). Perhaps this employment at Pfisterer's was part of the manner in which Harvey was being "handled"? Anyway after returning to Ft. Worth Harvey "...towards the end of the summer, left Ft. Worth, travelled to Atsugi, and then to Taiwan...(p.196) Now that sounds more like Marine activity.

Any thoughts?

Oh, by the way Jack, I had the pleasure of meeting you at ASK 92. You sat down at the table, at which, my brother and I were having a quick snack during a break. One of your arms was in a sling. You told me that you had been assaulted.


Messages In This Thread
Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE? - by Brian Anderson - 14-12-2010, 01:54 AM

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