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Big Tobacco's Conspiracy To Hide Health Risks & Deceive, They Knew & Documents Show They Knew - Here
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Everyone knows the Surgeon General's warning about cigarette smoking but what about cigarette eating? Nicotine poisoning is a very real concern anywhere that a pet may find cigarettes, cigarette butts, chewing tobacco, or even nicotine gum or patches. Dogs, particularly puppies, tend to chew things up first and ask questions later. Cats may find a cigarette butt to be a nicely sized pouncing toy worthy of chewing.

[One thing they failed to mention and I will, is that cigarette butts on the sidewalks and streets, especially in rain/snow will cause Nicotine to be absorbed into the pads on the bottom of dogs paws]

Luckily for pets and small children, tobacco tastes terrible. Even chewing tobacco must have flavorings added to make it something worthy of oral enjoyment. Still, cigarettes have plenty of nicotine and even a small cigarette butt can mean serious illness or even death for a small pet.

The toxic dose for nicotine in pets is 1/2 -1mg per pound of pet body weight while the lethal dose is 4mg per pound of pet body weight. A cigarette contains 9-30 mg of nicotine depending on the type of cigarette; while a cigarette butt contains about 25% of the nicotine of the original cigarette despite its deceptively small amount of tobacco. (Smoking seems to concentrate some of the nicotine in the tail end of the cigarette.) Cigars can contain up to 40 mg. Chewing tobacco carries 6-8 mg per gram while the gum is 2-4 mg per piece and patches 8.3-114 mg. Smoking a cigarette yields only 0.5-2 mg of nicotine but eating one is a different ballgame as all of the nicotine becomes available for absorption into the body. One way to rephrase this is that a 40lb dog would get very sick after eating one cigarette but would need 11 cigarettes to actually die from nicotine poisoning.

Some good news is that nicotine is not absorbed directly in the acid environment of the stomach; the nicotine must move past the stomach into the small intestine for absorption. One of the first things nicotine does in the body is stimulate the vomit center of the brain, thus inducing vomiting which may save the patient's life if there is more cigarette material in the stomach.


Signs begin as quickly as one hour post-ingestion. Symptoms include:

Constricted pupils


Auditory and Visual Hallucinations


Vomiting and Diarrhea

Twitching possibly progressing to Seizures

Racing heart rate but slow heart rate with small doses

High blood pressure but at higher doses there is a circulatory collapse

It is easy to confuse nicotine poisoning with other poisonings such as strychnine, chocolate, organophosphate insecticide, and certain molds. Hopefully, there will be cigarette materials in the vomit to give away the diagnosis.


Washing out the stomach to get rid of any remaining cigarette materials is helpful but is likely to require sedation. Since most patients are agitated, this is often a good thing anyway. Seizures are treated with seizure suppressing
drugs. It is tempting to use antacids to protect the stomach but as it is the stomach acid that is inhibiting the nicotine absorption, it is best to avoid this therapy. If the pet survives the first 4 hours, prognosis is felt to be good. Nicotine is inactivated by a healthy liver and its metabolites are excreted in urine. After 16 hours, the nicotine ingested should be gone.

And how does this refute the charge that the anti-smokers deliberately use defective studies based on nothing but lifestyle questionnaires, to falsely blame smoking and passive smoking for lung cancers that are really caused by human papillomaviruses?

This is nothing but an attempt to change the subject.

Messages In This Thread
Big Tobacco's Conspiracy To Hide Health Risks & Deceive, They Knew & Documents Show They Knew - Here - by Carol Thompson - 26-12-2010, 09:30 PM

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