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Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West's 21st Century War

Quote:Iran executes alleged Israeli spy

By Najmeh Bozorgmehr in Tehran

Published: December 28 2010 11:10 | Last updated: December 28 2010 11:10

Iran has hanged a man accused of spying for Israel and another for his membership of an armed opposition group amid mounting measures to suppress links between the regime's opponents and foreign governments.

Ali-Akbar Siadat, whose background and age were not disclosed, was charged with giving classified military information to Israel since 2004 and meeting Mossad officials in Turkey, Thailand and the Netherlands.

Before his arrest in 2008 he had allegedly received $60,000 for his services. These reportedly included passing on details on missile programmes of the elite Revolutionary Guards as well as military parades, bases and manoeuvres.

Meanwhile, Ali Saremi, 63-years-old, who Iran said was a member of the Mojahedin Khalgh Organisation (MKO) an armed opposition group labelled by the US as a "terrorist" group was executed after being convicted of Moharebeh, or fighting with God and "propaganda against the holy Islamic system".

Although Mr Siadat and Mr Saremi were arrested for different reasons some years ago, it was not immediately clear if their hangings on Monday were in any way related.

Mr Saremi had reportedly been arrested on three other occasions over the past three decades and sentenced to a total of 14 years for his membership of the exiled group.

He had been kept in jail since 2007. There were no reports that he was involved in the MKO's trademark activities such as assassinations of Iranian officials or attacks on state-affiliated organisations.

Despite intensifying international pressure on Tehran to improve its poor human rights record, the Islamic regime has accelerated suppression of its opponents after it faced massive unrest last year in protest at the victory of Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad in the presidential election.

Hangings of members of ethnic minority groups and political prisoners this year have exceeded any other year in the past two decades.

At least 26 Baluchis, five Kurds, and three suspected of links to the MKO and monarchist groups have been executed.

Iran suspects Mossad and western intelligence services have capitalised on the post-election dissent to change the Islamic regime or force the rulers to give up the country's nuclear programme.

Iran has accused the MKO of collaborating with the Israeli intelligence service to assassinate two of its nuclear scientists last month. Majid Shahriyari was killed in a bombing, but Fereydoon Abbasi-Davani escaped the attempt on his life.

There have not been any reports yet that anyone accused of masterminding or carrying out the assassinations has been detained.

However, Heydar Moslehi, Iran's intelligence minister, earlier this month blamed Israel and other western intelligence services for "hiring the bankrupt MKO and using their traitors to do the recent assassinations" of scientists.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Messages In This Thread
Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West's 21st Century War - by David Guyatt - 28-12-2010, 02:01 PM

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