30-12-2010, 03:17 AM
Guns and Butter - "Banks, Bailouts and Manufactured Market Crashes" with Max Keiser.
Stock price manipulation through electronic high speed trading; global totalitarian oligarchy; HSBC & JP Morgan manipulation of the silver market; stock market crashes more profitable than growth periods for traders; computers set up to steal; financial terrorism; suicide bankers; Fed policy that benefits the top
1%; growing social unrest; plague of mortgage fraud; IMF leveraged buy-out of Ireland, Greece, etc.; outsourcing of money creation; control through debt.
I had never heard Max Keiser speak before,so it was nice to get a true picture of the financial fraud and theft that is ongoing globally,from someone who at one time was an insider himself.He says some interesting things in this interview.It's worth a listen....
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.â€
Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller