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Will WikiLeaks unravel the American 'secret government'?
An Open Letter to Glenn Greenwald on the Subject of Wikileaks: Just… Stop.

Posted on January 1, 2011 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
I just took a look at your website and I haven’t seen a journalist obsess over an obviously fabricated news story like you are doing with Wikileaks since the Duke Lacrosse team rape case or Andrew Sullivan’s breathless blogging about the now discredited “tweets” coming out of Israel dealing with the staged Green Revolution in Iran. That’s really bad company to be in, Glenn.
You know Glenn, you have a total of 3 articles on your site since Nov. 30th that don’t directly deal with Julian Assange and of course none of them, none of the Assange related articles, are in any way critical of anything that he has done, even though his behavior has certainly been highly suspect as of late.
Glenn, you’ve gone well beyond biased journalism and are now delving into the realm of panicked hero-worship. It seems like the more obvious Assange’s agenda becomes, the angrier you get when people start taking notice and questioning his behavior. To that end, I am sure it isn’t going to be too long before you start quoting Abe Foxman and claiming that anyone who questions Julian’s integrity is an anti-Semite. I mean, your material is starting to look that thin and quite frankly, that desperate.
I’m not going to attempt to relate to you the questionable history of Wikileaks; how Cass Sunstein and other establishment journalists were writing about Wikileaks before they even posted one single leak (which is typically what Mockingbird operators would do to help promote the illusion of credibility for another Mockingbird operation) or how one of the original members of that group pulled out and said it looked like a CIA operation at the time.
I’m not going to insult you by suggesting you haven’t done your research.
Instead, I am just going to relate a few simple, current facts about what is happening with the Wikileaks campaign, which I don’t think anybody can actually say isn’t a psyop program at this point. Hell, just read the comments left on your site and other establishment websites like Huffington Post. Obviously the vast majority of them clearly feel that something is terribly wrong with the Wikileaks game right now. And with good reason. It should be relatively obvious at this point, which makes your cognitive dissonance even more remarkable and disappointing to those of us who respect the good solid work you have done in the past.
Let’s take a brief look at the current Wikileaks events, shall we?

1. Living in the lap of luxury
Julian is probably the only anti-establishment dissident that I know of currently hanging out on the multi-million dollar estate of an establishment blue-blood with connections to George Soros. Assange spent a lovely Christmas holiday in Ellington Hall, the estate of Vaughan Smith, the man who owns and operates the Frontline Club. International globalist and speculator extraordinaire, George Soros, helped Smith set up the Frontline Club. When you consider that every single “Wikileak” released to this day does nothing except build support for globalist agendas, this connection seems beyond obvious in its implications.
2. Rebranding Old Propaganda about Pashtuns
The illegal occupation and war for control of the natural resources of Afghanistan is centered right now on Pakistan and the Pashtun people who are opposed to our occupation of their lands. Back in 2009, the British and U.S. think tankers came up with a new way to demonize the Pashtuns.. pedophilia. The obvious PR campaign is reminiscent of the propaganda created by the Creel Commission back when they were trying to generate support for our getting involved with WWI when they were falsely claiming Huns were cutting kids limbs off. It is also similar to George H. W. Bush’s psyop campaign that revolved around having an ambassadors daughter lie to congress when she claimed Saddam’s men were tossing babies onto the cold floors in Kuwait just because they wanted the incubators (for some reason… I don’t know what armies do with incubators, but no journalists apparently ever asked that question, and the lie helped create a mood for war here in the states). Notice the common thread running through these psyops efforts; child abuse. It’s a very successful means to motivate a people… claim the enemy is abusing, killing, raping kids and generally speaking, people get angry. No proof needed.
AlterNet just put up an article featuring the “revelation” of a latest Wikileak which claims DynCorp is throwing kiddie rape parties for the Pashtuns in Afghanistan.
“This week, the WikiLeaks cables publicized another culture’s dark secret: the Pashtuns and bacha bazi, the ancient practice of pedophilia by men against boys.”
“… When the issue arises, so does the sensitivity. No one wants their culture to be known for a horrible thing. But the subject cannot and should not be avoided. Bacha bazi — literally “playing with children” — is practiced amongst Pashtuns in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere” Alternet
The article doesn’t even provide a link to the supposedly leaked cable yet it concludes that this is absolute fact, by way of an anonymous state department official’s say-so.
Won’t somebody think of the children?
This is what you are doing Glenn. By constantly and unquestioningly supporting this psyop as “truth” you are helping to ferment a culture in the left that will take each and every one of these pieces of state department propaganda as fact… just because “Julian says so”
This is the legacy you are leaving behind Glenn… the successful rebranding of Condi Rice’s and Hillary Clinton’s discredited propaganda.
but let’s continue…
3. Using Important “leaks” as Leverage
Julian Assange has set the ultimate dead man’s switch: Arrest or kill him and thousands of files will be automatically released, including documents that out CIA-backed Arabs.” Business Insider
Now this is the second time as far as I can tell that Julian has tried to use the leaks supposedly given to him by a guy now supposedly being practically tortured in jail, as leverage to keep him free and enjoying some of the finer aspects of English society that George Soros’ money can buy.
Fact is, Assange is releasing these “leaks” at a snail’s pace, something to the tune of 20 a day. How can anyone actually think that someone who would withhold critical intel that the public needs to know, is doing the work of a “truth teller”? Not only does Assange admit that he is withholding these important cables for his own self-interest, but he also recently admitted that he is going to hold onto certain leaks about Israel for the next 6 months, presumably for the same reason.
That is not the behavior of a dedicated journalist simply looking to get the truth out there to the people who need to know it. That is the behavior of a self-serving arrogant coward. While Manning rots in jail, Assange uses his leaks to keep himself free. Truly poor form if you ask me.
4. The Deal of the Century
I don’t really think I have to provide links to the announcement of Assange’s book deal do I? His first installment payments will range from 1.1 million to 1.5 million depending on who you read.
You recently had a chat with someone on MSNBC I think Glenn and she pointed out this deal as a questionably profiteering effort by Assange. You of course, lept to his defense, as you seem to be making a career out of doing these days, by claiming that Assange has 200,000 dollars worth of legal fees to pay so he needs this money.
Well, that is kind of a mis-quote of Mr. Assange himself. Assange said he “paid” 200,000 worth of legal fees. And I assume he is talking about money that was paid to him in the form of the massive donations that he has received and quite possibly he is talking about the bail he had to pony up, again, given to him by others like Michael Moore.
Fact is, in your desperation to defend Assange, you misrepresented what Assange himself said. He doesn’t have 200,000 dollars worth of bills to pay and therefore his book deal will in fact make him wealthier. You then went on to claim that people like Clinton and Bush and so forth got book deals, and seemingly the hypocrisy of your justification was lost on you.
It never occurred to you that Assange, were he an actual truth teller, wouldn’t have time to profit off a book deal. He would be steadily working getting “the truth” out to the people, but oddly, I never see him doing anything but driving blondes around in very expensive cars. One would think he would have a different set of priorities at this point.
But I guess your journalistic instincts are a bit dulled at this point when it comes to Assange.
I could go on and on about how the recent Wiki”leak” about Israel bombing that site in Syria was just a rebranding of old Condi Rice propaganda linking North Korea to a weapons grade nuclear reactor that wasn’t. I could toss that one out there, but I won’t.
If you haven’t got the point by now, you simply aren’t going to I suppose.
In short Glenn, you’re making quite a spectacle of yourself.
Now you certainly have a point when it comes to Wired magazine and how they are handling the release of the communications between Lamo and Manning. As you have pointed out, Lamo is certainly a government agent in much the same way that each and every one of the FBI’s recent manufactured terror attempts are all created by a government agent. So you are right to demand that Wired release all of those IMs.
However, what you fail to realize is that Wired is itself a CIA Mockingbird institution. The editor or publisher which you are currently waging your flame war with was himself arrested by the FBI was he not?
Point is, it’s all a stage play Glenn. It’s the WWE and you, willingly or not, are giving it credibility.
Wrestling is fake. Even the name tells you that; World Wrestling Entertainment. Yet you know what? You still have people who go watch the shit and think it’s real. How the hell do they manage that?
How the hell have you not figured out Wikileaks Glenn? Have you not figured out that what you are doing is actually aiding this low intensity warfare campaign in the spreading of their rebranded propaganda? How can you not see that?
Perhaps you think somehow supporting this obvious fraud is the way to save our journalistic freedoms. In that, you would be wrong.
Assange is an agent. He is doing what he is being paid to do and saying what he is being paid to say. In the end he will do something (like threatening Israel with pending leaks.. like threatening to disrupt the Middle East with pending leaks… you get the picture yet?) that will be “unsupportable” even by your standards. At that time, a Joe Liebermann bill will be waiting in congress which will effectively shut down dissident sites like mine and many others.
This is as inevitable as the good guy wrestler whacking his heroic partner on the back of the head with a chair and joining the dark side. It is formulaic and painfully obvious if you were to just stop for a second and look at all the facts objectively.
The only way to preserve the internet as an open society and forum for critical thinking and debate is to expose the Wikileaks psyop for what it is. Much of the rest of the world has already been doing this while you Glenn have been doing just about anything you can to drum up support for it.
I ask you to just … stop.
Stop and take a couple of days off to just think about it. You’re not helping us. Now I know that Salon will not suffer from the pending collapse of internet freedoms, and neither will you for that matter. You’re too well established and Salon is just too big.
But for the rest of us volunteer journalists and researchers out here, I beg you, I plead with you… stop giving this obvious psyop the credibility the need to bring down the hammer on the rest of us.
The lights are up, the crowd is roaring, and Julian Assange is about to whack you in the back of the head with a chair and it’s all the rest of us out here who are going to take the fall. Think about what you are doing.
and just … stop.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Messages In This Thread
Will WikiLeaks unravel the American 'secret government'? - by Myra Bronstein - 06-12-2010, 05:45 AM
Will WikiLeaks unravel the American 'secret government'? - by Myra Bronstein - 08-12-2010, 03:13 AM
Will WikiLeaks unravel the American 'secret government'? - by Myra Bronstein - 08-12-2010, 03:40 AM
Will WikiLeaks unravel the American 'secret government'? - by Myra Bronstein - 11-12-2010, 06:34 AM
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