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The Right Direction
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Harry Dean Wrote:An excerpt from the 1990 manuscript/book
YROJ Connection to JFK Assassination.

"when Kennedy entered Texas his life was in the
deadly hands of 'extremist verteran riflemen' of
{General} Walker's former Munich, Germany 24th
Infantry command"

It is vital to seek out the names,and political
persuasions of, Walker trained, 24th division
'Special Shooting Team' some of whom upon
discharge, returned to the US. with Walker or
soon after him!

I urge researchers in this direction as a result of
my personal experiences with
Walker and others in the nationwide
anti-Communist/anti Kennedy umbrella


Harry, do you know the names or nationalities of any of his better sharpshooters? Anything more you can offer about any specifically, or about them generally? Walker was one looney-tune; armed and dangerous, I agree.
Hi, Peter
Further excerpt from 1990 manuscript/book YROJ Connection to JFK Assassination.
"Gen. Walker, removed from command by the Kennedy administration,
was acting on his own behalf as much as for the "New Americanist Order"
that he served in both military and civilian life. Walker was more than a
leader of ultra-conservatism. He was an arrogant, powerless, but explosive
force, enjoying the praise of his LDS-JBS co-conspirators and followers.When
Kennedy entered Texas......"

I leave further details to JFK Researchers, to locate and name members of
this 'limited number' of Walker's Special Rifle Team-and their political convictions. If Walker left his personal papers it would no doubt have details of this Munich Rifle group!


Messages In This Thread
The Right Direction - by Harry Dean - 16-01-2009, 12:05 AM
The Right Direction - by Peter Lemkin - 16-01-2009, 10:19 AM
The Right Direction - by Harry Dean - 17-01-2009, 09:16 PM

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