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"Baby Doc" Duvalier is back in Haiti
Quote:His (Baby Doc's) return electrified Haiti

Perhaps, but not with the thought of the improvement of the lot of ordinary Haitians, but with the sheer visceral fear of what Baby Doc's torturers and death squads did to Haiti last time.

This is an unmitigated tragedy for Haiti.

The fact that the colonial powers (esp US, Canada and France) and the UN, have allowed the murderer Baby Doc to return, whilst Aristide is still in exile after being kidnapped at gunpoint by Bush's marines, reveals the true agenda.

Two hundred years after the Haitian revolution kicked the white slavemasters out, their children and grandchildren are condemned to economic slavery by western multinationals, and terror and fear by western-sponsored death squads.

Baby Doc's voudou face is a mask disguising the identity of his true masters, and providing MSM with lazy, racist, cliches about pagan, uneducated, blacks.

Baby Doc is to Voudou what Cardinal Ratzinger is to Christianity. A thoroughly corrupt and immoral front man.


Quote:Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier returns to Haiti

Former dictator welcomed by supporters after flying home following 25 years of exile in France

Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent, Monday 17 January 2011 07.47 GMT

The former Haiti dictator Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier made a shock return to the country last night for the first time since being toppled in 1986.

His return electrified Haiti, which is suffering a political and humanitarian crisis.

The frail-looking 59-year-old arrived in Port-au-Prince on an Air France flight from Paris, ending a quarter of a century exile with Haiti embroiled in a volatile political battle for a new president.

Duvalier, wearing a dark suit and tie, was hugged by supporters who chanted: "Long live Duvalier!"

"I was waiting for this moment for a long time," he said outside the airport. "When I first set foot on the ground, I felt great joy."

He had returned "because I know the people are suffering", he told Reuters, adding: "I wanted to show them my solidarity, to tell them that I am here, I am well disposed and determined to participate in the rebirth of Haiti."

The former playboy, whose rule between 1971 and 1986 is remembered for corruption and brutality, but also relative stability, was whisked into the capital, where he was expected to give a press conference today.

It was not immediately clear why Baby Doc so called because he succeeded his father, François "Papa Doc" Duvalier, as dictator had abandoned a comfortable exile in Paris for an uncertain fate at home. He may face criminal charges over killings and kleptocracy under his watch.

"He is happy to be back in this country, back in his home," Mona Beruaveau, a candidate for Senate for the small, reformed Duvalierist party, said. "He is tired after a long trip."

The president, Rene Preval, made no immediate comment and many Haitians were still unaware of the news.

The prime minister, Jean-Max Bellerive, told AP he was unaware whether Duvalier had political plans. "He is a Haitian and, as such, is free to return home," he said.

The dictator's return prompted speculation that Jean-Baptise Aristide, a former president exiled in South Africa, could also come back.

The Caribbean country is in ferment. Last year's earthquake, which was followed by hurricanes, cholera and a chaotic and inconclusive presidential election, has left many homeless, desperate and despairing of politics.

A runoff election, scheduled for last week, was delayed because two candidates, Jude Celestin and Michel Martelly, each claimed the right to run against the frontrunner, Mirlande Manigat. Street clashes in recent days have left several people dead.

UN peacekeepers and foreign donors in effect run the country, but Duvalier may hope to insert himself into the political process. From exile, he lobbied in vain to run for president in the 2006 election, and a year later he made a radio address apologising to the nation for mistakes during his rule.

Upon succeeding his father in 1971, he became, aged 19, one of the world's youngest heads of state and ruled as "president for life" for 15 years with the help of the vicious Tonton Macoute militia before bowing to popular protests and international pressure and fleeing to France.

He was accused of salting away millions of dollars from public funds in Swiss bank accounts, but a costly divorce from his former first lady made his exile reportedly comfortable rather than luxurious.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Messages In This Thread
"Baby Doc" Duvalier is back in Haiti - by Jan Klimkowski - 17-01-2011, 08:24 PM

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