22-01-2009, 08:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 22-01-2009, 08:24 PM by David Healy.)
Peter Lemkin Wrote:http://www.democracynow.org/2009/1/22/pa...llege_grad We return to the heart-wrenching tale of Amer Shurrab, who lost two of his brothers on the same day in an Israeli attack in Gaza. Amer is a Palestinian from Khan Yunis living in the United States. He recently graduated from Middlebury College. On Friday, his father and two brothers were fleeing their village when their vehicle came under Israeli fire. Twenty-eight-year-old Kassab died in a hail of bullets trying to flee the vehicle. Eighteen-year-old Ibrahim survived the initial attack, but Israeli troops refused to allow an ambulance to reach them until twenty hours later.
This is a War Crime - clear and simple...and the entire operation in Gaza over the years is Genocide [as is the Occupation everywhere]. I condemn the Govt and IDF of Israel in the stongest possible terms - this from a Jew [and proud to be!] and the nephew of the the man who coined the word 'Genocide' and wrote the Genocide Convention at the UN! How 'we' ever came to inflict on other innocents what the Nazis, and others, have inflicted upon us shows me that we are not special in any way - but as flawed as any group in humanity [though it saddens me to say!], and hope we find our way back to peace, justice, international law and apologize for our sins, war crimes, and genocide. There is also the Wall, the Occupation, Lebanon, support of South Africa, collaboration with neo-fascist elements in US intelligence and Warrior classes. If any People should know better, it is we. I weep for our crimes. Here are details of 2 out of the recent 1300 dead and 7000 wounded: http://www.democracynow.org/2009/1/22/pa...llege_grad
They'll be NO apologizing nor forgiving those that strap bombs on their young, send them off to Israel to blow-up innocents, that's utter nonsense!
Rumor has it Sen. George Mitchell (D-Me. Ret.) may be the up and coming US Mid-East Envoy, he is after all 1/2 Lebanese. Perhaps he can get Hamas (if there's anything left of them) and their merry band of terrorists to the table....
There's a current position here in the US: screw the UN! Your best bet is to try The Hague. A clear and simple scream to the high heavens "WAR CRIME", isn't going to get traction stateside. The reality is this, we're glad its over there, NOT here!
(p.s. thanks for toning down your post Peter, the original was a bit "iffy"