23-01-2011, 05:00 PM
Thanks for the great humor. This is life imitating art. No writer could ever dream up this stuff. Ha, ha! A while back, I saw a mob movie, I think it was called "Casino" with Robert de Niro (I could be wrong, but I think it was that movie), and there was a scene where all the mob bosses were rounded up and they appeared in court sitting in wheel chairs with oxygen masks, and oxygen tanks attached to the chairs.
Let's see if the current mobsters take a cue from the movie when they appear in court --- if they ever get to court. Personally I think the entire round-up is going to create a circus in the courts, and they can't afford the cost of trying them anyway. Our grand-children will be old by the time these guys ever see a courtroom.
Thanks for the great humor. This is life imitating art. No writer could ever dream up this stuff. Ha, ha! A while back, I saw a mob movie, I think it was called "Casino" with Robert de Niro (I could be wrong, but I think it was that movie), and there was a scene where all the mob bosses were rounded up and they appeared in court sitting in wheel chairs with oxygen masks, and oxygen tanks attached to the chairs.
Let's see if the current mobsters take a cue from the movie when they appear in court --- if they ever get to court. Personally I think the entire round-up is going to create a circus in the courts, and they can't afford the cost of trying them anyway. Our grand-children will be old by the time these guys ever see a courtroom.