23-01-2011, 07:27 PM
What struck me right between the eyes (given my former professonal proclivities) in the PDS piece was this line:
"Since World War Two, secrecy has been used to accumulate new covert bureaucratic powers under the guise of emergency planning for disasters, planning known inside and outside the government as the "Doomsday Project."
I do recall recently chasing In some post-Seymour "Last Circle" research) and brushing by some possibly supportive findings for the idea that FEMA itself was originally funded with narco-dollars. There is more, of course, to be found in the Reagan-ite use of emergency management through the California Special Training Institute and the LEAA and the absorption of some of the people and ideas behind a War College paper on the suppression of urban rioting; these folks were Reagan campaign aides and Bush 43 campaign aides. A fellow names Morales did a lot of the original research.
Back in December 2010, there was this less-than-polished bit loaded with photos, charts, graphics and links, all in want of cross-checking for veracity and validity:
Secret 'Trigger' & blueprint for emergency domestic military crackdown plan revealed
In mirrored follow-up, with videos, PowerPoint in pdf format:
There are two additional links at the link above in this post which are the 2009 and 2010 Handbooks for Judge Advocates on Domestic Operational Law and a short video on the New Madrid Fault.
As noted by me elsewhere:
"[T]here is clear, documented evidence in depth [Albarelli's "A Terrible Mistake"] that pharmaceutical companies have been in cahoots with the Federal Government through the CIA for decades (virtually since its creation) to develop tools, techniques and pharmaceuticals to torture, disable or kill, or to assist in the creation of mind controlled patsies to do anything, and then suffer amnesia for it and the set-up. Poisoning of populations has been tested in small (secretly) on patients, prisoners, children, etc. That much is in the public record. FEMA camps have pharmaceutical companies on their campuses, next to Federal prisons. All of the Executive Orders have been made available online in multiple locations. This blog ( http://antifascist-calling.blogspot.com/ ) has been tracking this and many other issues of the police state for a long time. The book "Welcome to the Machine" [Draffan and Jensen] does so as well. FEMA was originally funded (as many covert ops have been) with narco-dollars through national security means and methods. Read "The Last Circle". Read about the history of Dyncorp, Wackenhut, and other private military contractors (e.g., SAIC). Read about Main Core. It also links into the anthrax business, the TRIPOD drills on 9/11 (trial point of distribution) (I have participated in such an exercise), and more.... Read the paper written by Reagan's man from California at the National War College. "At the Army War College in 1970, Guiffrida had written a proposal that advocated the roundup and transfer to relocation camps of at least 21 million "American Negroes" in the event of a national uprising."
"According to Covert Action Quarterly, "By forming the Emergency Mobilization Preparedness Board, Ronald Reagan made it possible for a small group of people, under the authority of the NSC, to wield enormous power. They, in turn, used this executive authority to change civil defense planning into a military/police version" of domestic control. While at EMPB, North revised contingency plans for dealing with nuclear war, domestic insurrection and massive military mobilization.
Giuffrida and North worked to refine and implement Operation GARDEN PLOT, a plan to suspend the Constitution in the event of a national crisis, such as widespread internal opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad. GARDEN PLOT was actually implemented during LA's Rodney King Riots in the form of street curfews as well as in recent anti-globalization protests."
"In 1983, at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, FEMA's General Frank S. Salcedo recommended expanding FEMA's power even further. As he saw it at least 100,000 U.S. citizens, from survivalists to tax protesters, were serious threats to civil security. Salcedo saw FEMA's new frontier as the protection of industrial and government leaders from assassination, and the protection of civil and military installations from sabotage or attack. Notable for stations such as this one, Salcedo warned against dissident groups gaining access to U.S. opinion or a global audience in times of crisis."
Dissident groups like the Ron Paul supporters recently targeted by the fusion centers?
Dissident groups like 9/11 Truthers who have gained access to US opinion or a global audience?
Quotes above from http://starkravingviking.blogspot.com/20...frida.html
Add to the above the following:
U.S. Military Prepares for Economic Collapse
Skeptics who continue to assert that the economic plight of the United States has been overstated need not look further than the Pentagon to find out just how wrong they are. CNBC has learned that the Pentagon is currently playing out "war games" pertinent to an American economic meltdown.
According to CNBC, "The Pentagon is planning for real economic threats to America."
CNBC's Business News analyst Eamon Javers explains:
Ever since the crash of 2008, the Defense Intelligence establishment has really been paying a lot of attention to global markets and how they could serve as a threat to U.S. National security interests. At one upcoming seminar that we're going to see here next month, they're going to be taking a look at a lot of the issues … [including] the use of sovereign wealth funds to manipulate markets, currencies; nation state economic collapse, sovereign default, nation state instability; U.S. Allies' budgets, deficits, national security infrastructures.
Similarly, the Army has launched an operation called "Unified Quest 2011" in which it studies the "implications of large scale economic breakdown' inside the United States that would force the Army to keep domestic order amid civil unrest.'" The Quest also trains the Army in how to "deal with fragmented global power and drastically lower budgets."
In October, the United States Marine Corps visited J.P. Morgan to "study markets and the economy."
Javers concludes:
All different parts of the Pentagon and Defense Intelligence establishment are looking at markets and looking at ways they can present a new kind of threat to the United States. These are the guys whose job it is to think of the worst possible things that could happen.
According to Wired.com, the Army hosts a Unified Quest every year, which entails "the Army's chief of staff [instructing] talented mid-career and senior officers and senior enlisted (wo)men to evaluate where the service is falling short and propose remedies."
However, the 2011 Unified Quest lends truth to assertions that the United States is indeed not witnessing an upward economic recovery, as so many in our federal government have asserted. Soldiers are being trained in evacuation and detainment as a response to rioting, revealing the possibility that the United States military may resort to martial law in order to maintain order.
Unified Quest 2011 also prepares soldiers to act as diplomats in the event that there is a limited availability of diplomats at combat outposts, or on the streets contending with hungry and angry Americans. Wired.com writes, "There's a strong consensus that negotiations ought to be part of the Army's toolkit something backed by a ream of recent doctrinal manuals and various short courses in negotiation at the Army's many schools."
Blacklisted News explains that the Pentagon's war games are just one of many examples that show the direction in which the world is headed. Others include the decentralization of FEMA from a single distribution facility in Washington to 15 regional facilities across the nation. Blacklisted News also claims, "Anecdotal evidence indicates that the U.S. government has been the leading buyer of freeze dried foods for the last couple of years, and private emergency shelter contractors have reported a shortage in equipment and supplies for building personal-sized bunkers."
Other global powers are apparently preparing for "Doomsday" scenarios. Russia has reportedly been preparing for the development of 5,000 new underground bunkers for the city of Moscow, while the European Union commissioned the building of a "Doomsday Seed Vault" in a mountainside several hundred feet above sea level in 2006.
Additionally, FEMA's website recommends that American families have emergency preparedness supplies readily available, including food and water, for at least several weeks.
Photo of Pentagon: AP Images
"Since World War Two, secrecy has been used to accumulate new covert bureaucratic powers under the guise of emergency planning for disasters, planning known inside and outside the government as the "Doomsday Project."
I do recall recently chasing In some post-Seymour "Last Circle" research) and brushing by some possibly supportive findings for the idea that FEMA itself was originally funded with narco-dollars. There is more, of course, to be found in the Reagan-ite use of emergency management through the California Special Training Institute and the LEAA and the absorption of some of the people and ideas behind a War College paper on the suppression of urban rioting; these folks were Reagan campaign aides and Bush 43 campaign aides. A fellow names Morales did a lot of the original research.
Back in December 2010, there was this less-than-polished bit loaded with photos, charts, graphics and links, all in want of cross-checking for veracity and validity:
Secret 'Trigger' & blueprint for emergency domestic military crackdown plan revealed
In mirrored follow-up, with videos, PowerPoint in pdf format:
There are two additional links at the link above in this post which are the 2009 and 2010 Handbooks for Judge Advocates on Domestic Operational Law and a short video on the New Madrid Fault.
As noted by me elsewhere:
"[T]here is clear, documented evidence in depth [Albarelli's "A Terrible Mistake"] that pharmaceutical companies have been in cahoots with the Federal Government through the CIA for decades (virtually since its creation) to develop tools, techniques and pharmaceuticals to torture, disable or kill, or to assist in the creation of mind controlled patsies to do anything, and then suffer amnesia for it and the set-up. Poisoning of populations has been tested in small (secretly) on patients, prisoners, children, etc. That much is in the public record. FEMA camps have pharmaceutical companies on their campuses, next to Federal prisons. All of the Executive Orders have been made available online in multiple locations. This blog ( http://antifascist-calling.blogspot.com/ ) has been tracking this and many other issues of the police state for a long time. The book "Welcome to the Machine" [Draffan and Jensen] does so as well. FEMA was originally funded (as many covert ops have been) with narco-dollars through national security means and methods. Read "The Last Circle". Read about the history of Dyncorp, Wackenhut, and other private military contractors (e.g., SAIC). Read about Main Core. It also links into the anthrax business, the TRIPOD drills on 9/11 (trial point of distribution) (I have participated in such an exercise), and more.... Read the paper written by Reagan's man from California at the National War College. "At the Army War College in 1970, Guiffrida had written a proposal that advocated the roundup and transfer to relocation camps of at least 21 million "American Negroes" in the event of a national uprising."
"According to Covert Action Quarterly, "By forming the Emergency Mobilization Preparedness Board, Ronald Reagan made it possible for a small group of people, under the authority of the NSC, to wield enormous power. They, in turn, used this executive authority to change civil defense planning into a military/police version" of domestic control. While at EMPB, North revised contingency plans for dealing with nuclear war, domestic insurrection and massive military mobilization.
Giuffrida and North worked to refine and implement Operation GARDEN PLOT, a plan to suspend the Constitution in the event of a national crisis, such as widespread internal opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad. GARDEN PLOT was actually implemented during LA's Rodney King Riots in the form of street curfews as well as in recent anti-globalization protests."
"In 1983, at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, FEMA's General Frank S. Salcedo recommended expanding FEMA's power even further. As he saw it at least 100,000 U.S. citizens, from survivalists to tax protesters, were serious threats to civil security. Salcedo saw FEMA's new frontier as the protection of industrial and government leaders from assassination, and the protection of civil and military installations from sabotage or attack. Notable for stations such as this one, Salcedo warned against dissident groups gaining access to U.S. opinion or a global audience in times of crisis."
Dissident groups like the Ron Paul supporters recently targeted by the fusion centers?
Dissident groups like 9/11 Truthers who have gained access to US opinion or a global audience?
Quotes above from http://starkravingviking.blogspot.com/20...frida.html
Add to the above the following:
U.S. Military Prepares for Economic Collapse
Skeptics who continue to assert that the economic plight of the United States has been overstated need not look further than the Pentagon to find out just how wrong they are. CNBC has learned that the Pentagon is currently playing out "war games" pertinent to an American economic meltdown.
According to CNBC, "The Pentagon is planning for real economic threats to America."
CNBC's Business News analyst Eamon Javers explains:
Ever since the crash of 2008, the Defense Intelligence establishment has really been paying a lot of attention to global markets and how they could serve as a threat to U.S. National security interests. At one upcoming seminar that we're going to see here next month, they're going to be taking a look at a lot of the issues … [including] the use of sovereign wealth funds to manipulate markets, currencies; nation state economic collapse, sovereign default, nation state instability; U.S. Allies' budgets, deficits, national security infrastructures.
Similarly, the Army has launched an operation called "Unified Quest 2011" in which it studies the "implications of large scale economic breakdown' inside the United States that would force the Army to keep domestic order amid civil unrest.'" The Quest also trains the Army in how to "deal with fragmented global power and drastically lower budgets."
In October, the United States Marine Corps visited J.P. Morgan to "study markets and the economy."
Javers concludes:
All different parts of the Pentagon and Defense Intelligence establishment are looking at markets and looking at ways they can present a new kind of threat to the United States. These are the guys whose job it is to think of the worst possible things that could happen.
According to Wired.com, the Army hosts a Unified Quest every year, which entails "the Army's chief of staff [instructing] talented mid-career and senior officers and senior enlisted (wo)men to evaluate where the service is falling short and propose remedies."
However, the 2011 Unified Quest lends truth to assertions that the United States is indeed not witnessing an upward economic recovery, as so many in our federal government have asserted. Soldiers are being trained in evacuation and detainment as a response to rioting, revealing the possibility that the United States military may resort to martial law in order to maintain order.
Unified Quest 2011 also prepares soldiers to act as diplomats in the event that there is a limited availability of diplomats at combat outposts, or on the streets contending with hungry and angry Americans. Wired.com writes, "There's a strong consensus that negotiations ought to be part of the Army's toolkit something backed by a ream of recent doctrinal manuals and various short courses in negotiation at the Army's many schools."
Blacklisted News explains that the Pentagon's war games are just one of many examples that show the direction in which the world is headed. Others include the decentralization of FEMA from a single distribution facility in Washington to 15 regional facilities across the nation. Blacklisted News also claims, "Anecdotal evidence indicates that the U.S. government has been the leading buyer of freeze dried foods for the last couple of years, and private emergency shelter contractors have reported a shortage in equipment and supplies for building personal-sized bunkers."
Other global powers are apparently preparing for "Doomsday" scenarios. Russia has reportedly been preparing for the development of 5,000 new underground bunkers for the city of Moscow, while the European Union commissioned the building of a "Doomsday Seed Vault" in a mountainside several hundred feet above sea level in 2006.
Additionally, FEMA's website recommends that American families have emergency preparedness supplies readily available, including food and water, for at least several weeks.
Photo of Pentagon: AP Images