26-01-2011, 06:33 PM
Sheamus; a thought, what you posted about Greg, that was, imo like gossip, past along to you from others, read in their posts or within perhaps emails, possibly. Now in case you are not aware, and the adm of this new forum should be if not, as it may show up again, is that some years back Lancer and Rich's JFK Research, at times, growled at each other,back and forth, as i shall put it, now Rich's has been gone quite some time, so it has not been kept going by the membership that were there, though there have been some snaps at each other at the ef, it has not boiled over to any extent and i certainly hope it never des as it is simply not fair that it should, now there are some at Lancer and you may well be aware of the whom, that appear to be still on the crapper as i refer to it, you'll notice and more than likely have in the past on their board that if Greg's name or research is mentioned let alone lord forbid, Jack White' and others of the past and now like Dr.Jim, or again God forbide the zapruder film being faked, now there's a bomb, if there ever was one and at one time was not up for discussion on that board it simply was not allowed, no matter what an individual believed, and to each their own belief, theirs others, do not and should not personally affect you nor anyane else,but there are a certain few, some whom many years ago, were booted from Rich's, for reasons that are better off left behind,some more than 10 years ago, but they will not and cannot resolve the situation within their heads, they appear at any opportunity, to jump in with a crappy remark, about the work, or none work as they have also stated, iN THE PAST NOW WHEN HARVEY AND LEE FIRST CAME OUT, IT WAS VERY HEATEDLY RECEIVED AT LANCER, oops sorry caps, it was downed in so many words, before it even reached many hands, why ? simply because Jack White had worked well with John on the research, of double comparisons, information, and so on, he was a big part of it in the end, and it was being sold and handled strickly by Rich and Shelby, therefore it was no good, period, now I have noticed there are some who have educated themselves by reading and verifying all the documentation that is within, and is now searched for , by many, but is no longer readily available, sometime, sheamus, for the heck of it, unless you know the whose by now, do a few searches on there mentioning certain names as i have , and i believe you will see when tracked down, who the crappers are that have and do pass along the made up gossip etc,because that is what it is, to make such as Greg look bad, and BTW nothing you will note, is ever or has been their fault, not a mistake, error, nor getting booted from a forum, their ego's are so fragile, they cannot ever admit a mistake of such enormity. You perhaps will also notice that as the years pass by, the years they have been involved within the research has also grown longer by additions,of years,also that some have met, about all involved, and they have confided in them, of course,very few have if any, but there are some like Jack who is a walking historian of the JFK assassination,who lives next door in fort worth, also you will notice the names they try to throw around,as if they know all and are very good friends of theirs of course, which cuts no ice any way you look at it or for them bu they don't get it, never have, or what they have seen that no one else has, where they have been, and how much on the side info was passed along to them, that of course they cannot release, and on and on, they know all, done all seen all, and are imo the biggest crappers. and many a new member buys into the crap they speil, they simply have not as yet learnt any better,and because they are new are naive, which is the norm in the beginning, and as they are courted,which they are, of course believe they would not be fed information that was not true, it is sad that it still exists and hangs on,seeing that many others did relegate to where it should be placed, in the past..as has been suggested, now by several, no matter what check it out, if gossip or crap about so and so, research for yourself, you may find and often that the person it comes from has a long, long problem with a revenge or hostile or jealous attitude, i feel sorry for them as they have and do waste much time, poisoning the well..and they do so for a reason, sometimes it is jealousy with a capital J, other times the egg shell ego comes into play, there now i was not going to say anything more but, i felt after reading your comments that perhaps this may help, i do blame you as Greg has said posting what you have again a second time when he already has corrected you, on Lancer, but then I do not blame you as it is apparent you have been fed the B/S by some on Lancer, your problem imo is that you took what they has to say to heart, never thinking, they would lead you astray, so we all have learnt as i mentioned in every Prouty thread we do, and it has happened again, it has never failed, i have learnt more this time than in a while, and so have we all , now if agreeable gentlemen can we let the personal arguing rest, and get on with the research discussions, and play nicely, with thanks to all.sorry for rambling also, .best b:danceing: