30-01-2009, 02:21 PM
Hey, Hg is good for you and especially the nervous system. It is omnipresent in tuna and other fish [to some extent] now in peanut butter, corn syrup and other foods, released when compact florescent bulbs are improperly disposed of [nearly all are!] and from industrial waste - even poorly made dental fillings and perhaps the worst problem it is used as an antibacterial in injectable drugs and a likely cause of cancers when administered that way in sufficient numbers. I could go on...it is bad, bad, bad stuff! It also vaporizes and gets all over via air in many forms and once in the body doesn't leave without extreme measures, not usually used! Enjoy your food. There are many other problems with food, I can list another time. The food supply is bad now and getting worse fast. Eat organic, when possible.