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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11
The Evica-Drago model for the JFK conspiracy is as follows:

SPONSORS -- Those with the authority and motive to sanction the assassination and the connections to engage facilitating agents and systems. Among them in my opinion: the most powerful supra-national entities who were -- and are -- above Cold War and Clash of Civilization cosmetic differences.

FALSE SPONSORS -- Selected primarily from involved high-level FACILITATORS and otherwise uninvolved entities who logically might have come under suspicion. Among them in my opinion: LBJ, the CIA, the Mob, anti-Castro Cubans, Big Business, Big Oil, Castro, Khrushchev, etc.

FACILITATORS -- From the "princes" who directly and/or through buffers routinely interacted with and carried out the agendas of the SPONSORS and who created the plot in all its complexities, through high-level members of facilitating organizations, to mid- to low-level functionaries who performed the heavy lifting. Among them in my opinion: LBJ, James Angleton, Edward Lansdale, David Atlee Phillips, David Sanchez Morales, Lucien Conein, Gerald Patrick Hemming, "William Bishop" and other CIA officers and agents, Santos Trafficante, Johnny Rosselli, Jimmy Hoffa, certain Secret Service, FBI and military intelligence officers and agents, individuals intimately linked to Big Business and Big Oil, certain Dallas elected officials and members of the DPD, certain members of the print and broadcast media, certain heads of state, etc. etc. etc.

MECHANICS -- The gunmen and support personnel on-site who carried out the attack. Among them in my opinion: possibly a team from Pakse Base, former Wermacht/SS sniper(s), etc.

You get my drift.

If you see merit both in the general SPONSOR/[FALSE SPONSOR]/FACILITATOR/MECHANIC model for JFK and in its applicability and value to the study of the 9/11 conspiracy, who would you cast in these roles?

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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11 - by Charles Drago - 06-02-2011, 07:55 PM

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