26-02-2011, 02:47 AM
This place was once the richest and most prosperous place in Yugoslavia which they left, enticed by German Marks, so they could be the poorest rump in Europe. Did they think it was going to be any different than what has happened?
Quote:Slovenian entrepreneurs: Our land has collapsed, going to protests [URL="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&langpair=auto%7Cen&u=http://portaloko.hr/index.php%3Fview%3Darticle%26catid%3D65%253Aslovenija%26id%3D10244%253Aslovenski-poduzetnici-zemlja-nam-je-u-kolapsu-idemo-u-prosvjede%26format%3Dpdf%26option%3Dcom_content%26Itemid%3D140&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1&usg=ALkJrhg67PgX1MbYgj9Op5Bt57Q_-7JG4A"]
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[/URL]Autor NiksaAuthor NiksaPetak, 25 VeljaÄa 2011 19:41Friday, 25 February 2011 19:41
LJUBLJANA, 25.LJUBLJANA, 25veljaÄe 2011.- Zbog teÅ¡kog gospodarskog stanja koje posebno pogaÄ‘a obrtnike i manje poduzetnike slovenska obrtniÄko-poduzetniÄka komora najavila je danas da će idućeg mjeseca organizirati niz prosvjednih aktivnosti i drugih oblika "graÄ‘anskog neposluha", do toga da će njeno Älanstvo prestati plaćati doprinose državi i povući svoja sredstva iz banaka.February 2011 .- Due to the severe economic situation, which particularly affects small businesses and crafts artisan and entrepreneurial Slovenian Chamber of Commerce announced today that it will next month host a series of protest activities and other forms of "civil disobedience" to the fact that its members stop paying contributions to the state and withdraw their funds from banks.
Za prosvjedne akcije smo dobili 100-postotnu potporu Älanstva, rekao je na konferenciji za novinare potpredsjednik upravnog odbora obrtniÄko-poduzetniÄke komore Jani Ulaga, dodavÅ¡i da se radi 52.000 Älanova komore i tvrtkama koje zapoÅ¡ljavaju 100.000 ljudi.To protest the action we get 100-percent support for membership, said at a news conference vice president of the Board of artisan and entrepreneurial chambers Jani Investing, adding that it was 52 000 members of chambers and businesses that employ 100,000 people.
Zbog insolventnosti i platne nediscipline izazvane gospodarskom krizom, osobito steÄajevima u graÄ‘evinarstvu, ali iu drugim djelatnostima, obrtnici i mali poduzentici poÄetkom su godine zatražili od vlade odluÄnije mjere kako bi se izvukli iz "alarmantnog stanja" koje prijeti tom sektoru gospodarstva.Due to the insolvency payment and lack of discipline caused the economic crisis, bankruptcies, particularly in construction, but also in other industries, artisans and small poduzentici beginning of the year asked the government decisive measures to be pulled from the "alarming conditions" that threatens the economic sector.
"Ne krivimo samo ovu vladu nego i sve prijašnje. Slovenija je u kolapsu i dok druge europske države doživljavaju oporavak ova je država još uvijek u krizi", rekao je Ulaga."Do not blame only this government but all the previous. Slovenia has collapsed while other European countries experienced a recovery, this is a country still in crisis," said Ulaga.
Budući da kod steÄajeva i postupaka prisilne naplate duga najkraći kraj obiÄno izvuku mali obrtnici i poduzetnici kao podizvoÄ‘aÄi radova, oni traže da se skrate platni rokovi i poboljÅ¡a platna disciplina, te da država za njih uvede olakÅ¡ice kako bi krizu preživjeli jer je u proÅ¡loj godini zbog krize oko 9.000 obrtniÄkih i malih poduzeća prestalo raditi, Å¡to je dvostruko viÅ¡e nego 2000.Since the bankruptcy and debt collection procedures forced the shortest end usually draw small tradesmen and contractors as subcontractors, they seek to shorten the payment terms and improve payment discipline, and that the government introduce incentives for them to survive the crisis because in the past year for crisis, some 9,000 craftsmen and small enterprises ceased working, which is twice more than in 2000.godine.year.
Ako vlada ne bude brzo reagirala na njihove zahtjeve najavili su eskalaciju prosvjednih akcija, ukljuÄujući i odbijanje plaćanja poreza, au konaÄnici i potpunu prometnu blokadu države koju predviÄ‘aju za 18.If the government does not quickly respond to their requests have announced an escalation of protest actions, including refusing to pay taxes, and ultimately complete transport blockade states that provide for 18travnja, o Äemu bi se nekoliko dana prije toga joÅ¡ moralo izjasniti njihovo Älanstvo na skupÅ¡tini.April, which would be several days before that had to declare their membership of the Assembly.(PortalOko)(PortalOko)
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.