26-02-2011, 05:59 AM
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:The pages might have been done 3 years ago, but posted recently and the fact is that the size you indicate is 1/4 the volume of the tanks regardless of how much fuel may have been in them at the time.
It was wrong 3 years ago so why post it now? And it certainly was something one could easily google. It's sloppy and lazy.
Please answer my other points.
You are wrong about the volume of the gas tanks.
Jim will likely have me redo that figure before the book goes to press. It
was the best information I had at that time, and came from someone who
had figured the volume. I was repeating the figure. It is not lazy to have
done something 3 years ago which is now being revisited.
You are GRASPING at straws.