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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
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Rifle and Pistol

For nearly 50 years the public has been confused and purposely misled by a systematic and continuous barrage of dis-information relating to the assassination of President Kennedy. This began with the illusion that Oswald was the lone assassin. This illusion was created by the Warren Commission, continued with the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and was continuously promoted with an endless stream of Oswald-did-it books and made-for-TV documentaries. Over the years numerous books were written about the life of Lee Harvey Oswald by his mother, his wife, and his brother--people who allegedly knew Oswald better than anyone. But these books in particular are filled with inaccuracies and were designed and promoted to fool and confuse the public about the life and background of Lee Harvey Oswald.

80% of the public believes that the assassination of President Kennedy was the result of a conspiracy and few believe that Oswald was the shooter. Many of these people have been hoping for a "smoking gun" to emerge that would solve the JFK mystery once and for all. But even though a single "smoking gun" is an illusion, there are many, many "smoking guns" and they have been there for years--right before our eyes. These "smoking guns" are often overlooked and misunderstood because they seem insignificant and inconsequential. They consist of numerous unexplained events, confusing and mis-leading pieces of information, fabricated evidence, incomplete testimony, and outright lies that have never thoroughly investigated or properly explained. By studying the small details and contradictions, we slowly begin to understand their meaning and their purpose. By linking these details together, piece by piece, what emerges is the "smoking gun" that has eluded us for so long. As my good friend and long-time JFK researcher Malcolm Blunt has said to me again and again, "the devil is in the details." Study these details, the minute details, again and again, and you most learn and understand the devils who were behind the assassination of President Kennedy.

Two of the most misunderstood "smoking guns" in the assassination are, ironically, the rifle and pistol allegedly ordered and purchased thru the mail by Oswald. These "smoking guns" will not show us who was behind the assassination, but they will clearly show that the FBI deliberately manipulated crucial pieces of evidence and failed to conduct a thorough investigation. And they will show how the Warren Commission used FBI reports, testimony from FBI officials, and documentation acquired by the FBI in a blatant and deliberate attempt to "prove" that Oswald purchased and used the rifle to murder President Kennedy. And purchased and used the pistol to murder Dallas Police Officer Tippit. Both the FBI and the Warren Commission intentionally ignored anything and everything that would have exhonorated Oswald. Now, let's look at the details carefully, piece together what really happened, and find out why and how we were mislead.

In 1964 the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald had clipped a coupon from the February, 1963 issue of the American Rifleman magazine, wrote the name "A. Hidell" on the coupon, listed his address as PO Box 2915, Dallas, Texas and enclosed a postal money order in the amount of $21.45. He then mailed the coupon and money order to Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago on March 12 to purchase a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

According to the Warren Commission Oswald left his job at Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall during the morning of March 12, walked 11 blocks to the downtown post office, purchased a postal money order, and then mailed his order for the rifle to Kleins before returning to work. But the letter was postmarked 10:30 am, and company time records show that Oswald never left his job. He worked continuously from 8:00 am thru 12:15 am on 9 different printing jobs.

The Warren Commission never pointed out that the envelope, time stamped 10:30 am, was not mailed from the downtown post office where the money order was purchased. It was stamped and mailed in "zone 12," which was several miles west of the downtown post office and across the Trinity River. In order for this letter to have reached Chicago the following day, it would have to have been picked up by a mail carrier sometime after 10:30 am, delivered to the Industrial Station post office in zone 7, and then sorted and bagged into an airmail pouch. And the airmail pouch would have to have been delivered by another mail carrier to Love field and placed aboard an aircraft prior to it's 12 o'clock noon departure. If we are to believe the Warren Commission then we believe that Oswald skipped work for an undetermined period of time on the morning of March 12, walked 11 blocks to the post office, purchased a postal money order, travelled several miles across the Trinity River in order to mail the letter, and then returned to his job unnoticed. And then, if we believe the Warren Commission, this letter was picked up by a mail carrier sometime after 10:30 am in zone 12, delivered to the post office in zone 7, sorted and placed into an airmail pouch, transported to the Love Field Airport, and loaded aboard the last flight to Chicago before the plane departed at noon. If this sounds a little far-fetched, believe me, it gets better.

Remember the money order that Oswald allegedly purchased at the downtown post office? Well, Oswald had been purchasing money orders for several months from this same post office and mailing them to Washington, DC in order to re-pay a loan from the government for his travel expenses incurred when he returned from Russia to the US. These money orders, which are published in the Warren Volumes, follow a natural numerical sequence beginning in November, 1962. The consecutive serial numbers on these money orders show that some 1200 money orders per week were sold at the downtown post office. At this rate we see that Oswald's alleged purchase of a money order on March 12, 1963 should have been numbered 2,202,011,935. But the serial number of the money order published in the Warren Volumes was over 118,000 numbers higher. At the rate of 1200 money order per week, this money order should have been purchased in late 1964 or early 1965. In other words this money order could easily have been pulled from a stack of fresh, unsold money orders by a postal official, after the assassination, and then turned over to the FBI and ultimately given to the Warren Commission.

This money order was allegedly received by Kleins Sporting Goods in Chicago the following morning, and was included with over a thousand other mail orders from around the country. Warren Commission attorney David Belin handed this money order-Commission Exhibit 788-to Klein's Vice President William Waldman. He then asked Waldman to read the words from the Klein's rubber-stamped endorsement on the reverse side of the money order, which he did. But then, with the money order in front of them, neither Belin nor Waldman volunteered that this money order was never endorsed, stamped, or dated by a single bank. In other words, this money order had never been deposited into a bank or cashed. All of Oswald's previously purchased money orders had been recovered by the FBI, were printed in the Warren Volumes, and contain clear and concise endorsement stamps and dates by the bank into which they were deposited. These money orders were then routed to a Federal Reserve bank where they were again endorsed and date stamped, and then routed to the postal money order center in either Kansas City or Arlington, VA., where they received a final endorsement and date stamp. But this money order, without a single endorsement or date stamp by any bank, was most certainly never deposited to a bank or any financial institution. The simple fact is that the FBI knowingly provided this unused, never deosited money order to the Warren Commission. And the Commission knew, in the person of their Attorney--David Belin, that they were offering this unused, never deposited money order as proof that Oswald purchased a mail order rifle from Klein's. This money order is the key to understanding that the FBI and Warren Commission knowingly created the hoax that Oswald purchased the mail order rifle used to assassinate President Kennedy. This money order is one of the most important "smoking guns" found in the Warren Volumes.

In their determination to prove that Oswald purchased the mail order rifle, the Commission asked Klein's Vice President Waldman to identify the deposit of the $21.45 money order as one of the entries included in a total deposit of $13, 827.98, which he did--Waldman exhibit 10. Now, look at this deposit slip as shown in the Warren Volumes. There is no bank stamp or date stamp on this deposit slip. Now, look at the DATE on this deposit slip (not the list of individual amounts) and you will see that it is dated February 15, 1963--a month before Oswald's order was even received by Kleins....A month before!! And this was the ONLY deposit slip ever presented by the Commission.Yet the Commission knowingly used this deposit to help prove that Oswald purchased a mail-order rifle from Klein's and help frame him for the assassination.

We now know that Oswald did not purchase the money order and he did not mail the letter to Kleins. We also know that the money order allegedly received by Kleins was never deposited into a bank. The last issue is to determine how the FBI and Warren Commission attempted to prove that Oswald received a rifle at his post office box in Dallas.

Crescent Firearms imported rifles from Italy and sold those rifles to retail customers, including Klein's. One of those rifles, serial number C2766, was found by the Dallas Police on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository building following the assassination of President Kennedy. That evening the owner of Crescent, Louis Feldsott, called the FBI and advised that his company sold an Italian rifle, serial number C2766, to Klein's Sporting Goods on June 18, 1962. But this created a serious timing issue for the FBI and for the Warren Commission, because Oswald allegedly ordered his rifle from Klein's a year and 8 months later--in March, 1963. So they ignored Feldsott and obtained records from Harborside Terminal, a bonded warehouse where Crescent stored the Italian rifles after they were imported. They then obtained records from federally licensed gun dealer Fred Rupp who picked up the rifles from Harborside Terminal and then serviced and tested each rifle before sending them to retail customers such as Klein's. These companies were required, by federal law, to keep and maintain the serial number of each weapon received and delivered. Each and every rifle imported into the US could then be traced by serial number from it's origin in Italy, importation into the United States, refurbishing, and sale to a retail establishment. This record keeping was mandatory in the gun trade and strictly adhered to. But after the original records were collected by the FBI they disappeared. Copies of some of these records were given to the Warren Commission, but the serial numbers of the rifles were missing. Now there was simply no way for anyone to accurately trace the rifle with serial number C2766 from the time it arrived in the United States to the time it was delivered to Klein's. Only Louis Feldsott had original records, which were ignored by the FBI and the Warren Commission.

On the night of the assassination, after talking with Louis Feldsott in New York, the FBI sent 3 agents to Kleins Sporting Goods in Chicago at 10:00 pm to review their microfilm records. Seven hours later, at 5:00 am in the morning, the agents advised Klein's Vice-President William Waldman that they had found records relating to the rifle and asked if they could take the microfilm. Waldman agreed and the FBI agents left with the microfilm. It was from Klein's microfilm that the FBI allegedly found documents relating to Oswald's purchase of the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, serial number C2766. They gave paper COPIES to the Warren Commission, but the original microfilm was never returned to Klein's and disappeared while in FBI custody. Now there was simply no way for anyone to accurately trace the rifle from Klein's to Oswald.

From PAPER COPIES the FBI and the Warren Commission concluded that Klein's purchased and received C2766 in February, 1963 and then sold and mailed this rifle to A. Hidell at Oswald's post office box a month later, in March, 1963. But there were many issues surrounding the rifle that were never reconcilled nor explained. Neither the FBI nor Warren Commission answered the question as to why Oswald ordered a 36" rifle, which Klein's had in stock, but received a 40" rifle, which Klein's did not have in stock. They never explained how Lee Harvey Oswald was able to pick up a package from the post office that was addressed to "A. Hidell." They never explained why or how Oswald was able to pick up a package containing a firearm from the post office without filling out postal form 2162, required to be filled out by both the shipper and the receiver of a firearm. They never asked Klein's nor the post office for a copy of this form, which was required to be kept by the post office for 4 years. They never explained where or how Oswald acquired an ammunition clip or ammunition for the rifle. The complete details of the FBI's handling, manipulation and fabrication of evidence, and the Warren Commission's handling and/or directing witness testimony are far too numerous to include in this brief summary. But documentation and witness testimony published by the Warren Commission clearly shows that there is not a single, conclusive piece of evidence that proves Oswald ordered, purchased, or received a rifle. The "evidence" used by the Commission to show that Oswald purchased a rifle from Klein's were an uncashed, unused postal money order, a deposit slip dated a month before Oswald allegedly ordered the rifle, COPIES of records from microfilm that disappeared while in FBI custody, and Warren Commission Attorney David Belin's blatant mis-leading and limited questioning of Klein's Vice President William Waldman. The Commissions willingness to accept COPIES, COPIES, AND MORE COPIES of documents, instead of insisting on original documents and their deliberate mis-handling and mis-interpreting of these copies and witnesses is another "smoking gun," and shows their deliberate attempt to try and prove that Oswald was the lone assassin.

One final thought about the rifle. If Oswald never received the rifle, and never held the rifle in his hands, then he could not have held the rifle that appears in the backyard photographs. And if he never held the rifle, then the backyard photos are fake. On the evening of the assassination Robert and Patricia Hester, who worked for National Photo Labs, saw several backyard photos in the hands of an FBI agent, one day before they were "officially" found by Dallas Police detectives in Ruth Paine's garage. That same evening one of the backyard photographs was seen by Michael Paine and Washington Evening Star reporter Jeremiah O'Leary at Dallas Police headquarters. But how did the FBI and Dallas Police get their hands on the backyard photos a day before they were found in Ruth Paine's garage? And if Oswald never ordered or received a rifle, then how and why were these photos created? The main reason to create the backyard photos was to link the rifle to Oswald because, as we have seen, there is no proof whatsoever that he ever ordered or received a rifle from Kleins Sporting Goods. But as soon as the backyard photo appeared on the cover of Life Magazine, Oswald was forever linked with the rifle. Whoever was responsible for creating these photos had prior knowledge of the assassination. And how did Life Magazine acquire the backyard photo? According to an extensive FBI investigation, from an unknown Dallas Police officer. And who was this unknown police officer? Probably Roscoe White, who worked in the Dallas Police identification bureau and was hired only weeks prior to the assassination. These photos show that it was Roscoe holding the rifle, as evidenced by the large protrusion near his right wrist and his large rectangular jaw. And it was Roscoe who could easily have added a backyard photo or film negatives to the evidence collected by the Dallas Police on the afternoon of November 22. And Roscoe may have been the unknown police officer who gave the photo to Life Magazine. After Roscoe's death, his wife found another backyard photo among his possessions. And in 1991 the Dallas Police found additional backyard photos in their files. These photos are another "smoking gun" and were created for the purpose of placing a rifle in Oswald's hands. They are further proof that Oswald was being set up as the "patsy" prior to the assassination. Finally, what about the Imperial Reflex camera that was used to take the backyard photos? It was not found among Oswald's possessions at his rooming house, nor was it found at Ruth Paine's house, nor was it identified by Marina as belonging to Oswald when she was first shown the camera. In fact, Marina described a very different camera that she said was used by her to take the backyard photos. The Imperial Reflex camera first appeared 3 months after the assassination-on February 14, 1964 when Robert Oswald gave it to the FBI. And where did Robert get the camera. From Ruth Paine, who somehow was able to provide many items of evidence used to frame/incriminate Oswald in the months following the assassination, long after the police had thoroughly searched her home and garage.

Next, let's examine the mail order pistol that Oswald allegedly used to murder Dallas Police officer J.D. Tippit. On March 13, 1963 Seaport Traders allegedly received an order coupon and $10 in cash from A.J. Hidell in Dallas, Texas for the purchase of a $29.95 pistol. Before shipping a pistol to anyone, in any state, Seaport had the responsibility of conforming to the laws of that state. In Texas the law required "anyone desiring to purchase a pistol or handgun first obtain a certificate of good character from a justice of the peace, county judge, or district judge in the county of residence." Seaport, without a "certificate of good character" should never have shipped a pistol to anyone in Texas. And how could anyone obtain a "certificate of good character" when using the alias "A. Hidell?" After Seaport allegedly received the order from Hidell, they allegedly sent a more expensive, $39.95 Smith & Weston pistol for the same price. The pistol was allegedly shipped via Railway Express to PO Box 2915 with instructions to collect the balance due as COD. But Railway Express could not deliver packages to a post office box. When they received an order addressed to a post office box, they mailed a notice to the post office box advising the box holder that a package was available for pickup. The customer would take the notice to the REA office, pay any COD charges, show identification, and pick up the package. Railway Express had very specific rules pertaining to the receipt and delivery of firearms. The person picking up the package was required to produce and surrender the mailing notice received for the package, in this case the notice allegedly sent to A. Hidell at post office box 2915. Identification was required for the person receiving the package, in this case identification for A. Hidell. COD charges, if any, were collected and a receipt was given to the customer. Finally, REA employees were required to check their form 5024, to confirm that the name on the mailing notice and the name of the receiver of a shipment matched their records.

The Warren Commission says the package containing the pistol was picked up at the REA office at 515 Houston St. in Dallas on March 20. But the evidence upon which they based their conclusion was a copy of a receipt signed by "Paxton." This was a COPY of a receipt, but not the original. There was no "certificate of good character," neither an original nor a copy of a notice of pickup that had been sent to A. Hidell at PO Box 2915, no original nor copy of a receipt signed by Hidell, no original nor copy of form 5024 that would have listed a parcel shipped to A. Hidell and, most importantly, no receipt or evidence that any COD charges had been paid or collected for the balance of payment to Seaport Traders. The FBI never checked REA's cash receipts or bank account to confirm a deposit for the COD charges, nor did they check Seaport Traders bank account or records to see if a deposit had been received from REA for the COD charges. In the final analysis the Warren Commission used a COPY of a receipt signed by an unknown and unidentified "Paxton" to prove that Oswald purchased the mail-order pistol that was used to kill Dallas Police Officer Tippit--once again, nothing more than a COPY, and in this case a copy signed by an unidentified person.

Some people may try to explain away the lack of evidence that Oswald purchased a rifle and pistol by saying the FBI simply did a poor job of investigating. But when the FBI gathers original documents and original microfilm, and that evidence disappears while in their custody and is replaced by paper copies, we see that their mis-handling and manipulation of evidence is deliberate. And when we see that the FBI provided the Commission with an unused, uncashed money order, we see that they are complicit in the fabrication of evidence. The manipulation of evidence is a very important "smoking gun." We know that the Warren Commission used copies of documents to try and prove that Oswald purchased a mail order rifle and pistol. And we have seen how the Warren Commission's attorneys limited and led witness testimony in an attempt to link their fabricated pieces of evidence to Oswald. The Commissions mis-handling of documents and witnesses is another very important "smoking gun."

We have now seen that any item of evidence or any witness that could have exonerated or helped to exonerate Oswald in the purchase of the rifle or pistol was ignored by the FBI and the Warren Commission. As we explore the life and background of the Oswalds we shall see how the manipulation and alteration of evidence by the FBI, and the mis-handling and ignoring of important witnesses by the Warren Commission, was used to frame Oswald for the assassination. The coverup continues to this day.

Tomorrow, and for the next 4 evenings, I will discuss in detail the lives of two young men--Harvey Oswald and Lee Oswald. I will show how the FBI and Warren Commission manipulated evidence and witness testimony in an attempt to merge the backgrounds of these two people into the legend we know as Lee Harvey Oswald. On the 5th evening, the last day of the conference, I will discuss in detail the FBI's handling and fabricating of evidence. You probably know that the Dallas Police confiscated virtually all of Oswald's possessions from his rooming house and Ruth Paine's garage within hours of the assassination. But how many of you know that on the evening of the assassination FBI agent Vincent Drain secretly took Oswald's possessions, over 200 items, to FBI headquarters in Washington, DC. While in FBI custody many pieces of this evidence were altered, manipulated, fabricated, and destroyed. And many new items of evidence were added. When Oswald's possessions were quietly returned to Dallas 3 days later to be jointly inventoried by the FBI and DPD, there were over 450 items. The FBI knew, within hours of the assassination, which pieces of evidence to add, which pieces to manipulate, which pieces to destroy, and which witnesses to avoid. Their actions clearly demonstrate that top FBI officials knew about the Oswald project prior to the assassination--and understood that their mission was to frame Oswald and to conceal the fact that two people had been using the name "Lee Harvey Oswald" for many years.

Nov 15, 2010

Messages In This Thread
Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE? - by Jack White - 11-03-2011, 06:38 AM

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