16-04-2011, 02:10 AM
Greg Burnham Wrote:Robert,
By your own admission elsewhere, you report that you have read only 12 books on this subject in your entire life! Yet, you have over 430 books on your "good books" list that you are recommending others should read. Do you also forward email messages that you receive to everyone in your address book before you've even bothered to read them for yourself?
Greg, you misunderstand the purpose of my list of JFK related books. I am building a list of JFK related books so it can be a tool to other researchers. The recommendations of these books/DVDS, especially the first 200 or so, come from other very experienced JFK researchers as well as myself. Of course, I have not read cover-to-cover all these books.
I am extremely well read in the JFK assassination, not just with books, but often with the absolute best stuff there is on the internet. Perhaps you should send for my "LBJ and CIA killed JFK" file. Just email Morrow321@aol.com and I will be glad to send you my file.
I constantly add to it, updated it, mainly by "cutting and pasting" the best stuff on the internet into it. In fact your COPA presentations on NSAM 263/273 are included in it.
I have read intensively on the JFK for the past 3 years and I made a beeline for the highest quality, most current stuff. The best of the older books are incorporated in the higher quality newer books such as LBJ: the Mastermind of JFK's Assassination and JFK and the Unspeakable, Brothers and Doug Horne's volumes just to name a few.
I read from many, many books but I rarely read a whole book on the JFK assassination. It is just not an efficiently way to rapidly acquire knowledge. I have a knack, like any skilled researcher, of being able to zero in on the significant stuff while skipping the dross or irrelevant material.
I am becoming quite expert on the JFK assassination as anyone who talks to me rapidly finds out. In fact, I think I know a lot more about the 1963 Coup d'Etat than you do.
Btw, Nelson Rockefeller was also in on the JFK assassination with his good busom buddy Lyndon Johnson. Maybe you will figure that out one day.
My list of books relating to the 1963 Coup d'Etat is at 430. Notice that many of them are not exclusively about JFK. There are many valuable books that pure "JFK assassination books" that provide a important insight into the event. The Dark Side of Camelot, Perloff's book on the CFR, JFK: Ordeal in Africa, Gibson's Battling Wall Street are just a few examples. Any biographies of the key players from Lansdale to LBJ to Dulles to Angleton to H.L. Hunt to Rockefellers all bear good fruit.
I hope to get my list of "JFK assass. related books" up to perhaps 2,000 or so, with the best JFK books at the top followed by the peripheral, yet very valuable JFK books on the bottom.
So, Greg, why all the juvenile sniping comments directed at me? Are you jealous? I think I know a LOT more about the 1963 Coup d'Etat than you do.
And as for Seamus ... well, I think Alex Jones has a lot deeper understanding of the JFK assassination than you do. Seriously.