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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Ed Jewett Wrote:... the satanic use of sacrificial death as a means of worship.
That is really a very sweeping statement. Are you suggesting that "satanic" to be meant in a literal way, i.e. thousands of widely diverse groups and individuals engaged in the worship of Satan and then acting out their religious beliefs by arranging events that end in the ritual sacrificial deaths of thousands to millions? Of course, the logical end of that kind of worship is the sacrifice of the planet.

Or are you speaking in a more metaphorical way?

Lauren, I may have "spilled my M&M's in the lobby", as the saying goes. Stay tuned...

I have been offline because of computer problems until very recently, thus without my usual outlet for participation, research and more about the world we live in. But I used the time as wisely as possible by catching up with some reading, which included Peter Levenda's trilogy on the "Sinister Forces" in the world, with a side trip through his "Unholy Alliance" and Gordon Thomas' book on Ewan Cameron and torture/medical malfeasance. Levenda came particularly recommended to me by Kris Millegan, publisher at Trine-Day, when I asked, after having read "The Last Circle" by Seymour and "A Terrible Mistake" by Albarelli. I had inquired specifically about mind control, and Millegan said reading Levenda would be alchemical, meaning it would forever change the way I looked at things. Those books were then followed by "Dr. Mary's Monkey" which took me by storm as I sat next to my wife recovering from the first dose of chemotherapy for a new and recurrent cancer that had Boston specialists baffled by its nature and closely-guarded in their language. I commend to you the chapter on "The Treatise" in particular. I've also studied bio-warfare in other contexts and I wonder what relationship the secret research done in New Orleans has to do with the work, materials, findings and characters noted in Seymour's "The Last Circle". It seems clear that their are people who are hell-bent on widespread killing and forms of mega-death; if that's not satanic in its nature, I am going to have to review my library of books on religion and spirituality.

That reading was followed by the duo of Anthony Sutton's "America's Secret Establishment", and Millegan's own collection of edited material called "Fleshing Out Skull and Bones", as well as a side trip to an old re-published-from-1918 version of "New England and the Bavarian Illuminati". Due to arrive next week is Jim Marrs' book on the rise of the Fourth Reich. I am on record as having promised a mega-review of all of that, probably in serial chapters, to look at what was said in those books, to research in greater depth some of the references, to create some sidebars, and more.

The answer to your direct question lies in comments made in Milliegan's "Fleshing..." about the satanic nature of Skull and Bones (prima facie, it seems) as well as numerous offerings in Levenda, and my correlation with some things I have read and comprehended previously, many of which are detailed in those books mentioned above. When you consider that some of the nation's leaders participate in club outings at which there is a large representation of Moloch and a fire-related event... when you consider that one of the primary position papers in regards to mind control and mind wars is authored by a fellow affiliated with a "church" involved in Satanic worship.... Levenda's work took decades to research and is footnoted with bibliographies. I'll be beginning the assemblage of the forthcoming piece next week.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11 - by Ed Jewett - 24-04-2011, 01:32 AM

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