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Serbs are the biggest threat in Europe

Why? Because they wont be a door mat? I just didn't know where to put this. Are some people so out of touch with reality that they can really think this? :bawling:

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
February 13, 2009

Balkans biggest threat of instability in Europe

-"Belgrade openly supports parallel Kosovo Serb institutions. It has used political and legal means to challenge and undermine Pristina's sovereignty and to limit the mandate of the EU's Rule of Law mission (EULEX) in Kosovo....Threats of secession by Bosnian Serb leaders and calls by some Bosniak leaders to eliminate the Bosnian Serb entity have increased inter-ethnic tensions to perhaps the highest level in years."

Washington - The Balkans pose the greatest threat of instability in Europe in 2009, according to an annual threat assessment presented Thursday by US intelligence director Dennis Blair, AFP reports.

The report said the principal challenge will come from the unresolved political status of the Serb minority in Kosovo, and the uneasy inter-ethnic power-sharing arrangements in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

"Events in the Balkans will again pose the greatest threat of instability in Europe in 2009, despite positive developments in the last year that included Kosovo's peaceful :banghead: declaration of independence from Serbia, the election of pro-EU leaders in Serbia, and offers of NATO membership to Croatia and Albania," it said.

The report noted that 22 of 27 European Union countries have recognized Kosovo's independence since it was unilaterally declared February 17, 2007, but stressed that Serbia has not accepted it.

"Belgrade openly supports parallel Kosovo Serb institutions. It has used political and legal means to challenge and undermine Pristina's sovereignty and to limit the mandate of the EU's Rule of Law mission (EULEX) in Kosovo, which is meant to help Kosovo authorities build multi-ethnic [sic] police, judiciary and customs systems," the report said.

"This has reinforced the de-facto separation of Kosovo into an Albanian-majority south and a Serb-majority north and frustrated the Kosovo Albanians," it said.

As for Bosnia, the report said its future as a multi-ethnic state "remains in doubt, although neither widespread violence nor a formal split is imminent."

"Threats of secession by Bosnian Serb leaders and calls by some Bosniak leaders to eliminate the Bosnian Serb entity have increased inter-ethnic tensions to perhaps the highest level in years," it said.
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Serbs are the biggest threat in Europe - by Magda Hassan - 13-02-2009, 04:14 PM

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