03-05-2011, 01:57 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:On the internet I see 3-5 days for DNA matching...but even if they did it 'pronto', say 2-3 days...they apparently did it in less than one.....or didn't do it at all [most likely!]
This is the way you tell a fraud. Agencies that normally take weeks just to get their pants on, manage to "solve" a crime almost instantaneously. The phoned in "tip" about Oswald before anyone even knew who he was, the handy-dandy list of "conspirators" in the rental car on 9/11, the planted gun found in the open the day Martin King was murdered, they all point toward scripted events. The magic DNA identification is just another example. And where did they get the DNA to match? Was it standard practice for the CIA to DNA-type their operatives during the Russo-Afghan War?