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Al-Qaeda leader Bin Laden 'dead'. Again.
Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations
Steve R. Pieczenik says he is prepared to tell a federal grand jury the name of a
top general who told him directly 9/11 was a false flag attack.

Paul Joseph Watson
May 4, 2011

Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous
different influential positions under three different Presidents and still works
with the Defense Department, shockingly told The Alex Jones Show yesterday
that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 and that he was prepared to testify in front
of a grand jury how a top general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag
inside job.

Pieczenik cannot be dismissed as a ?conspiracy theorist?. He served as the Deputy
Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations, Nixon, Ford and
Carter, while also working under Reagan and Bush senior, and still works as a
consultant for the Department of Defense. A former US Navy Captain, Pieczenik
achieved two prestigious Harry C. Solomon Awards at the Harvard Medical School
as he simultaneously completed a PhD at MIT.

Official story:

Official: Osama bin Laden is dead
Osama bin Laden is dead and US has body, says person familiar with

For a dissenting view, here's a quote (from "James Henry Fetzer",

One of the most blatant acts of bullshit in our nation's history! A
man who could so directly and baldly lie in announcing the death of
a man who died on or about 15 December 2001 could also directly and
baldly lie about his birth certificate! They are announcing that Osama
was taken out by Obama. Now the wars can continue, the predator drones
can keep killing, and no one will care about where Barack was born!

The claim is made that Osama "confessed", when he did nothing of the
sort. In the only authentic interview we have, he explained that he
had nothing to do with 9/11; that he was upset with the US because
it had stationed troops in Saudi Arabia, the home of Mecca and Medina,
the two most holy sites in Islam; that killing innocent women and
children is contrary to the tenets of Islam; and that there is a
government-within-the-government in America that appears to have been
responsible for these atrocities and blaming those acts on Muslims.

Excellent article:

"Obama's 'Big Lie': White House Propaganda and the 'Death' of Osama bin Laden" by Larry Chin May 2, 2011)

Latest report:

Osama bin Laden corpse photo is fake (2 May 2011)

Another skeptic:

Osama bin Laden's Second Death (May 2, 2011)
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Related article:

"On the Ethical Conduct of Warfare: Predator Drones" (22 February 2011)

Historical context:

9/11 ANALYSIS: From Ronald Reagan and the Soviet-Afghan War to George W Bush and September 11, 2001 by Michel Chossudovsky (September 9, 2010)

Earlier article:

Gordon Duff, CIA HINTS, BIN LADEN DEAD SINCE "EARLY 2000's" (June 29, 2010)

Griffin's book:

David Ray Griffin, OSAMA BIL LADEN: DEAD OR ALIVE? (2009)

Griffin's article:

"Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?" (October 9, 2009)

An interview with someone who would know:

Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden was Murdered (2007)
NOTE: This may have been a mistatement by BB.

FBI acknowledgement:

FBI says, "No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11" (June 10, 2006)

Scholars press release:


Report: Bin Laden Already Dead (December 26, 2001)

Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the
Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.,2933,41576,00.html

An interview with a CIA agent the day after 9/11:

CIA veteran doubts the bin Laden story (September 12, 2001)

Messages In This Thread
Al-Qaeda leader Bin Laden 'dead'. Again. - by James H. Fetzer - 05-05-2011, 04:22 AM

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