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Contragate and Counterterrorism: An Overview
Contragate and Counterterrorism: An Overview

Crime and Social Justice (Vol. 31, No. 2) (2003)

Gregory Shank

Crime and Social Justice is pleased to offer this timely special double issue on state terrorism, political corruption, and crime. The issue was initially conceived well before the Iran-Contragate scandal broke when we undertook to publish papers delivered at an April 1986 symposium on "State Terrorism in the Third World" organized by Heinz Dieterich in Frankfurt, West Germany. The symposium became unexpectedly timely as a consequence of the Reagan administration's decision to bomb Libya "in self-defense" under the pretext of countering state terrorism. The topic has remained of enduring interest to Global Options' Terrorism Watch and to other authors working along similar lines whose works also appear in this issue.

The theme "Contragate and Counterterrorism" was chosen to highlight the wrongdoing and strategic excesses of the Reagan presidency. On the one hand, Contragate appears to signify simultaneous changes underway in the rightwing governing alliance at the federal level, and disarray in Reagan administration counterterrorism policy. On the other hand, abundant evidence of systematic criminality exists in relation to the bribery of foreign officials, and the skimming off of profits from arms trafficking in support of world-spanning covert wars. Narcotics traffickers and arms dealers, supplemented by rightwing philanthropists seeking tax write-offs, have joined foreign governments in supporting a war and a terrorist mercenary force the American public has repeatedly rejected.....
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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Contragate and Counterterrorism: An Overview - by Ed Jewett - 22-05-2011, 05:42 AM

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