25-05-2011, 10:43 PM
I didn't expect so may replies to this small notice about a reprint. In fact I didn't expect any replies or maybe just one or two from veterans of the Crisman thread.
Kenn Thomas may well be misguided, but he has an interesting way of documenting his folly. I don't seriously entertain the idea he is an agent of disinformation any more than I would seriously suspect Robert Anton Wilson of being a secret agent of the Illuminati.
There is something going on with Crisman, DISC on the Torbitt document, Nazis, UFOs and Kennedy, but whether that led to his assassination, personally I doubt.
Annie's newish Area 51 book is very attractive to those who really don't want to "go there," it provides a rational explanation for Groom Lake and all the secrecy and UFO cover stories. I don't doubt her research is very interesting and probably does shed some light on what went on there.
Jim Marrs and Jospeh Farrell might err on the side of too much Nazi involvement. One interesting thing I heard recently was (no raspberry sounds please) a Coast to Coast AM with Linda Moulton Howe talking with a man who was instructed by people on the inside to simply go back and read the local New Mexico press for May-July 1947. He came up with a strange story of a massive increase in the statistical average of plane crashes around the US (and as I recall the Swedish monarch also died in a plane crash in Netherlands in 1947) following what he decided was a US military policy to shoot down the craft harrassing White Sands and other facilities, whatever they were. I think the "internet name" of the C2C episode is "Coast to Coast - Jan 20 2006 - 1947 White Sands UFO Report" but it might be another one around the same time.
Invoking Mengela to explain the midget aliens at Roswell to just smells like disinformation to me, but no one has explained why they were so human, if they were there at all. The easiest explanation is they were strange looking Homo sapiens, not aliens.
Kenn Thomas has renamed his book from an earlier title, I think it something distinctly uncatchy like Maury Island UFO: Fred Crisman and something something. So he is attaching JFK to the title to both attract attention and to get to the core of what the book is really about, the Maury Island event but also the weird connexions it has with American politics later. I don't think that's disinformation-mongering so much as selling a book in order to get people to take a look at real information, which hasn't been fully explained yet, a la the Peter Levenda coincidences.
I didn't consider that people might interpret the title here on DPF as an attempt to pin the JFK assassination on little green men. I wasn't even concerned about JFK, just the Maury Island event, which is interesting in itself.
For whatever reason my DNS server is blocking DPF, or I am being blocked somewhere along the line, so apologies if I cannot respond in a timely way to any replies.
(I also noticed that Mike Rivero's site after the most recent DNS DDOS came back up with a note he's moving from Republic Broadcasting to Rense.com effective immediately. This is extremely funny to regular listeners of his radio show, where traditionally he has basically hung up on any and all callers who bring up UFOs, chemtrails and mystic mumbojumbo by saying "We don't do that here, go over to Rense for that!")
It is probably worth noting here, since Kenn Thomas's name has been connected with attempts to divert attention from the true sponsors and facilitators, that he is convinced of at least two controversial points: a plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, and Majestic 12 was a real organization doing more or less what it is purported to have done by the UFOlogy faction that believes it existed.
Keep your eyes on the skies...
Kenn Thomas may well be misguided, but he has an interesting way of documenting his folly. I don't seriously entertain the idea he is an agent of disinformation any more than I would seriously suspect Robert Anton Wilson of being a secret agent of the Illuminati.
There is something going on with Crisman, DISC on the Torbitt document, Nazis, UFOs and Kennedy, but whether that led to his assassination, personally I doubt.
Annie's newish Area 51 book is very attractive to those who really don't want to "go there," it provides a rational explanation for Groom Lake and all the secrecy and UFO cover stories. I don't doubt her research is very interesting and probably does shed some light on what went on there.
Jim Marrs and Jospeh Farrell might err on the side of too much Nazi involvement. One interesting thing I heard recently was (no raspberry sounds please) a Coast to Coast AM with Linda Moulton Howe talking with a man who was instructed by people on the inside to simply go back and read the local New Mexico press for May-July 1947. He came up with a strange story of a massive increase in the statistical average of plane crashes around the US (and as I recall the Swedish monarch also died in a plane crash in Netherlands in 1947) following what he decided was a US military policy to shoot down the craft harrassing White Sands and other facilities, whatever they were. I think the "internet name" of the C2C episode is "Coast to Coast - Jan 20 2006 - 1947 White Sands UFO Report" but it might be another one around the same time.
Invoking Mengela to explain the midget aliens at Roswell to just smells like disinformation to me, but no one has explained why they were so human, if they were there at all. The easiest explanation is they were strange looking Homo sapiens, not aliens.
Kenn Thomas has renamed his book from an earlier title, I think it something distinctly uncatchy like Maury Island UFO: Fred Crisman and something something. So he is attaching JFK to the title to both attract attention and to get to the core of what the book is really about, the Maury Island event but also the weird connexions it has with American politics later. I don't think that's disinformation-mongering so much as selling a book in order to get people to take a look at real information, which hasn't been fully explained yet, a la the Peter Levenda coincidences.
I didn't consider that people might interpret the title here on DPF as an attempt to pin the JFK assassination on little green men. I wasn't even concerned about JFK, just the Maury Island event, which is interesting in itself.
For whatever reason my DNS server is blocking DPF, or I am being blocked somewhere along the line, so apologies if I cannot respond in a timely way to any replies.
(I also noticed that Mike Rivero's site after the most recent DNS DDOS came back up with a note he's moving from Republic Broadcasting to Rense.com effective immediately. This is extremely funny to regular listeners of his radio show, where traditionally he has basically hung up on any and all callers who bring up UFOs, chemtrails and mystic mumbojumbo by saying "We don't do that here, go over to Rense for that!")
It is probably worth noting here, since Kenn Thomas's name has been connected with attempts to divert attention from the true sponsors and facilitators, that he is convinced of at least two controversial points: a plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, and Majestic 12 was a real organization doing more or less what it is purported to have done by the UFOlogy faction that believes it existed.
Keep your eyes on the skies...