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Al-Qaeda leader Bin Laden 'dead'. Again.
The Official Final Chapter of bin Laden Myth is Aptly Named After a Myth
Posted on June 2, 2011 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton

A myth for a myth
Aren't they clever? They named the final chapter of the bin Laden myth after a Roman mythological figure. That should earn more than a few insider's snickers down at the old CFR building.
One month has passed since the last bin Laden distraction card was played and they have finally got the story ironed out enough to smooth over all the little wrinkles and declare this last version, or the next to the last version, as the "official" version of what happened and who better to put forward that new, almost complete, official version, than the Council on Foreign Relations.
It's a stunning example of what I like to call Propaganda Multitasking. Light on facts, heavy on revision, and always keeping an eye on the next prize, Pakistan.
Reading Micah Zenko's final summation of the official ending to the bin Laden myth is a bit like reading the final draft of a marketing strategy for a company in which all the various departments got to stick in little pat's on their own backs and plugs for future pet projects.
While gratuitous self-promotion and historical revisionism is certainly the focus of the piece, Zenko also finds time to toss in some little tidbits to help the warmongers get set for an eventual invasion of Pakistan as well. This of course is the hallmark of well formatted propaganda; to simultaneously serve as many self interested agendas as possible. We'll call it "Propaganda Multitasking"
To start off with, Zenko seems to want us to forget certain aspects of the story that we have come to understand as fact since their little Abbotabad improve took place a month ago.
Right off the bat he uses the now infamous "inside the war room" photo where all the "insiders" were supposed to be sitting around watching the whole thing go down. That's the photo with Hillary Clinton holding her hand over her mouth as if she were watching something "shocking". God, what a fine actor she is. She's knows how to steal the spotlight, doesn't she?
Turns out that it came to be understood that there was no live feed of the action (even though SEAL Team 6 had video cameras on their helmets) and Hillary had to make up some story about having her hand over her mouth to stifle a cough. The whole thing was a staged fraud, a PR move staged with the military guy in the middle 0f the shot busily working on his keyboard like he was "running the show" while the rest sat attentively and watched the action take place.
Cups were empty and dry, computers turned off, and they just happened to make sure to bring a lowly little professional photographer into the top secret war-room to "capture the moment".
It's "Wag the Dog" folks; the world where talentless TV producer scum think they can craft a reality show called "Let's Make War". If you want another couple of examples of their "craftsmanship" just check out the latest "news" from Libya or Syria. Completely fabricated bunk from "activists say' journalism.
"… activists said… activists say… according to activists… images of children who ACTIVISTS SAY were killed… rights groups says…" MSNBC
Zenko goes on to tease his audience by writing "Peter Bergen would write "an immersive, definitive account of the operation that killed the world's most wanted man."" meaning that the official official version of the story is being worked on, by the great propagandist mouth-piece Peter Bergen, and boy oh boy, we can't wait for that last installment of the bin Laden saga, can we?
One of the first things we learn about this "brave" venture is that the operation itself was called "Neptune's Spear".
I guess "Neptune" tested better than the original "Geronimo", tended to piss off fewer Native Americans, so they went with that one. After all, how many people live in the sea? Maybe they called it "Neptune's Spear" because they rushed as fast as they could in a helicopter to cross over 75% of Pakistan in less than 9 hours so that they could dump Osama's body in the ocean as an offering to Neptune himself. Who knows.
I do know this much; Neptune didn't have a spear, he carried a trident.
But… what do you expect from marketing guys.
I also know that the term "Geronimo" is never mentioned in Zenko's article. Neither is this for that matter:
"Counterterrorism chief John Brennan told reporters that while bin Laden had vowed to go down fighting, in his last moments alive the master terrorist hid behind a woman." ABC News
The next little tidbit of information are the names of the two brothers who supposedly led the CIA to bin Laden. They of course, were killed, like everyone else, so that we won't have to bother with trials or investigations or all that tedious crap. Kinda like this guy…
The brothers were Abrar and Ibrahim Said Ahmad and they were living in this squalid "compound" (with shit buckets in the hallways) with their assorted family members, and a billionaire who was wanted by every intelligence agency on the planet, with a 25 million dollar "no questions asked" price-tag on his head.
Let me see if I got this straight… a wanted billionaire who whereabouts were worth $25 million US, was hanging out with these two impoverished brothers in this shit-hole that your average crackhead wouldn't be caught dead in? And the two brothers also had families living in the shit holes as well, and NEITHER of them ever figured out that they could provide a better living for their families by turning in the old stingy billionaire?
Anyway, that's the story, and don't expect Mr. Zenko to provide any details as to how they came to figure out who these brothers were, because that story hasn't quite been ironed out yet. Rather, he does say that their identities became known to the CIA thanks to the good old fashioned torture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Faraj al-Libbi.
You see what he did there? Torture DOES work (Propaganda Multi-Tasking at it's best… this guy is so worth the money, huh?)
Zenko goes on to toss in bits and pieces of propaganda like Obama rejected a B-2 strike to get bin Laden because they couldn't get the DNA "proof' and it would cause too many civilian casualties. I guess the civilians in Libya are immune to B-2 bombing strikes. Let's hope they're also immune to British bunker busters.
Very reassuring knowing that there are at least a few civilians in Pakistan that President Peace Prize would rather not bomb to death. They're working on it at least.
To bad for those three grandchildren Obama bombed (just one day before the glorious leader decided to run this little PR operation) at a family gathering in a residential neighborhood in Libya. But that is justified as well because President Peace Prize was trying to illegally assassinate the leader of another country, so those dead kids don't count.
Nowhere in Zenko's revisionist version of operation Neptune's Spear does he talk about prolonged fire fights or people hiding behind women or Photoshopped photos being shown to senators or even contrived burials at sea.
Gone are all the questionable aspects of the story and what is left is nothing but praise for Obama's courage in the face of this operation.
Ironically, and not just a little cutesy, is the fact that they named this final chapter of the bin Laden mythology "Neptune's Spear". Neptune of course being a Roman myth. Bin Laden even looks a bit like old Neptune, doesn't he?
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Messages In This Thread
Al-Qaeda leader Bin Laden 'dead'. Again. - by Ed Jewett - 03-06-2011, 04:40 AM

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