09-10-2008, 02:49 PM
"Will he stand up to the powers that be the way JFK did?"
If we have learned anything studying all this stuff for 45 years it is that Dallas, Memphis and Los Angeles were warnings that "standing up" will not be tolerated. Either you are a puppet or you are snuffed out. The message is clear. And Obama is a special case. There are plenty of rednecks who will be willing to undertake the task on him independently.
That is why there are no "worthy" candidates any more. Nobody of significance wants to volunteer for martyrdom.
If we have learned anything studying all this stuff for 45 years it is that Dallas, Memphis and Los Angeles were warnings that "standing up" will not be tolerated. Either you are a puppet or you are snuffed out. The message is clear. And Obama is a special case. There are plenty of rednecks who will be willing to undertake the task on him independently.
That is why there are no "worthy" candidates any more. Nobody of significance wants to volunteer for martyrdom.