01-07-2011, 08:30 PM
Anthony Thorne Wrote:The links (numbers I to VII) seem truncated, but they all do come up via that 911blogger link at the bottom. Thought-provoking stuff, and clicking on just a couple of links within those articles brought me into an avalanche of additional news articles that made me want to open a Word document and start copying and pasting for further perusal.
Apologies... I thought I had re-constructed those links properly. If you need further assistance, send me a PM. I am intimately familiar with their content and the context. Those are in my blog at CGCS and, if it's not already obvious, I am Mssr. Jouet, my nom de plume when I was blogging at 9/11Blogger, jouet being a French word for "game or toy", as I was an avid adept at simulation gaming; être le jouet d'une hallucination means to be in the grip of an hallucination, and simulations by nature are somewhat absorbing, surreal, make-believe and, in the end, unreal.
Let me try again:
"Is this real-world or exercise?": Cyber-PsyOps Warfare & 9/11
Part I: 9/11, Simulation and "Red Teaming"
Part II: TADMUS and Situation Awareness
Part III: Wired?!
Part IV: Ptech, the OODA Loop and SAIC
Part V: Powell, Armitage and the Secret Service
Part VI: Reporting for Duty, Sir!
Part VII: Creating Reality
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"