09-07-2011, 04:59 AM
Seamus Coogan Wrote:Lol.
... there's a chance we both might actually learn something.
Your ontological aggression is showing.
I'm not interesting in "debating" the issue; I'm still learning. Nor am I interested in learning from someone who insists on interjecting his own sense of his knowledge. I am sure you have done more research into JFK, Dealey Plaza and related topics. You have my respect for having done so. I am glad you are so full up on the topic and yourself ("Like you have something to tell me") that you have nothing left to learn.
Your presumptions are showing... but send me a few extra days where I'm not deeply involved in something more important and I'll get over to CTKA and catch up on your deeply-saturated insight and wisdom.
I didn't "make out that" you hadn't read GME. I noted that I had.
"That complete and utter gibberish you sent about the Illuminati-JFK and MK Ultra. How silly is that? Kris Milligan, good god...."
Well, it may be complete and utter gibberish; that's your opinion. Maybe you should invite him to DPF to join the conversation. Now, at least, I can put a little red mark next to it that says Seamus Coogan thinks it's complete and utter gibberish.
"As for Phil Melanson I'm sorry..." I just received the book. But I am glad you have pre-registered your vital opinion so that I can keep it in mind as I turn the pages.
Where can I pre-register my book purchases online so that you can screen them for me?
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"