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Investigations Into BATFE Accelerate (A Crude Chronology Since late March 2011)
Obama Orders Launched Fast and Furious


ATF Fast & Furious: Worse than a nightmare
Ginny Simone of NRA News interviewed Congressman Darrell Issa, who's leading the ATF Fast & Furious investigation in Congress. I highly recommend listening to the 11:30 interview. The Congressional report is shows how government can overstep its bounds and become dangerous. Here's some excerpts.

It depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

Page 18: [Congressional finding]

"The Department of Justice has repeatedly and steadfastly denied that any guns were walked under Operation Fast and Furious. According to the narrowest possible interpretation, a gun is walked only when an ATF agent physically places an AK-47 into the hands of a straw purchaser and then lets that straw purchaser walk out of sight. Conversely, every single ATF field agent interviewed stated that guns are walked when ATF has the opportunity to interdict illegally purchased weapons, yet chooses not to even try."

Straw purchasers spent thousands per transaction

Page 27: [Special Agent John Dodson, the original whistle blower]

"Well, every time we voiced concerns…But every day being out here watching a guy go into the same gun store buying another 15 or 20 AK-47s or variants or . . . five or ten Draco pistols or FN Five-seveNs . . . guys that don't have a job, and he is walking in here spending $27,000 for three Barrett .50 calibers …and you are sitting there every day and you can't do anything…"

No regard for lives lost

Page 38: [Dodson, speaking about ATF supervisors in Phoenix and their disregard for lives lost due to Fast & Furious]

"[T]here was a prevailing attitude amongst the group and outside of the group in the ATF chain of command… I was having a conversation with Special Agent [L] about the case in which the conversation ended with me asking her are you prepared to go to a border agent's funeral over this… because that's going to happen. And the sentiment that was given back to me by both her, the group supervisor, was that…if you are going to make an omelette [sic], you need to scramble some eggs."


he Canadian Press - ONLINE EDITION
Organized crime is hijacking Canadian highways: RCMP intelligence report
By: Jim Bronskill, The Canadian Press
Posted: 07/6/2011 4:10 PM | Comments: 1 (including replies) | Last Modified: 07/6/2011 9:33 PM

OTTAWA - Sophisticated criminals are using special compartments built into tractor trailers to smuggle cash across borders, says the RCMP.
A Mountie intelligence report obtained by The Canadian Press warns that organized crime is exploiting the trucking industry to move money, drugs and people.

"Moving large amounts of cash may be the pinnacle of success for these criminal organizations, demonstrating a high level of trust and elevated status," the RCMP found.

Customized compartments fashioned into tractor trailers are used to conceal contraband, yet increasingly specialized ones are being used to hide cash, the report says.

A declassified version of the report, completed last year, was recently released under the Access to Information Act. Portions considered too sensitive to release were withheld by the RCMP.

"Criminals are operating with a rapidly expanding trucking industry that is challenging to regulate and includes cross-border movement of goods," says the RCMP assessment of the threat, dubbed Project Stall.

Cocaine is the most common illegal commodity intercepted in commercial trucks entering Canada and marijuana is most often nabbed domestically, says the report.

The trucking industry moves more than 70 per cent of goods into Canada from the United States and employs 400,000 people. Almost three-quarters of the cross-border traffic passes through points in Ontario and Quebec, which have close to 31,500 owner-operators.

The report notes truck traffic is expected to expand significantly over the next decade on North American Free Trade Agreement corridors.

It describes a complex web of relationships between governments, regulatory bodies and transportation and trucking associations.

"Criminal groups conceal their illicit activities through layers of company ownerships, name changes and, transfers and closures," says the report.

Stolen or fraudulently acquired FAST passes which streamline the often time-consuming process of crossing the border "demonstrate the vulnerability of these measures" to organized crime, it adds.

The elaborate means by which good are transferred through a number of shipping, receiving and transport companies further confuse efforts to pinpoint crime.

Some companies are formed for the sole purpose of transporting illicit goods, and even move the same legitimate cargo back and forth between distribution points as cover for their crimes.

Payments for the movement of goods are a "relatively small cost of doing business" for crime groups but a significant incentive for drivers. The report suggests a driver might be paid $28,000 to take $12 million of cocaine from California to Montreal.

If cargo is lost, stolen or seized, the transporter is expected to provide compensation or risk extortion, beatings, kidnapping or murder, the RCMP says.
Organized criminals will also use bribery and blackmail "to force some people in our industry to do things that they otherwise wouldn't do," said David Bradley, president of the Canadian Trucking Alliance.

In some cases, entire cargo loads are purloined by criminal groups, with the proceeds spent on drugs and weapons.

"We are seeing these crimes becoming more violent and more brazen, and we're concerned about our drivers that are out there," Bradley said in an interview.

The alliance is concerned that cargo theft is largely viewed as a victimless crime since losses are usually covered by insurance.

Increased competition and stricter security and environmental requirements are combining to squeeze out smaller companies and their drivers, the RCMP report says.

"This is an enriched opportunity for organized crime to offer financial incentives to supplement flagging incomes," it adds.

"If larger companies are all that remains in terms of cross-border movement of trade, then criminal groups will find new ways in which to exploit these businesses."

And Seymour's "The Last Circle" showed that the US DOJ was in cahoots with organized crime....


On page 347 of "The Last Circle" note is made of information received from FBI agent Thomas Gates. The first section notes conversations between Robert Booth Nichols and Robert Maheu, former CEO of Howard Hughes Enterprises in Las Vegas. The second indicates the role of DEA agent Keith Bodine as a source for Danny Casolaro's investigation of PROmis, money laundering and drugs, as well as specific detail about the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network [FINCEN]. Another report noted the Judiciary Committee receipt of information in possession of an ABC Nightline news reporter looking into the Casalaro death. Yet another report indicated that FBI agent Thomas Gates had been investigating the involvement of board members from the Music Corporation of America with the Gambino and Buffalino crime families. Gates further indicated that "high-level Department of Justice officials" had a close working relationship with the board of directors of MCA Corporation. Gates said he had learned this from FBI wire taps on MCA. He said that the wiretaps disclosed that "high-level DOJ officials were tied to illegal activities of MCA." Gates said the investigation of Bob and DOJ ties to MCA was shut down by the DOJ and subsequently sealed by the DOJ. [Page 348]

On pages 354:

"What could be more demoralizing to those men and women who serve and protect them to capture on tape (actual voice recordings), members of the Gambino and buff Leno crime families, in collusion with the Department of Justice and US Atty. Gen., the highest law-enforcement authority in the nation, arranging the shutdown and ceiling of an FBI investigation of MCA...."

"I [Cherie Seymour] asked a direct question to [Richard Stavin, an investigator with the Los Angeles organized crime task force]… "Can you please confirm that the FBI wiretap revealed a conversation between Eugene Giaquinto [board member of MCA and Gambino associate] and Martin Bacow [board member of MCA and Gambino associate] and Martin Bacow in which "Giaquinto told Bacow that he would call Edwin Meese and have the FBI's investigation stopped." Stavin, replying to what is in the public record, confirmed it in an e-mail.…"

On page 368:

"One intercepted conversation, taken from the FBI wiretaps, revealed a conversation in which Giaquinto told Martin Bacow that the computer printouts being delivered to him by his "government man" would show connections to companies they own, stockholders, and other companies as well as indictments and other ongoing investigations. Giaquinto also discussed the printouts in the context of an ongoing IRS case.… Again, it appeared that the prosecutor's internal reports to the DOJ were circling back to Giaquinto via Robert Booth Nichols."

On page 371:

The following excerpt credited to Kathleen Sharp's 2004 book, Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood included this passage which corroborated Thomas Gates and Richard Stebbins information to the judiciary committee in March 1992: (provided to Sharp by a source who wished to remain anonymous)

In May 1988, Giaquinto learned about the government investigation of him. "He went ballistic," said my source. MCA's executive Giaquinto had had enough. "I'm calling Meese and getting this thing stopped right now," he said.

"Sure enough," wrote Sharp, "after Giaquinto dropped Meese's name, the three cases against MCAthe payola, video cassettes, and record investigationsbegin to lose steam." Years later, Marvin Rudnick told Sharp that "this is a cover up that goes all the way to the top... snip

Bill Hamilton believed, after more than 22 decades of research, that the modified version of his PROmis software had been used for money laundering of drug profits to fund unauthorized intelligence operations, and he was convinced that part of the reason that the FBI wiretaps of MCA Executives connected with the Mob and Robert Booth Nichols were shut down was because the FBI and the prosecutors had bumped into an intelligence operation involving Promise. Hamilton believed that when the operation began to unravel due to the FBI probe, resignations Followed at various levels within the Justice Department and the White House.…"

The Chronology of Events Offered by Hamilton Is Printed on Page 372.

Page 373 Includes the sworn statement taken from FBI Special Agent Thomas Gates on March 25 and 26th 1992 which states that

"Mr. [Danny] Casolaro claimed he Had found a link between the Inslaw matter, the activities taking place at the Cabazon Indian Reservation [which included the provision of weapons to the Contras] , and a Federal investigation in which Special Agent Gates had been involved regarding Organized Crime influence in the Entertainment Industry."

The depositions of Rudnick and Stavin and detailed their Strikeforce findings. On Page 478 of Kathleen Sharp's 2004 Book, Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood, she wrote: "Stavin discussed the ties between Giaquinto and Robert Booth Nichols. Stavin believed That MCA was helping the government by offering the cover of its offices around the world."

As of this writing, David Margolis Is still serving in the Attorney General's Office, according to an Article Entitled," David MargolisWhy He Matters" at the Who Runs Post Website which reminded readers that Margolis' current position in 2010 was Associate Deputy Attorney General under Atty. Gen. Eric Holder. Margolis was described as "… the Justice Department's Highest Ranking Career Official" under Eric Holder. (Holder Assumed the Office of US Atty. Gen. Serving under Pres. Barrack Obama Beginning in February 2009).

An excerpt from the article reads as follows: "… In 2010, Margolis drew scrutiny for his decision to spare from punishment two Bush Administration lawyers who authored memos justifying the use of enhanced interrogation methods on suspected terrorists. After criticism from civil libertarians, Margolis was defended in a letter signed by 17 former top Justice Department officials, including Attorney Generals from both political parties dating back to the Administration of Pres. George HW Bush.

"As Associate Deputy Attorney General, Margolis serves as a key advisor to the Department's senior political appointees. He also fills other roles, including overseeing the interview process for potential US Attorneys, disciplining Federal prosecutors when necessary and vetting FBI Officials. According to a lengthy 2006 Legal Times profile, Margolis once described His "eclectic" role to an incoming attorney general in this way: "I'm the departments cleaner. I clean up messes." [The Source Is Given as "Margolis Is the DOJ's Ultimate Inside Man"", Legal Times, September 2006.]

Margolis's career history as listed at the website included "Deputy Assistant Attorney General (19901993); Senior Official, Organized Crime Section, Criminal Division (19761990)."

A reminder Is made at this point of the videotaped admission by admitted mob hit man Jimmy Hughes that the murder of three people In the Cabazon/Octopus Murders was a "government ordered hit".

Despite this admission, Hughes was released without prejudice after he had been extradited from Florida to California to stand trial.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Messages In This Thread
Investigations Into BATFE Accelerate (A Crude Chronology Since late March 2011) - by Ed Jewett - 11-07-2011, 08:05 AM

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