09-10-2008, 06:11 PM
This utube needs to be seen by every American citizen. I had seen the part about martial law on Alex Jones' site, (infowars.com), but to hear all nine minutes and learn that this bill involves bailing out bad foreign investers as well, and that Wall St. staff were making these calls is beyond sickening.
To those on the forum who believe voting is a waste of time I ask then how else do we get rid of these crooks?
This utube needs to be seen by every American citizen. I had seen the part about martial law on Alex Jones' site, (infowars.com), but to hear all nine minutes and learn that this bill involves bailing out bad foreign investers as well, and that Wall St. staff were making these calls is beyond sickening.
To those on the forum who believe voting is a waste of time I ask then how else do we get rid of these crooks?