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Investigations Into BATFE Accelerate (A Crude Chronology Since late March 2011)
Gunwalker: ATF Targets Were Actually FBI Informants
It would be comical if we weren't talking about dead federal agents and Mexican nationals.

Writing from the Los Angeles Times Washington Bureau, Richard Serrano reveals that at least six of the ATF's targets in Operation Fast and Furious were paid FBI informants.

Your tax dollars at work:

In a letter to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III, the investigators asked why U.S. taxpayers' money apparently was paid to Mexican cartel members who have terrorized the border region for years in their efforts to smuggle drugs into this country, and to ship U.S. firearms into Mexico.

"We have learned of the possible involvement of paid FBI informants in Operation Fast and Furious," wrote Rep. Darrel Issa (R-Vista), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Sen. Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. The two have been the leading congressional critics of the program.

"At least one individual who is allegedly an FBI informant might have been in communication with, and was perhaps even conspiring with, at least one suspect whom ATF was monitoring," they wrote.

The FBI and DEA did not tell the ATF about the alleged informants. The ATF and congressional investigators learned later that those agencies apparently were paying cartel members whom the ATF wanted to arrest.

To simplify: the Department of Justice was paying ATF agents to ignore federal laws in order to provide weapons to criminal informants paid by the FBI, who then distributed those weapons to other cartel members who killed federal agents from Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement plus an estimated 150 soldiers and police in Mexico.

The development draws FBI Director Robert Mueller further into the scandal, and suggests that acting ATF Director Ken Melson was being truthful when he claimed he was unaware of key elements of Operation Fast and Furious. Congressional investigators now need to interview the FBI director and determine if Mueller was also being provided with only partial details about the operation.

If that turns out to be the case, it is a damning indictment of the Justice Department and senior officials within the Department, who learned nothing about the disastrous and deadly effects of compartmentalization which were partially to blame for the success of Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2001. The "wall of separation" created by Clinton-era Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick seems to have been embraced by her successor Eric Holder, who is now the attorney general under Barack Obama.

The "wall" was created to safeguard the civil liberties of terrorists by keeping counter-terrorists from communicating with federal prosecutors, but can be twisted to serve a far more nefarious purpose, as the various "Gunwalker" operations being uncovered seem to show.

"Operation Fast and Furious" was run out of Phoenix as a multi-agency operation, and Congress is now pursuing leads into "Operation Castaway," an operation based out of Tampa that seems to have mirrored the goals and tactics of the Arizona operation while providing weapons to the violent MS-13 gang in Honduras. Additionally, ICE Agents Jaime Zapata and Victor Avila were ambushed and Zapata killed with a weapon traced back to a yet-unnamed operation based out of Dallas. A steady recovery of weapons to southern Mexico out of the Houston area seems to indicate the possibility of a fourth operation.

t has been know from the beginning of the scandal that Operation Fast and Furious was a multi-agency operation involving elements of the Department of Justice (ATF, DEA, FBI, etc.) the Department of Homeland Security, the IRS, and almost certainly the State Department. It is suspected that this operation violated the Arms Export Control Act, and turned federal law enforcement officers into felons.

While the administration originally tried to scapegoat acting ATF Director Melson and a key source indicates that Deputy Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Blanco is now being set-up to take the fall, neither man has the authority or reach to initiate or approve this kind of operation. It is unlikely that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was unaware of such wide-ranging and vast operations that involved every law enforcement agency within the Department of Justice. It is also possible even probable at this point that he perjured himself in congressional testimony.

Holder either knew of the operation and purposefully committed his agencies to committing thousands of felony acts, or he is a serial incompetent playing the role of patsy for a cabinet-level peer or his superior.



Posted 07/18/2011 07:09 PM ET

Scandal: Democrats who condemned our support of Nicaraguan freedom fighters in the '80s now ignore administration gun-running that may have put American weapons in the hands of the Central American MS-13 gang.

As if "Project Gunrunner" and "Operation Fast and Furious" weren't bad enough, we now learn of "Operation Castaway," run out of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' Tampa field division. It's another operation that allowed guns to "walk" south of the border, this time to Honduras, using similar techniques and tactics.

Rep. Gus Bilirakis, R-Fla., sent two letters a week ago to Attorney General Eric Holder and ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melsom inquiring about the program. He shouldn't expect much. As commentator Brit Hume noted on "Fox News Sunday": "The stench of cover-up on this gun-running operation is very strong indeed."

"Two weapons found at the scene of the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry were traced back to the ATF's 'Operation Fast and Furious,' and reports now indicate that ATF's Tampa field division trafficked as many as 1,000 firearms to the dangerous MS-13 gang in Honduras through a similar program known as 'Operation Castaway,' " Bilirakis states on his website.

If these programs bring back memories of the Iran-Contra scandal, we are not surprised. If you're wondering why this isn't as big a scandal, so do we. Iran-Contra wasn't funded in a stimulus package to create jobs. Nor did it occur with the full knowledge and approval of both the attorney general and the White House, as these "gun-walking" fiascos did.

Iran-Contra is the umbrella name for a series of actions that at least had the worthy goal of keeping a still-ambitious Soviet Union from establishing a second permanent Communist beachhead in the America, this time in Nicaragua.

Project Gunrunner, of which Operation Fast and Furious was a part, and now Operation Castaway, are without noble purpose. The cover story is that they were part of a plan to trick and track gunrunners. In fact, these schemes made it easy for criminals, drug cartels and gangs to acquire weapons.

The real purpose, we have stated and still suspect, was to advance the administration's push for gun control and the stripping of law-abiding Americans of their Second Amendment rights through "common sense" restrictions on private gun ownership by creating chaos and fomenting violence with the guns provided.

Indeed, it did not take long for ATF to announce a new gun-control mandate the requirement that gun store owners in the border states of Arizona, California, Texas and New Mexico make a special ATF report for multiple long-gun sales, the same type of weapons the ATF was freely providing to the worst of the worst.



April 4, 2011 - U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder announces that the alleged "Mastermind of 9/11" and four other terrorists will not*face open trial*in the United States -- but*closed military tribunals in Cuba.* Who benefits from this*decision?**

Holder, a Zionist agent who served as deputy attorney general during the second Clinton administration, was instrumental in getting a presidential pardon for the Israeli mega-criminal Marc Rich.* What Holder did not say about the KSM*decision*is that the U.S.*had*dropped*its*case against*the men*accused*of*carrying out*9/11.**Could it be that*the real reason*Holder dropped the charges against*the*alleged "Mastermind of 9/11" is that the real KSM*died - on September 11, 2002 - and*they can't risk having the 9/11*hoax exposed*in an*open court in the United States?

[Image: Clinton_and_Holder.jpg]

Watching Eric Holder announce that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will not be tried in an open court I was immediately struck by the way Holder looks like he is lying.* One gets the same impression when watching Holder*on*"Face the Nation"*in Aspen in July 2010.* This man is not telling the truth about why KSM will*not be tried in the United States.* 

It should be remembered that Eric Holder was Bill Clinton's deputy attorney general, and*Holder played a*key insider role in the pardon of the Zionist mega-criminal and Mossadnik Marc Rich.* When asked by the White House what he thought about a pardon for Rich, Holder replied, "Neutral, leaning towards favorable." 

Of the*71 people who signed letters of support*submitted with the Israeli Marc Rich's pardon application, 48 were prominent Israelis (67.6 percent). Another eight were leading American Jews, such as Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, and Rabbi Irving Greenberg, chairman of the board of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.* In a March*2001*article entitled "Pardon Us",*the Jerusalem Post*wrote:**"Topping a list of dozens said to have recommended that Rich be pardoned are [Ehud] Barak, Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert, former Mossad head Ya'acov [Shabtai] Shavit, and directors of museums, hospitals and other institutions."* Shimon Peres also personally pressed Clinton to pardon Marc Rich.


In February 2001, Jodi Enda of Knight Ridder News reported that the Mossad had been behind the pardon for Marc Rich:* "The petition asking Clinton to pardon Rich also contained a number of letters from the heads of Israeli philanthropic organizations, whose support was solicited by Avner Azulay, executive director of the Rich Foundation, a charitable entity that Rich established in Tel Aviv in 1988. Azulay is a former Mossad agent, according to a House of Representatives investigator who has been researching the pardon and who asked not to be identified. Rich's bodyguards also are former Israeli intelligence agents, the investigator said." 

As Richard Cohen of the Washington Post wrote in his December 2008 article on Eric Holder, "Pardon My Exception":*

The Rich pardon request had power written all over it -- the patronage of important Democratic fundraisers, for instance. Holder also said he was "really struck" by the backing of Rich by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and the possibility of "foreign policy benefits that would be reaped by granting the pardon." This is an odd standard for American justice, but more than that, what was Holder thinking? That U.S.-Israeli relations would suffer? Holder does not sound naive. He sounds disingenuous.

Eric Holder serves as an agent for the Zionist criminal network that controls the Obama administration and that ran the Clinton White House.* As I pointed out in my article, "Why the 'Mastermind of 9-11' is Kept Secluded":*

Eric Holder not only studied with Jews, his family vacationed with the most elite Jewish Zionist families in the United States. ... Eric Holder's relationship with highest-level Zionists explains his appointment to serve as U.S. Attorney General.

As a high level Zionist agent at the Department of Justice, Eric Holder has been instrumental in protecting the Zionist criminal network behind 9/11.**In 2001, Holder was a key insider in obtaining a presidential pardon for Marc Rich, the*Israeli Mossadnik*who in 1999 set up the global trading division at Hugo Neu, the*Jersey City junkyard that*disposed of most of the steel evidence from the World Trade*Center by sending it to Asian smelters to prevent it from being used as evidence.* In 2011, Holder, as U.S. Attorney General,*shut down the U.S. prosecution of the alleged 9/11 terrorists and prevented an open trial for the accused "Mastermind of 9/11".* Both of these actions were taken to protect the real criminals behind the terror attacks that changed America.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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Investigations Into BATFE Accelerate (A Crude Chronology Since late March 2011) - by Ed Jewett - 19-07-2011, 06:17 PM

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