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Investigations Into BATFE Accelerate (A Crude Chronology Since late March 2011)
"Super Congress" to Target Second Amendment

Unconstitutional body created by debt deal to get "even greater super powers"

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Monday, August 1, 2011

The so-called "Super Congress" that is about to be created with the debt ceiling vote will have powers far beyond just controlling the nation's purse strings its authority will extend to target the second amendment eviscerating normal protections that prevent unconstitutional legislation from being fast-tracked into law.
As the Huffington Post reported last month, the debt deal that has already been passed by the House and faces the Senate tomorrow will create an unconstitutional "Super Congress" that will be comprised of six Republicans and six Democrats and granted "extraordinary new powers" to quickly force legislation through both chambers.

Legislation decided on by the Super Congress would be immune from amendment and lawmakers would only be able to register an up or down vote, eliminating the ability to filibuster.

The Speaker of the House would effectively lose the power to prevent unpopular bills from making it to the House floor.

But far from just being a committee that would make recommendations concerning the debt ceiling, the body is now to be granted "even greater super powers, according to multiple news reports and congressional aides with knowledge of the plan," writes Michael McAuliff.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) pulled no punches in making it plain that the Super Congress would have supreme authority. "The joint committee there are no constraints," Reid said on the Senate floor. "They can look at any program we have in government, any program. … It has the ability to look at everything."

That includes introducing laws to restrict the second amendment, states a Gun Owners of America bulletin, warning that the body would be "a super highway for gun control legislation".

"Gun owner registration … bans on semi-automatic firearms … adoption of a UN gun control treaty all of these issues could very well be decided over the next 24 hours," states the GOA release.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) echoed Reid's sentiment, asserting that the Super Congress was "not a commission, this is a powerful, joint committee."

The Obama administration has already indicated that it will take the deciding vote as the de facto 13th member of the Super Congress. During his press briefing today, White House press secretary Jay Carney said that the government would work with the Super Congress to hike taxes in 2012 and beyond.

Barack Obama has already exercised his fetish for executive autonomy by launching the attack on Libya without Congressional approval, bypassing Congress and having the EPA declare carbon dioxide a pollutant, as well as the appointment of ten state governors directly selected by him who will work with the federal government to help advance the "synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States".

The administration's zeal to target the second amendment "under the radar," as Obama promised earlier this year, has also manifested itself in the form of ATF harassment of gun owners who purchase two or more firearms, despite the fact that the law to mandate such a policy failed to pass.

The establishment of a "Super Congress" will completely demolish the credibility and the authority of the system of elected representatives. It represents another final nail in the coffin of the American Republic and its replacement with an executive dictatorship run by the political elite.

Intel Hub Note: I warned American on July 23rd, 2011 that this Super Congress would effectively have the power to change other laws that have nothing to do with the debt ceiling.
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Investigations Into BATFE Accelerate (A Crude Chronology Since late March 2011) - by Ed Jewett - 02-08-2011, 04:50 AM

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