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Investigations Into BATFE Accelerate (A Crude Chronology Since late March 2011)
Progressive' group ramps up attack on Issa

[Image: 28329c1a420ee4ab6a6d3057fb5caa4b.jpg]David Codrea

, Gun Rights Examiner

"A liberal advocacy group is filing an ethics complaint against Rep. Darrell Issa, alleging that the California Republican has repeatedly used his public office for personal gain," The Hill reported Tuesday.
The group, American Family Voices, is planning to file the complaint with the House Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) ...
"This is all a well-coordinated plan," John Hinderaker of the Powerline blog asserts. "Those who lodged the ethics complaint make no secret of the fact that they rely on the discredited NY Times story."
That would be the hit piece discussed a month ago in this column that showed the desperation of the left to shield the administration from "Project Gunwalker" investigations.

"So, who is American Family Voices'?" Powerline continues. "We have no idea, of course. They are a 501©(4) organization that does not disclose its donor list." [Link added to quoted text.]
It's true, they don't. A search of the nonprofit reporting site, GuideStar, shows an income of $358,437 and Form 990 filings for 2007 through 2009. The program description for this organization claims they are a "[v]oter registration and voter turn-out, non-partisan issue advocacy including research, coalition builing [sic] and advertising."
"Non-partisan issue advocacy." Right. Let's see the types of American families represented by their leadership.
The president of this group is Mike Lux, "co-founder and CEO of Progressive Strategies." Importantly, "[i]n November 2008, Mike was named to the Obama-Biden Transition Team. In that role, he served as an advisor to the Office of Public Liaison on working with the progressive community."
The secretary-treasurer is Amy Pritchard, a self-described "Progressive Democratic Political Consultant and entrepreneur" and a chronic donor to leftist politicians, including Obama.
Board members include:
Phyllis Cuttino, a well-heeled environmentalcase cosmic ray denier who would have us believe her bachelor's degree in political science and history from an exclusive liberal arts college beyond the means of most American families qualifies her to demand emissions standards of those who are actually educated, competent and experienced at designing, engineering and manufacturing automobiles. Naturally, she's a big supporter of Dianne Feinstein and the UN, and argues that Obama is in sync with America on standardsevidently he's every bit the car design expert Cuttino would have us believe she is.
Then there's Bernard Craighead, who lists his employers as the Democratic National Committee and Urbanomics Consulting Group (which includes The Bell Campaign/Million Mom March among its clients). He was also a panelist on "The Progressive Potential of Chicago City Politics…sponsored by the University of Chicago DSA Youth Section and the Hispanic Association for Cultural Expression and Recognition." Long-time readers will recall the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America)they're the ones who endorsed Obama and promoted a "solidarity song" that includes the lyrics "When the revolution comes, we'll kill you all with knives and guns…"
You know, typical "American families."
Next we have businessman and "philanthropist" Leo Hindery, Jr., "an economic adviser to the Obama campaign." Funny that he should be involved in an ethics complaint against a Republican politician, when former Senate Majority Leader and Democrat Tom Daschle, whom Hindery provided a Cadillac and driver foras part of the compensation package for being a "consultant" with his private equity firm chalked up "$101,943 in back taxes plus interest" for violating the law by not reporting it as income. That would be the same Tom Daschle who "pushed Hindery for [an] Obama job."
Victoria Duffy-Hopper? Aside from being a big Obama supporter she…well, see for yourself if she appears to be representative of any American families you know.
And then we have Joe Velasquez, a "former White House deputy political director and longtime union organizer, [who] directs Moving America Forward, a 527 organization dedicated to registering and mobilizing Latinos." It's a shame that Mr. Velasquez is apparently more concerned with running interference for Obama than getting justice for the rising Mexican death toll being attributed to the administration's "Project Gunwalker" covert operations.
Because this is what Rep. Issa, the man American Family Voices is attacking, is trying to get to the bottom of. And had the Democrats, who at the time headed up the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, heeded accusations raised by veteran ATF agents when they were first brought to their attentioninstead of arrogantly ignoring them with deliberate indifferencecurrent Chairman Issa would not now be holding "Gunwalker" hearings.
As for Mike Lux rejecting accusations his group's attack on Issa is politically motivated, he and his boardand those behind the tentacles extending to all of themare demonstrable agenda-driven political operatives on a mission, and this is but another front in the ideological warin actuality a cold civil warthey are waging on the freedoms of American families.
The very name "American Family Voices" is a calculated deception, as is the term "progressive" to describe those who wish to regress the Republic to iron-fisted centralized rule. That they would question anyone's ethics is in itself a sick, subversive joke.
Also see:
Note to newcomers to this story: "Project Gunrunner" is the name ATF assigned to its Southwest Border Initiative to interdict gun smuggling to Mexico. "Project Gunwalker" is the name I assigned to the scandal after allegations by agents that monitored guns were allowed to fall into criminal hands on both sides of the border through a surveillance process termed "walking" surfaced.

Continue reading on Progressive' group ramps up attack on Issa - National gun rights |
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Investigations Into BATFE Accelerate (A Crude Chronology Since late March 2011) - by Ed Jewett - 15-09-2011, 10:30 PM

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