23-10-2011, 10:00 PM
I have read James Douglas's JFK & The Unspeakable and reviewed it in 2008, JFKcountercoup: JFK and the Unspeakable.
I have also been studying the history of American-Libyan relations for quite some time Remember the Intrepid
kept up close track of the Arab Revolt Revolutionary Program since it began, and there was no CIA involvement
in the origins of the revolutions in Tunisia or Libya, unless you can point them out to me. The first cover action
I know of was the French delivery of small arms to the Berber rebels after the NATO involvement led to a stalemate
on the eastern front.
Blaming the CIA for the Dealey Plaza operation is simply blaming another acronym organization that can't
be held responsible for its actions.
My approach to the assassination is more direct, as I consider it a homicide that can and will be solved to a legal
and moral certainty.
Attempting to pin the murder on any acronym organization is a cop-out that allows the real killers to go free.
I have also been studying the history of American-Libyan relations for quite some time Remember the Intrepid
kept up close track of the Arab Revolt Revolutionary Program since it began, and there was no CIA involvement
in the origins of the revolutions in Tunisia or Libya, unless you can point them out to me. The first cover action
I know of was the French delivery of small arms to the Berber rebels after the NATO involvement led to a stalemate
on the eastern front.
Blaming the CIA for the Dealey Plaza operation is simply blaming another acronym organization that can't
be held responsible for its actions.
My approach to the assassination is more direct, as I consider it a homicide that can and will be solved to a legal
and moral certainty.
Attempting to pin the murder on any acronym organization is a cop-out that allows the real killers to go free.