24-10-2011, 06:50 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:Bill Kelly Wrote:Blaming the CIA for the Dealey Plaza operation is simply blaming another acronym organization that can't
be held responsible for its actions.
The way I see it is people are afraid to confront the real culprit here. The exonerating of the greater CIA is a means by which to avoid psychologically recognizing that the real killers were directly shielded and supported by the main CIA. I think you've done a good enough job at avoiding my points to show that. The direct interests of CIA and its military/conservative members are too perfectly in synch with the amorphous "real killers" to be separated. The avoidance of identifying CIA grinds against the already established close relationship of the cabal and its members to CIA and its interests. Even Mark Lane is now openly identifying CIA as the culprit.
The month before the Libya no-fly attack US tried to sell Gadhafi 77 million in weapons. By definition that makes them accomplices to what they were calling a "mad dog" a month later. You or I as normal citizens would be subjected to draconian punishments similar to that which sellers of arms to Iran presently receive. However what the US Government receives is help in covering this up from its corporate media. It's a process similar to what is being done with CIA and its role in Kennedy's assassination.
No one is covering up the CIA's role in the assassination. Salandria said it from the get go, Garrison said it, you say it, all I'm saying is that just because the MO is identified as a covert op doesn't mean the CIA was behind it, as it could have been ONI or Army G2 or a combo of all three - a Joint Op, and my approach is to follow the evidence to the culprets and not to pin point a suspect and try to pin the tail on the donkey.
As for selling arms to Libya, I learned that from the mainstream media when Sen. John McCain went there and later wiki leaks confirmed it with the intside memos. Now McCain is a friend of the rebels, but he wouldn't sell them any arms.