12-03-2009, 04:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2009, 05:48 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Ah Montsanto....such a nice company. They brought us DDT and PCB (both carcinogens) - now contaminating every living thing on the planet - did you know that? Your body too! Then they brought us Agent Orange and a variety of other colors to kill and act as a teratogen and eco-poison in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia; then the GM crops and lately patenting of life and DNA.....one of the most evil companies on Earth. One I'd like to see in the World Court and banned/disbanded. Now they bring us this - the covert end to fresh food; food without chemicals; healthy food; organic food and small-farm foods and markets. If this bill passes, I give-up on America, really. It is bad enough - but to take away the choice of the FEW who care not to eat the Corporate junkfoods cum chemical soup is obscene - but what is not now in America? The trend is a steady downward one - led by BIG Corporations and the Government they long ago bought. Soon they'll be arresting those who'd dare to sell home or small farm organically grown foods! Food Police. Thought Police! Eating Police! What you do with your own body Police next! See the film The World According To Montsanto Needless to say the Bush Family is cozy with Montsanto.