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JFK: What we know now that we didn't know then
James H. Fetzer Wrote:These findings thus indicate that at least some of those involved had to have been among the nation's highest officials, a result that receives further support from James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable (2008) [B]and Phillip Nelson, LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination (2010).

It is long past time that the American people are entitled to know the truth about the death of our 35th president.

How tragic that Jim Fetzer chose to conclude his otherwise compelling and even heroic presentation of fact with the endorsement of LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination, a book that, intentionally or otherwise, supports the cover-up of JFK's murder and the broader agenda of that crime's prime movers, or Sponsors.

And to add insult to injury, Jim would assassinate the good name and grand work of James Douglass by favorably comparing that inspired, inspiring, and spiritually rejuvenating author and book with the assault on truth and justice that is Phillip Nelson's published defiling of the spirit of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

It is long past time that the American people are entitled to know the truth about the de facto aiding and abetting of the cover-up that is contained in the dangerous nonsense that is the central conceit of the Nelson book.

If I did not know Jim Fetzer better than I do, I would accuse him of conducting an operation designed to disparage Douglass' work and minimize its positive impacts on our culture and collective spirit by attempting to create a FALSE sense of level playing field for it and the Nelson garbage.

Phillip Nelson, intentionally or otherwise, is acting to protect the true Sponsors of JFK's assassination by elevating Lyndon Baines Johnson to a sponsorship status which, by definition, it was impossible for him to attain.

Based upon his academic and literary credentials, Jim Fetzer is expected to understand where the power to order the death of JFK truly resided and how far removed from such power alleged "mastermind" LBJ always was. There is only one way to understand Jim's endorsement of Nelson's perfidy:

Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the JFK assassination and with a reasonable understanding of political power in 1963 who does not conclude that Lyndon Baines Johnson had neither the political power nor intellectual capacity to meet any reasonable definition of the term "mastermind" of that crime is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

Messages In This Thread
JFK: What we know now that we didn't know then - by Charles Drago - 01-12-2011, 07:32 PM

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