04-12-2011, 05:23 PM
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Many here seem to want to adopt a structural analysis of the crime, but abstractions do not actually commit them. People do. That's all. I was not putting words in anyone's mouth--but you, like your mentor, seem disposed to use the word "lie", where there is no foundation, warrant, or justification for doing so.
Self-correcting and regenerating systems endure -- as do human families. Players come and go. And while the search for truth and the application of justice demand that guilty individual criminals be identified and punished, tragic history surely will repeat itself unless we identify the systems (and families, I would argue) that empower and draw power from corruption and at all costs eradicate them.
Fetzer ridicules the Evica/Drago conspiracy model. Why? Especially when he works from no such reasonable construction of his own?
Because only absent such a reasonable working model can the likes of LBJ be elevated to False Sponsor status -- an act that preserves the cover-up and protects its True Sponsors.
Anyone with a reasonable understanding of deep politics who concludes that LBJ was the "mastermind" of the JFK assassination is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.
The LBJ-as-mastermind LIE indeed.
James H. Fetzer Wrote:I came here expecting a higher level of intellectual engagement than at The Education Forum. That, I am learning, however, was too much to ask. The shallow treatment of the LBJ thesis displayed here reveals that that expectation was far too much to ask. I really think we need to ask, "Why was 'The Deep Politics' forum created?" One of the reasons I have been told is to avoid the petty badgering and ad hominem attacks that occur there[.]
Now come the long-anticipated attacks on this forum and on individuals identified with it which, for Jim Fetzer, collectively represent the last refuge for a scoundrel. The LBJ "thesis" is itself shallow and immediately identifiable to experienced deep political analysts as a massive False Sponsor gambit. To treat it with anything but the contempt it deserves is to play into its authors' hands. LBJ-as-mastermind of the JFK assassination is as transparently indefensible and hostile a "thesis" as anything that has emerged from Posner or Bugliosi. Mark my words: As the 50th anniversary of the coup d'etat approaches, Nelson will be ridiculed by the MSM as being emblematic of the twisted conspiracy mindset that threatens the American dream. And since Fetzer does not seem to blink without favorably comparing the Nelson book with the masterpiece that is JFK and the Unspeakable, James Douglass' work will be similarly tainted and marginalized.
In the process, the true Sponsors and their highest-level Facilitators are protected, the uncertainty is preserved, and history repeats itself in all its savagery.
James H. Fetzer Wrote:But take a look at recent posts here. Charles uses sarcasm and ridicule more than logic and evidence ... Why is this being allowed? This is very, very sad.
Ahh, and now comes the call for what? ... censorship? banishment? The "argument" that, if one disagrees with Jim Fetzer, one is what? unworthy?
The LBJ-as-mastermind "thesis" is ridiculous on its face. It thus invites, and even DEMANDS, ridicule from those of us who understand the dangers it poses to truth and justice. It is devoid of logic and supporting evidence, entirely risible, and transparently false.
I shall not stand silent or otherwise play into the disinformation game of its authors by engaging in polite argument with its prophets. There is too much at stake.