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Occupy Everywhere - Sept 17th - Day of Rage Against Wall Street and what it stands for!
Naomi Wolf's Shocking Truth' About the Occupy Crackdowns' Offers Anything but the Truth
Naomi Wolf's latest theory veers wildly from the known facts.
November 26, 2011's_shocking_truth'_about_the_occupy_crackdowns'_offers_anything_but_the_truth/


"... The American left - which is desperately trying to support Obama while pretending to be part of the 99% - is embarrassing itself badly:

  1. "Updated: The Shocking Truth About Naomi Wolf's Factless Assertions" (here's Wolf's useful article, attempting to make the financial corruption connections more direct). Note the weak ad hominem attack on Phil Anschutz and the original story, which, as I have said, makes perfect sense (in fact, I'd fall over dead with amazement if there wasn't federal central organization of the attacks on the protesters, and the DHS is just the organization to coordinate it).
  2. "Naomi Wolf's Shocking Truth' About the Occupy Crackdowns' Offers Anything but the Truth"
  3. "#OccupySeattle Protester Who Claimed Miscarriage Has Dubious History With The Truth" This attack is directly based on the standard methodology of a Fox News attack, and indicates how far the American professional 'left' has fallen.


Naomi Wolf at Ron Paul Rally

Uploaded by jerseyfresh16 on Jul 12, 2008

Author and activist Naomi Wolf describes 10 signs the United States is drifting toward fascism at a rally for Republican Congressman Ron Paul in front of the U.S. Capitol (July 12, 2008).


Comments in private communications from an ex-patriated resident of the Balkans
known at Facebook as S. Bezprezimena:

The Wolf lady is very much attached to the Rothschilds since her Rhodes days, when she married Clinton's speech Zionist speech writer....and did you notice how she got arrested at OWS? She was camping out in a PR van of some sort and then stepped out in front of Huffington Post with Soros apparently watching nearby - and got arrested. In an evening gown. OWS couture just for the occasion. I forgot where I read that. A PR stunt to get her street protest creds.

But this End of America book creeps me out because so many years ago, it predicted what would happen to this country. Again, the messenger is a top Rhodes Rothschild minion telling us about coming attractions.


The Soros Connection

**** mirrored here:


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[TD]Soros Watch

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[COLOR=#000080]Snippets of comments on faux progressive George Soros:

Jan. 19, 10 -- Infovest21. Lord Rothschild's London listed investment trust, RIT Capital Partners,is boosting its hedge fund allocation. In an interim management statement this week, RIT stated that it had placed $27 million in Althea, an emerging market equity hedge fund run by former Tudor partner James Harpel, and $40 million in Penta, an Asia (including Japan) hedge fund run by John Zwaanstra, formerly with George Soros.
Jan. 15, 2010 -- Dow Jones -- NEW YORK (Dow Jones) The earthquake that rocked Haiti Tuesday causing widespread damage could result in significant delays of industrial development projects led by bllionaire George Soros's Open Society Institute. Stewart Paperin, president of the Soros Economic Development Fund, said the devastation caused by the earthquake will significantly delay the development of the $50 million, 1 million-square-foot industrial park and free-trade zone in the impoverished outskirts of Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince. The fund is considering an equity investment of $10 million into the park that would be matched by a $12 million investment from the WIN Group, a Haiti-based conglomerate, Paperin said. The organization is seeking to secure the rest of the capital needed through debt financing from international organizations such as the U.S. Overseas Investment Private Corp.
Dec. 11, 09 -- MTI Econews. The Municipal Court of Budapest on Friday rejected an appeal bySoros Fund Management against a decision by financial market regulator PSZAF fining it HUF 489m (EUR 1.8m) for exercising unfair market influence.
Dec. 10, 09 -- AFP -- Financier George Soros unveiled a plan Thursday at the UN climate talks to free up to 100 billion dollars (68 billion euros) for poor countries to combat climate change and cope with its impacts. The funds could be made available immediately, and not add to the national deficit of donor countries, he said."Developed countries' governments are laboring under the misapprehension that funding has to come from their national budgets but that is not the case, they have it already," Soros told journalists. "It is lying idle in their reserves accounts and in the vaults of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)."
Nov. 28, 2009 -- Tendersinfo. Emerging markets-focused private equity firm Helios has attracted a prominent group of investors, including Albright Capital, the private equity firm founded by former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright, to expand Africa s mobile tower network. The investor consortium, which also includes the investment groups of billionaire investors Lord Rothschild and George Soros, have committed $350m to form Helios Towers Africa. The company plans to build and maintain telecommunications towers and lease space on them to independent wireless telecommunications operators . . . African telecoms operator MTN predicts 80 per cent mobile penetration by 2015. The company will work on a business model that London private equity firm Helios first tried with Helios Towers Nigeria, which was Africa s first independent telecoms tower operator. Helios Towers Nigeria recently secured a $250m investment led by the IFC to increase its Nigerian network to 2,000 tower sites nationwide.
Nov. 19, 2009 -- The Times (UK) -- Sierra Leone, the formerly war-torn West African country rich in unexploited natural resources such as diamonds, oil, vast fisheries and arable land, has announced that it is now open to British businesses. Nearly ten years after British troops began a peacekeeping mission to Sierra Leone, the country has called on businesses in the UK to take advantage of its underdeveloped assets. The country has been identified by some of the world's leading investors as one of Africa's brightest opportunities. George Soros, the billionaire financier, said yesterday that his development fund would invest an additional $5 million (£3 million) in the country.
Nov. 8, 2009 -- Ground Report. ASEAN memory: Clinton = Sorros = 90's Asian financial (NYSEBig GrinYP) crisis But, in ASEAN the Clinton era's free swinging money markets took its toll. The ministers and trade advisors and bankers she will be addressing remember all to well how a major Obama and Democratic party supporter, by the name of George Soros led a investment speculative wave of money trading. He took on Thailand Baht, Malaysia's Ringgit, the Philippine Peso and plunged them nearly single-handily. The regional economy went into it's worst economic plunge since the end of World War II. A war of branding between the USA then seen as a villain, "Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad of Malaysia a menace to his own country and a loose cannon who should not be taken seriously." - was the Sorros reply to the anger and angst from the region. "Mr. Soros in the eyes of the region is a capital pirate," was accusation hurled in 1996 by Malaysia's leadership,
Dr. Mahathir is of the founding leaders of ASEAN. Mr. Mahathir felt at the time that, "Sorros and other speculators were responsible for Southeast Asia's early 1990's currency and financial turmoil." in essence, one of the leading backers of Mrs. Clinton's party, and the Obama administration was ASEAN public enemy #1, "The blistering attacks by Mr.
Soros and Mr. Mahathir even led to famous effort in the World Bank where Dr. Mahathir called for an end to "currency trading and it should be made illegal... I know I am taking a big risk to suggest it, but I am saying that currency trading is unnecessary, unproductive and immoral," Mr. Mahathir said. "It should be stopped. It should be made illegal. We don't need currency trading. We need to buy money only when we want to finance real trade." - A 1996 statement that still echo's today in the region.

Oct. 30, 2009 -- AP -- Haitian lawmakers ousted the prime minister Friday in a power struggle that threatens to undermine a campaign to attract foreign investment to the impoverished country. Michele Pierre-Louis was removed when 18 of 29 senators voted for censure and dissolved the Cabinet . . .An educator who headed the Haitian branch of George Soros' Open Society Institute, she filled a post that had been vacant for five months after senators dismissed her predecessor during riots over the high cost of food.
Oct. 27, 2009 -- MTI Econews. Hungarian-born billionaire philanthropist announced on Tuesday that he will spend USD 50m over the next ten years to set up and operate a new economic think tank in Hungary. The think tank, to be called the Institute of New Economic Thinking, or Inet for short, would be financed through the Central European University, which was founded by MrSoros.
Oct. 15, 2009 -- OREANDA-NEWS The biggest single amount of money one million kroons went to Estonian Womens Associations Round Table. The interest has been vast, said the leader of Open Estonia Fund Mall Hellam in evaluating the interest Estonians have for George Soros crisis fund he created this summer in order to fight the economy crisis. Soros assigned 100 million dollars for the crisis programs in Central and Eastern Europe.
Oct. 1, 2009 -- Caribbean Media Corp. Former United States President Bill Clinton on Thursday welcomed a trade mission to this Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country, committing to work with them to create jobs here."This is really important. You came here to see what was going on," Clinton, the United Nations Special Envoy to the French-speaking nation, told about 600 business and civic leaders, including 200 foreign investors."And to see if this Haiti thing was real, or just PR (public relations). This is real," he added. Clinton told the investors that the more specific they are about their problems or challenges, the quicker he and his staff can help cut through government red tape, or finalize a deal. The former US president lauded the participation of Haiti's Latin American neighbours for their interest in investing in the impoverished country. He also thanked the Haitian government for helping its Diaspora in the United States, Canada and France to participate in improving the lives of the poor, and discussed the need for energy alternatives. Clinton said some investors had already agreed to create jobs, including an Irish company that plans to open a call centre in Port-au-Prince, Miami-based Royal Caribbean's plans to train Haitians and a US50m dollars industrial park to be partly funded by billionaire George Soros' Open Society Institute. The investment has the potential to create 25,000 new jobs in thegarment industry, the special envoy said. "Your political risk in Haiti is lower than it has ever been in my lifetime," he said. "There is enormous potential here," he added. "We want to work on that. We need infrastructure." Clinton pledged to do more to show investors the opportunities in the country, stating: "We're working hard to identify the barriers to participation."
Sep. 29, 09 -- AKIPress News Agency -- The effects of the global financial crisis on socio-economic situation in Kyrgyzstan were discussed during the meeting of Prime Minister Igor Chudinov with famous financier and philanthropist George Soros on September 25 in New York.The issues related to budget transparency and accountability, Kyrgyzstan's participation in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) were discussed during this meeting, theSoros Foundation - Kyrgyzstan told AKIpress.George Soros told the delegation of Kyrgyzstan about his initiative to give $100US million to communities in 20 countries mostly affected by the financial and economic crisis. Eastern European, CIS countries are on this list, and Kyrgyzstan inclusive. This assistance will be provided through the network of national Soros Foundations.
Sep. 23. 2009 -- Neatkariga Rita Avize (Riga) -- Latvian President Valdis Zatlers, while on a working visit to the United States, is meeting with the well known billionaire George Soros . . . do not know whether Zatlers has read the memoirs of former US President Harry Truman. There are quite a few people in the president's circles who are, in one way or another, involved with theSoros crowd in Latvia, and I would not be surprised to learn that someone discreetly suggested that the president read this book. What is in it that the president should know about?
A US presidential election was scheduled for November 1948. That spring, according to the Gallup Institute, only 36 per cent of respondents favoured Truman's reelection. Political commentators were unanimous in predicting a complete defeat of Truman in the upcoming election. In this situation, Truman was contacted by a childhood friend, Eddie Jacobson. He recommended that the president receive the world Jewish leader Chaim Weizmann, who would become the first president of Israel. The thing is that England was planning to end its administration of Palestine on May 15, 1948, and the Jews were preparing to establish their own state. There was much scepticism among US governing circles about the establishment of Israel, and no one was talking about recognizing it. The situation was exacerbated by the fact that categorical objections against the establishment of the Israeli state were levelled by the very influential and popular secretary of state, George Marshall. The State Department was governed by the same mood. Truman had no reason to receive Weizmann, but Jacobson pointed to the vast influence of Jews in the media. The two largest US newspapers - The New York Times and The Washington Post - belonged to influential Jewish dynasties. Jacobson promised vast media support for Truman's reelection campaign if only he received Weizmann. The meeting between Weizmann and Truman occurred on March 18, 1948, and that determined the fate not just of Israel, but also of Truman himself. On May 15, 1948, eleven minutes after the Israeli state was proclaimed in Tel Aviv, Truman signed a declaration on recognition of the new state and instructed the US delegation to be so informed. In his memoirs, Truman goes into great detail about how lonely he felt on the matter and the difficulties which he had to overcome before his policies vis-a-vis Israel were recognized to be the right ones. The greatest sceptics were convinced by the November election results, when Truman celebrated victory despite all previous forecasts. In all subsequent US presidential election campaigns, candidates did everything they could to prove that they were greater supporters of Israel. They had good reason to believe that victory would rest with the candidate who earned the greatest support from the Jewish lobby.
So what does that have to do with Zatlers' meeting with Soros? Let us remember the circumstances under which Zatlers became our country's president. Soros-controlled media, with the newspaper Diena at the front, organized true psychological terrorism against Zatlers, with a public execution on the day when he was inaugurated. I am sad to say that the president emerged from this a broken man, and he has not recovered to this very day. His hand never trembled when he conducted the most complicated operations, but now he became very uncertain and unsure about himself.
The constitutional authority of our president is seemingly negligible, but he does have substantial influence in the political process. The meeting with Soros means a bilateral transaction which, on the one hand, promises the president's support for the political and economic group that is represented by the Soros people. On the other hand, it also means that the media which are controlled by these people will support the president. Essentially this meeting means that the Soros people will potentially support the election of the president for a second term. If the transaction is crowned with mutually advantageous results, that will create a precedent for future presidential candidates.
Sep. 2, 2009 -- The Australian -- BILLIONAIRE George Soros's investment fund has leapt on to the share register of Marengo Mining, taking a 19.9 per cent stake in the Perth-based copper developer. Quantum Partners, a New York-based fund managed by Soros Fund Management, has become the second-largest shareholder behind the Sentient Group, which increased its share to 26.7 per cent with Marengo's $16 million capital raising. Marengo managing director Les Emery said that having the global financier and philanthropist as a significant shareholder was a tick of approval, not only for the company's Yandera copper project in Papua New Guinea, but also for the outlook for copper.
Sep. 2, 2009 -- National Post -- Billionaire investor George Soros, long celebrated for his shrewd market picks, proved his acumen anew in the past year when his firm's assets surged 41% while most rivals' assets tumbled. According to data compiled by AR, a new hedge-fund magazine,Soros Fund Management oversaw $24US-billion in assets on July 1, 41.18% more than the New York-based firm managed 12 months earlier
Sep. 1, 2009 -- Xinhua -- Turkey's largest city of Istanbul is to host the 2009 annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank and related ancillary meetings from Sept. 28 to Oct. 7. The meeting, held at the crucial moment of the global economic crisis, is expected to attract about 13,000 people, including central bank governors and finance ministers, local paper Daily News reported Tuesday. According to the report, this year's attendees include IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, successful speculator George Soros and the Nobel Prize winner economist Joseph Stiglitz.
August 27, 2009 -- Thai Press Reports -- Saeed Hajjarian, a prominent reformist figure, confessed during an open court hearing here in Tehran on Tuesday that he has held meetings with a representative of the Soros Foundation's Open Society Institute in a bid to stage a velvet revolution in Iran. "I got acquainted with the Soros Foundation's representative (Kian Tajbakhsh) through Mr. Naser Hadian, a lecturer at Tehran's Law Faculty, and met him twice," Hajjarian said at the fourth hearing session of the post-election detainees. "During the meetings we agreed to activate NGOs in Iran and also we aimed to reinforce the civil society (for civil disobedience). We were also supposed to use the experiences of the Soros Foundation in staging a velvet revolution," he added.
Aug. 21, 2009 -- Tendersinfo -- Oil Online is reporting that the Obama Administration is prepared to loan $10 Billion to Brazil's Pretrobas oil company for production in the Tupi field off the coast of Brazil. The Tupi field is an 800 kilometer by 200 kilometer formation some 4.3 miles below the ocean's surface . . . This comes at a remarkably great time for a significant Obama supporter, George Soros, who earlier this year bought a significant stake in Petroleo Brasileiro SA valued at some $811 Million.

Aug. 17, 2009 -- Baltic News Service -- A delegation of Haitian government, business and NGO representatives has arrived in Estonia to learn about the country's experience in developing e-governance and policies concerning information and communication technology (ICT) . . . The cooperation of the two countries began last November during a visit to Estonia by George Soros, founder of the Open Society Institute. After meeting Estonian ICT experts, Soros held out the idea to cooperate in the area of e-governance to the Prime Minister of Haiti, who immediately took to it, said the CEO of the Open Estonia Foundation, Mall Hellam.
Aug. 9, 2009 -- AP -- Former President Bill Clinton on Sunday delivered to Haitian-Americans and emigres a mixed message of heartbreak and hope. As they gathered at a luxury beachside resort 700 miles from Port-au-Prince, people are still suffering in the poor island nation they were fortunate to escape by birth or other means. "Every single day a child is hungry," Clinton told the Haitian Diaspora Unity Congress . . . And the present represents a "unique opportunity" to pull the country out of poverty and instability, said Clinton, appointed United Nations Envoy to Haiti in May . . . Clinton also said billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros' Soros Economic Development Fund was launching an equity investment program with an initial commitment of up to $25 million. The Haiti Invest Project's potential partners could immediately expand that amount to $150 million in manufacturing, agriculture, logistics, energy and tourism ventures.
July 28, 2009 -- Targeted News Service -- The Soros Foundation's Open Society Institute issued the following news release: The Central Asia Research and Training Initiative (CARTI) invites applications for its Junior and Senior Fellowships for 2010-2012. CARTI promotes the development of original academic work and the internationalization of scholarship in the post-Soviet states of Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Mongolia
July 24, 2009 -- Concord Times (Sierra Leone) -- One of the world's largest anti-poverty groups called BRAC has announced a $15 million development initiative to help rebuild war-torn communities in Sierra Leone and Liberia. The group of four development organisations, namely the Soros Economic Development Fund, Open Society Initiative for West Africa, Omidyar Network,and Humanity United said they are funding the groundbreaking initiative to support families and prevent renewed conflict.
May 29, 09 -- Indian Express. Global financier and philanthropist George Soros, who chairs a network of foundations that promote, among other things, the creation of open, democratic societies, flew into Chandigarh today to meet 100-year-old Fori Nehru, wife of the late B K Nehru, one of India's most distinguished civil servants. Soros and Fori, both born in Hungary, have been exchanging correspondence over the years. After retirement, B K Nehru A- a cousin of Indira Gandhi, he was Ambassador to the United States in the late 1950s and nearly succeeded Dag Hammarskjold as United Nations Secretary General A- settled in Kasauli with Fori. He died in 2001 but Fori, who is called Shobha Aunty by all who know her, stayed put in the Kasauli bungalow.
May 12, 09 -- Globe and Mail -- I hear the Bilderberg group is meeting this week. What is it?The Bilderberg group consists of about 140 wealthy and powerful people who meet annually to discuss key global issues. Named after the Bilderberg hotel in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, where it held its first meeting in 1954, the group is highly secretive, doesn't let journalists attend unless they agree beforehand not to report on the proceedings, and won't even say who is a member. It's known that attendees include politicians, royalty, wealthy industrialists and back-room power brokers. Conspiracy theorists say the group essentially controls the world and makes key decisions on international policy. Canadians who have gone to the meetings in the past include Heather Reisman, chief executive officer of Indigo Books & Music Inc., former Torstar Corp.CEO Robert Prichard, former prime minister Jean Chrétien and former New Brunswick premier Frank McKenna. Conrad Black has attended many times and he organized the 1996 meeting that was held just north of Toronto. The last time the Bilderberg group met in Canada was in June, 2006.When and where is it meeting this year? This year's session is set to start this Thursday in Vouliagmeni, Greece, just south of Athens. The global financial crisis will undoubtedly be on the agenda. Needless to say, Lord Black won't be in attendance. Superstar investor George Soros says Asia will lead the world out of recession. How likely is this to happen?
Apr. 17, 2009 -- Asia Pulse -- Today, Citizen Outreach launched a new website, exposing the activities of billionaire George Soros [size=12]Soros hurts the very people he claims to help by employing his global philanthropic network as a facade to deflect his dubious, non-transparent trading schemes that bankrupt countries, capital markets, and private sector companies. .. . Just last month, Soros released statements advocating financial aid for developing nations to distract the press and public from his attacks on Hungary's largest bank, OTP, that sabotaged the country's economy(1). "This sleight of hand is only one example of the many times he hid behind a disingenuous, pro-development cover to mask his shady dealings." Fortunately, will enable the public to see the real George Soros who risks the economic future of entire countries to fuel his own financial gains. With insight into Soros' true agenda, national governments can now take a more critical eye to his advice, such as his self-serving calls to shun foreign investors.that we believe undermine the global economy and cripple the livelihood of impoverished communities in the developing world. The website serves to educate the public about how[/SIZE]
March 19, 2009 -- Vanguard (Nigeria) -- The world renowned George Soros's $20 billion hedge fund company is considering direct investment in the Nigerian banking sector, thereby fueling speculations in the market on a possible increase on the number of foreign investors prospecting in the country irrespective of the world economic recession. Investigation revealed that Senior Analysts from Soros Fund Management paid a visit to Nigeria recently and held meaningful discussions with top government functionaries and selected bankers; a development financial analysts described as a good omen for the country, attributing it to the enormous potentials inherent in the Nigerian financial sector in terms of quick return on investments. The Hedge fund delegation, it was gathered met with representatives of Diamond Bank Plc in Lagos to discuss possibilities of creating investment windows. It was also learnt that other investors from the United Stated of America and Europe had also met with the banks not quite long ago.
March 10, 2009 -- The favorites of the [presidwntial] election did not attack each other at the beginning of the campaign. However, SNS leader Jan Slota raked the candidate of the Slovak Democratic and ChristianUnion (SDKU) [Iveta Radicova] over the coals. "It would really be a great tragedy if a person who collected signatures against the establishment of Slovak statehood, a person who was on the board of directors of the Open Society Foundation financed by (George) Soros, a person who is now grinning from billboards in southern Slovakia and addressing the Slovak nation in the Hungarian language, became president. This would be a tragedy," said Slota.
March 4, 09. Nova Makedonija. Isaac Adijas, US management and organization professor, visited Macedonia last week to hold a lecture on the topic of "How Firms Should Be Managed in Times of Crisis," sponsored by Svetozar Janevski (Skopje brewery owner) (known as Sveto Brewery). Yet, this lecture was obviously an alibi for the key purpose of his visit. Adijas had been actually entrusted with a secret diplomatic-political mission related to the state's name. This person, who became our fellow national in 2007, has become a mediator in the clandestine talks between Branko Crvenkovski and (Greek Foreign Minister) Dora Bakoyianni. Namely, the (future) SDSM leader informed Isaac Adijas that the dispute with Greece would have been resolved by now if Nikola Gruevski had accepted (UN name mediator) Nimetz's latest proposal. This proposal was "Northern Macedonia," but Gruevski rejected it with silence, whereas Crvenkovski accepted it explicitly. The Macedonian president's package consists of the following: by accepting a new name, the state would experience yet another essential constitutional transformation. From a unitary state, Crvenkovski would turn the already former Macedonia into "an Alliance of Nations." In this new state with a new name for general use, in the subsequent and last phase, having begun to enjoy the benefits of NATO accession, the former Macedonians would peacefully accept their renaming, which would come out of the consent to accept the Greek requirement with an utter loss of our name. Crvenkovski informed Professor Adijas, who is a close friend of Bakoyianni's family, about the tactics that he plans to apply to realize his strategic conspiracy, as well. He reportedly plans to stage large-scale, constant, and pan-national protests against the government's economic policy this fall. According to Adijas, Crvenkovski is apparently convinced that, due to public pressure, Gruevski would be forced to resign, after which the SDSM leader -- certainly being a confirmed statesman -- would again be saving Macedonia. Convinced that this scenario is attainable, good, and the only rational solution, Isaac Adijas left for Israel, certainly via Athens to convey the good news to Bakoyianni. Crvenkovski has activated his economic council as part of his plot. Vlade Milcin, a prominent logistic officer of the projects of the SDSM and his boss Soros, has started organizing tribunes dedicated to the elections, whereas "the experts" are all mouth and trousers while elaborating on their economic theories on the state's grim economic prospects if it stays outside the EU.
Dec. 14, 2008 -- The Observer -- A massive surge in short-selling helped to push the pound to a record low against the euro last week, according to market sources. Its plunging value has prompted memories of the currency's inglorious exit from the exchange rate mechanism in 1992, when hedge-fund managers such as George Soros made billions by betting against sterling, which had come under speculative attack. It is not known whether Soros is involved this time.
Dec. 12, 2008 - Unian News Agency -- Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko claims that the government takes into account advises of famous financier George Soros when working over overcoming consequences of the world financial crisis. According to an UNIAN correspondent, the Prime Minister said this to a press conference on Friday. She confirmed that she had met with G.Soros and discussed ways of reducing the negative influence of the world financial crisis upon the Ukrainian economics. "All his advises are today implemented in a form of laws and governmental resolutions, they are public and you may study them", Yulia Tymoshenko said.
Kviris Palitra, Tbilisi, 8 Dec. 2008 -- Opposition New Right Party leader Davit Gamqrelidze has said that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is no longer acceptable "either to the West or the Georgian people as a politician". Gamqrelidze also said Saakashvili was "dangerous" for Georgia, as he could "resort to provoking a war against Russia or a subversive act in Abkhazia" and his departure was a "matter of time", stressing that the opposition should prevent him from "inflicting damage on this country when departing" and should also "produce an alternative" to him . . .
(Gamqrelidze) "Because I knew what would follow the revolution. In addition, I was not in politics to eat cakes. That revolution was planned abroad and (US billionaire George) Soros' money was used in it. Soros funded my, Saakashvili's, and Zhvania's week-long trip to Belgrade to study revolution. They spoke with us there about Kmara (Enough - youth protest movement), how to organize people's arrival from regions, and the movement of convoys (of cars) towards the capital... We were told all this in Belgrade back at the beginning of 2003. Saakashvili and Kitsmarishvili agreed to replace the government in that manner. Kitsmarishvili no longer had any other chances then. So he betrayed his friend Zurab Zhvania and allied with the unhealthiest force (Saakashvili-led National Movement)."

The Evening Standard (London) November 18, 2008 -- Why the rich are rich. In the grilling by the House Oversight Committee in Washington of hedge fund bosses, in front of millions of TV viewers furious about how outfits like his have added to the world's financial crisis, George Sorosmanages to get in a plug for his book. Nice one George..
Tegucigalpa, 21 Nov 2008 (ACAN-EFE/Panama) - The president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, traveled today to the Dominican Republic to take part tomorrowin the regional seminar "The Emerging Global Financial Order," which will beheld in that country, an official source announced. A spokesman for the Presidential House announced simply that Zelaya left around 1430 local time (2030 GMT) on a private flight. He added that the seminar in the Dominican Republic willbring together several Latin American presidents and international experts on economic issues for several days. The Dominican president, Leonel Fernandez, and his counterparts Elias Antonio Saca of El Salvador, Manuel Zelaya of Honduras, and the prime minister of Haiti, Michele Pierre-Louis, will participate in this event. Also participating will be the general secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Alicia Barcena; the secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS),Jose Miguel Insulza; and US financier George Soros, among others, as wasreported today from Santo Domingo. The seminar will end next Sunday.
November 18, 2008 -- Ukrayinska Pravda. -- Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko and international investor George Soros met to speak about the global financial crisis, Deputy Prime Minister Hryhoriy Nemyrya, who attended the talks, has confirmed in an interview with (news and analysis website) Ukrayinska Pravda. He said that Tymoshenko met Soros on Saturday two weeks ago, although his visit had not been announced.
"George Soros, a well-known financier and president of the Open Society Institute, paid a brief visit to Ukraine on 8 November on Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko's invitation," said Nemyrya. "The meeting focused on the problems posed by the global financial crisis and its effects on Ukraine. Nemyrya said Soros shared his views on how to implement the anti-crisis plan backed by the International Monetary Fund.

November 14, 2008 -- National Post (Canada) -- Neil Hrab: Democrat Soros backs Bush on danger of regulatory fever.
What if two famous figures from complete opposite ends of the political spectrum gave speeches on the same topic, on the same day...and sounded like they were reading from the same script?

[Image: 960652.bin]That's what happened on Thursday, when George Soros, the billionaire donor to the Democratic Party, and Republican President George W. Bush appeared at separate events to discuss the global financial crisis.Soros spoke to a congressional committee hearing in Washington , while Bush spoke to an event sponsored by the pro-free-market Manhattan Institute in New York City.

Let's quickly run through some of the similarities in the two speeches.

First, both Soros and Bush blamed the current global economic turmoil on the same event-- the collapse of the U.S. mortgage bubble . . . Soros spoke about how he believes "in view of the tremendous losses suffered by the general public, there is a real danger that excessive deregulation will be succeeded by punitive reregulation. That would be unfortunate because regulations are liable to be even more deficient than the market mechanism [in moderating investor behaviour]...[R]egulators are not only human but also bureaucratic and susceptible to lobbying and corruption." Soros hopes that legislators can "preempt a regulatory overkill" by thinking carefully about any reforms to the financial system.

Bush made the same point, but put it a bit differently. He conceded that "we must ensure that markets, firms, and financial products are properly regulated." He also noted that "some blame the crisis on insufficient regulation of the American mortgage market," and countered that "many European countries had much more extensive regulations [than the U.S.], and still experienced problems almost identical to our own."

Nov. 10, 2008 -- Clarin. Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo met with Soros during Oct. visit to United States. From Clarin interview with Lugo:
Olazar) How was your visit to the White House as chief of state?
(Lugo) It gave me great satisfaction to be in one of the main power centers in the world, with so many generations of democratic presidents who have been in that building with such a rich history. I was with President (George W.) Bush, who was among the first people to congratulate me after my 20 April victory.
(Olazar) Did you ask for guidance; were you given advice on how to face the challenges ahead?
(Lugo) Of course we took advantage of the chance to be close to certain important world figures to exchange ideas with them, such as Joseph Stiglitz, George Soros, and (Carlos) Slim, or the owner of Bimbo (bread). They affirm -- and we are certain -- that Paraguay has the potential to make progress and to become an agro-industrial power. Every day we are visited by investors who specifically ask us if they will not have to pay bribes to invest. They trust in our desire to do things well.
TALLINN. Nov 6 (Interfax) - Former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari and U.S. financier George Soros, speaking at a forum on Thursday, called on the West to try to build a friendlier relationship with Russia.Ahtisaari, who is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, told the forum, whose theme was future relations between the European Union and Russia, that the West should tone down what he called hostile rhetoric about Russia and start more pragmatic discussions with Moscow.

October 31, 2008 -- The Romanian web site reported on a report issued by the Soros Romania Foundation that criticized members of the Romanian Parliament. The report even mentioned that Senator Adrian Paunescu sleeps during Senate debates.
The latest interference by Soros in the domestic affairs of Eastern and Central European mirrors similar intervention by the faux progressive multi-billionaire in Latin American, African, and south and central Asian affairs.
October 31, 2008 -- Sarajevo's Slobodna Bosna news magazine, published weekly and bi-weekly, receives support from the Soros Foundation. It is reporting that US "war crimes envoy" Clint Williamson wants Bosnia-Herzegovina's Security Minister dismissed over his alleged ties to Abu Hamza, linked to "Algerian Group" of "Al Qaeda."
Oct. 4, 2008 - AKIPress News Agency -- State Secretary Nur uulu Dosbol met with George Soros, Soros Fund Management LLC President, in New York on September 29, Soros Foundation - Kyrgyzstan told AKIpress. George Soros and Nur uulu Dosbol discussed progress of reforms implemented in the Kyrgyz Republic in the area of education, human rights protection and other areas of a mutual concern . . . State Secretary Nur uulu Dosbol said the Government of Kyrgyzstan is interested in providing support to activities of the Soros Foundation - Kyrgyzstan. State Secretary Nur uulu Dosbol visited New York to attend the 63rd Session of UN General Assembly on September 23-October 2.
World News Connection, Oct. 1, 08 -- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at Press Conference in New York, Sep. 29, 2008:
Question: In your speech on Saturday you called for elaboration of principle of international law that states should refrain from propaganda of war and aggression. How is that to be applied to coverage of the war in Georgia and how it might affect press freedom? What can you say concerning the sources of funding of the government of President Saakashvili?
Foreign Minister Lavrov: As to the situation with coverage of the events started by the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia, I consider that the actions of the Georgian leadership unambiguously fall within the category of state propaganda of aggressive war. In the same direction, although, perhaps, not as zealously, many other western media were working, when there were also outright forgeries of information. CNN was showing a picture from the Russian television channel Russia Today that depicted the burning city of Tskhinval after Georgian artillery, Grad multiple rocket launchers and aircraft had bombed it and the CNN announcer gave the explanation that the picture showed the city of Gori destroyed by the Russian army. Later, it is true, after several hours they explained that a mistake had occurred, but the footage of the burning city was being shown for hours while the mistake was mentioned in passing and they did not return to this theme anymore. There are quite a bit of such examples, by the way, both for electronic and for printed media.
I shall also mention that, from the very first days of the start of the war against South Ossetia, the Georgian leadership held its people in an information blockade, having absolutely shut off the possibility for Georgian citizens to get alternative assessments of what was occurring. The broadcasting of all Russian television channels was banned and this continues to this day, along with the closure of access to the Russian Internet for the citizens of Georgia. Such are the facts. I do not know what is occurring in the Georgian capital right now, but according to some information journalists are being persecuted there. Some of them are even possibly arrested, I guess. But on the whole it is a very harmful and dangerous path when leaders attempt to dictate to the press a particular assessment of what is happening and do not allow it to honestly report on events and things seen. Here's one example. When I went to Tskhinval and Sukhum about ten days ago, before the trip two Georgian television channels which operate in Moscow had asked us to take their correspondents and cameramen to South Ossetia and Abkhazia along with us. We had agreed. These correspondents and cameramen filmed many stories, spoke to residents in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and filmed destructions in Tskhinval and in other parts of South Ossetia. I was interested to know what of all that footage would later be shown on Georgian television. We asked staff members at our embassy, which so far remains in Georgia, because Mikhail Saakashvili has broken off diplomatic relations, but it is not yet clear how the Georgian side wants to retain some of its presence in Russia; accordingly the presence of Russia in Georgia will depend on this, but for the time being we have our staff there ' well I asked them how the reports of these two television channels whose correspondents had traveled with us on that trip were being presented. I was told that there were a few very brief, absolutely neutral stories, from which one could form no idea of the extent of the devastation which the Georgian action had inflicted upon South Ossetia or of the emotions South Ossetian residents had splashed out in communication with the journalists.
So I believe responsibility for coverage of conflicts is particularly high. There is something that all the media ought to strive for, in this regard. I do not think that there is some medium which can position itself as being absolutely irreproachable. Honesty and a striving not to hide the truth I think is the key to everyone being able to sleep calmly, to their conscience being calm. Now regarding what sources are drawn on to pay for the activities of the Georgian leadership. I have heard many rumors and reports. I know that they are now being checked and verified. At a point in the past, I believe, George Soros sponsored Georgian government members. Now I hear that the United Nations Development Program spent some of its funds for this purpose. This has to be sorted out. The chief thing is that the rules should not be violated on the basis of which the world body and all of its entities, funds and programs operate. Somebody privatizing this organization cannot be tolerated.
CTK News Agency, Sept. 25, 2008 -- Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (senior ruling Smer-Social Democracy, Smer-SD) today lashed out at the Aliancia Fair-Play non-governmental organization which said recently that Fico's party had illegally accepted gifts. Fico accused the organization of lies and threatened to sue it if it did not apologize to Smer-SD.He also indicated that American financier George Soros, the Alliancia's sponsor, had a negative attitude towards the Slovak government. Note: How many other countries will Soros be permitted to interfere in until the FBI neutralizes this meddlesome problem?
Ukraine General News Wire, Sept. 23, 2008 -- Ukrainian President Viktor Yuschenko has met with Chairman of the Open Society Institute and the International Renaissance Foundation George Soros. The sides discussed the development of cooperation with the International Renaissance Foundation in the context of implementing democratic, social and economic reforms in Ukraine.
'28 Sep 08 -- The Post (Pakistan) -- President Asif Ali Zardari Saturday met the global financier and philanthropist, George Soros and discussed with him the challenges facing the new democratic government in economy and other areas. The President apprised him of the government's resolve to free Pakistan from the shackles of poverty, hunger, terrorism and disunity. George Soros paid rich tributes to late Benazir Bhutto and her struggle for democracy, human rights and freedom of press.
17 Sep 08 -- -- American billionaire businessman George Soros has declared that he never held any interest in buying Roma, despite constant reports to the contrary during the summer . . . The Italian press has been full of reports this year that Roma will be sold to new owners due to the fact that the club's parent company, Italpetroli, were estimated to possess debts in the region of €370m. Many of the groups linked with a take-over have all been led by American businessmen. The name most associated has been that of 78-year-old billionaire Soros.
22 June 06 -- Istanbul Milliyet (Internet Version-WWW). Column: Soros is the leading speculator and manipulator of our time. He exerts his influence on the political and social structures and economies of countries he chooses. He has the financial power to do this. He steers economies through investment funds that are active in the financial and stock markets of different countries. He "shapes" the social and political structures of countries with people he gathers around foundations and associations that spread to these countries through the "spider web" model built under the rubric of "Open Society Institutes." . . . By now there is no one left who does not know how Soros, a 76-year-old Hungarian Jew, has shaken the economies of different countries and how he has influenced the transformation of their social and political structures . . . Soros's interest in Turkey is growing. The "spider web" in Turkey is growing stronger. One notable development is the rapid growth in the ranks of "Soros supporters" in Turkey . . . I do not like Soros. I find his relationships in Turkey wrong and harmful. This is why Soros scares me. However what difference does it make if I do not like Soros? There are so many others who like Soros. Just look at our honorable ministers responsible for EU affairs, the economy, and energy at this time of crisis. They leave Ankara and rush to Istanbul to have dinner with Soros.
Sep 19, 2007 Baltic News Service. An aide to Latvia's former Prime Minister Andris Skele has delivered scathing criticism of Latvian organizations funded by US billionaire George Soros . . . Soros-funded organizations always want to check others' finances," Skele's aide Marcis Bendiks said in an interview with Latvia's NRA daily . . . Soros is the same in Latvia, in Estonia, and the US. He only has found a fertile soil here in Latvia, because the government here is impotent... Soros is not the reason for the weak state power. The reason is the short-sightedness, stupidity and total degeneration of the ruling elite," Bendiks said . . . In the interview to NRA, Skele's aide calls Latvia's present cabinet, led by Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis, the worst government ever, accusing at the same time former prime minister Andris Berzins of inviting Soros-funded organizations to inspect government affairs. "Tactically, it was very convenient to Berzins. He invited the Soros-funded organizations to oversee the privatization of Latvijas Kugnieciba (LASCO) shipping company. Since Soros's interest in the sell off of the shipping company had waned by that time, the inspection ended with nothing," Bendiks said. "It is not easy for most of the Latvian public to realize that Soros's ideas and activities of the organizations funded by him are destructive, because nobody really understands how Soros intends to recover the millions he has invested here," Bendiks concluded.
The Baltic Times, Mar 21, 2007 -- The integrity of Latvia's parliament, elected last October, was thrown into doubt after rumors spread that as many as 31 deputies may have been on the payroll of Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs, who was arrested March 14 on charges of bribery, money laundering and tax evasion. . . . "What stipends?" he countered when asked by journalists on March 19 in a Kuldiga court, where Lembergs is under litigation in a minor abuse of power case. "This is being done in order to dissolve the Saeima." As Lembergs explained, the chief forces behind this push to disband parliament are [President] Vike-Freiberga and political structures backed by U.S. billionaire George Soros. "What's taking place is reminiscent of American PR methods. A good question - why does the head of state [Vike-Freiberga] need this?" he said. For his part, Lembergs has become increasingly critical of the president, and now mentions her name in the same sentence as George Soros with increasing frequency. Soros, for Lembergs, has become the focal point of supposed nefarious external influence on Latvia's domestic affairs, as has the government of the United States.
B2B, Belgrade, May 2, 07: . . .Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) vice president and cabinet [science and environment] minister Aleksandar Popovic criticized the [Soros]comments sharply, saying that Soros saw fit to engage in Serbian internal matters, advocating dismemberment of the state and snatching of 15 per cent of Serbia's territory. "Serbia never called on Soros to deal with her state borders or the issues of her territorial integrity. Perhaps Soros wishes to assume the role of the United Nations Security Council, carving up borders as he sees fit and as fits his capital," Popovic said.
Today AZ. Feb. 19, 2008 - The Open Society Institute will not finance projects for monitoring the presidential election in Azerbaijan this fall, chief executive of the Institute in Azerbaijan Farda Asadov recently announced, according to the news agency Novosti-Azerbaijan. Asadov said organizations better suited to dealing with election monitoring such as the OSCE and the US National Democratic Institute should participate in Azerbaijan's election. The decision was made based on the Fund's experience of being involved in previous Azerbaijani elections, Asadov said. "At the same time the fund took into account the experience of its Iranian partners, who were arrested for cooperation with the Soros Fund," Asadov added.
Tajik Avesta, 25 Sep. 06: The Tajik branch of [Soros Foundation's] Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation is starting a new programme on training lawyers in the media sector, Avesta has been told at the Dushanbe office of the Soros Foundation. The first step will be the organization of expanded training seminars on international standards of freedom of speech for media lawyers, journalists and representatives from human rights NGOs. The seminar started its work on Monday, 25 September . . . Two lawyers from neighbouring Afghanistan will also attend the seminar.
Kyrgyz AKIpress, Oct 4, 07: Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Ednan Karabayev met George Soros, founder of his charity foundation, in New York on 1 October 2007.
Karabayev and Soros discussed opportunities of expanding educational and social programmes for Kyrgyzstan and also exchanged opinions on issues of ensuring international security.

Feb 2, 07 (PANA): Billionaire and world philanthropist George Soros, accompanied by Queen Noor of Jordan are in Liberia for a four-day visit as guests of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. Soros, founder of the Open Society Initiative (OSIWA) and Queen Noor, widow of the late King Hussein of Jordan arrived in the country on Thursday evening as Chinese President Hu Jintao departed after a one-day official visit.
5 Jun 07 (EFE) -- Billionaire investor George Soros said here Tuesday that he has joined local partners in a $900 million venture to produce ethanol in Brazil.
Speaking at a press confererence after a gathering in Sao Paulo billed as the "Ethanol Summit," Soros said he was putting only his own money into the project, not that of the investment fund he manages.

June 13 07 (BTA) European Affairs Minister Gergana Gruncharova conferred Wednesday [ 13 June] with Open Society Institute Chairman George Soros, discussing successful absorption of structural funds, joining the euro-zone, the process of accession of the Western Balkans to the EU and energy cooperation, the Foreign Ministry Information Service aid. Gruncharova outlined the priorities of the Bulgarian Government in the development of common European policies and underscored that Bulgaria is interested in participating actively in the European debate . . . Soros is here to take part the 10th Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015. Open Society Institute (OSI) and the World Bank are the main partners of this international initiative, in which 9 countries of Central and Eastern Europe participate. Bulgaria holds the rotating presidency of this international initiative, from July 1, 2006, until the end of this month.
Sept. 14, 07- (Xinhua) -- One of the world's best-known fund managers, George Soros, plans to invest in the oil palm plantation sector in Indonesia's Aceh province, local press said Friday. Soros reportedly is interested in developing an oil palm plantation of about 20,000 hectares during the first stage, reported English daily the Jakarta Post, quoting a top Aceh official as saying.
May 18, 06 -- Interfax -- Several hundred activists of the Anti-Soros public movement held a theatrical manifestation in downtown Tbilisi on Wednesday. Participants in the action wore costumes of monsters, while a blindfolded young woman representing Themis held a pair of scales and rode a donkey back to front. A man in the mask of U.S. businessman George Soros led the donkey. The man told journalists during the manifestation that Soros had broughtGeorgia into disaster and impoverishment. "Today, there is no justice in Georgia at all and the world should know this,' he said. The Anti-Soros movement, which unites real opposition forces, wants the immediate resignation of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, the dissolution of the parliament and new elections, activists said in front of the Georgian parliament.
April 2 07 (Interfax) - The Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation on Monday opened in Almaty a school for NGOs that will offer a training and analysis course on how to monitor business processes. Opening the school, Board Chairman of the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation Dariusz Zietek voiced the conviction that the open society toward which Kazakhstan is striving has the right to know how and on what taxpayers' funds are spent.
Feb 2 06. (Interfax) - Regime changes brought about through color revolutions in a number of former Soviet republics are aimed at weakening Russia, not at the strengthening of the CIS, head of the Antisoros organization Maya Nikoleishvili said at a press conference in Tbilisi on Thursday. "Saakashvili's coming to power with the support of Soros and his policy is a vivid example of attempts to discredit Russia in the international arena," she said. The Antisosros organization has conducted a poll dealing with Tbilisi residents' attitudes to Soros' activity in Georgia in January, she said. "The poll was conducted amongst 1,500 respondents and 70% of them assessed Soros' activity in Georgia as negative," Nikoleishvili said.
24 January 07: Asia-Plus .A forum of the Persian-language press will take place in Dushanbe on 11 and 12 March. Adolat Umarova, the editor-in-chief of the Millat newspaper, has told Asia-Plus that the forum is entitled "The Persian-language press in conditions of globalization: partnership and distance". She said that the main purpose of the forum is to create and develop a single information space of Persian-speaking nations, as well as to set up an association of journalists for free and unbiased coverage of events in Tajikistan and abroad, and that of the lives of Tajiks and other Persian-speaking nations of the world. "The organizers expect that the event will facilitate the strengthening of social, cultural, scientific and market relations among Persian-speaking nations, as well as the setting up of an international association of the founders of the Persian-language press," Umarova noted.
Feb 23, 07 - El Cronista: According to Venezuelan reports, relations between President Kirchner's wife and George Soros, whose investment fund Adecoagro signed a letter of intent to purchase 62% of the dairy company, made her oppose the replacement of the Hungarian financier by the Venezuelan Development Bank as the source of financing for Sancor. Soros was apparently the first link between Cristina Kirchner and Hillary Clinton, to whom Cristina wants to be increasingly close. Soros, Argentine Consul in New York Hector Timerman, and Council of the Americas President Susan Segal have been the ones opening doors for her within the political and economic society of the Big Apple. "This may have been the main reason for the First Lady to choose to stay in Buenos Aires instead of being part of the entourage that traveled to Puerto Ordaz. Additionally, it should be noted that her dislike of Alicia Castro, the Argentine ambassador to Caracas, is well known.
Feb. 6, 07: (PANA) - American billionaire and philanthropist, George Soros has insisted in Monrovia following a four-day visit that "Liberia eminently qualifies for international donors support". Soros, a friend of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf spanning over two decades, toured several parts of war-ravaged Monrovia and even visited Nimba county at Liberia's northeastern border with Guinea and Cote d'Ivoire before leaving last weekend. He expressed optimism that Liberia has a "remarkable chance to bring about positive change" as there continues go be sufficient international goodwill. Soros, who has personally donated millions of dollars to various Liberian projects, including the elections in 2005, wished for Liberia to achieve success in its economic recovery and reconstruction initiatives.
He told journalists that he would not personally engage in business activities in Liberia due to his long-time acquaintance with Johnson- Sirleaf, but promised to encourage foreign investors to help revive the country's electricity sector.
He promised to encourage the international community to provide assistance to the cash strapped Liberia Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) and Liberia in general.
Soros spoke of a number of projects his Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) is currently engaged in ...
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